"Ukyo-san! I'm going to go out. I'll be back before dinner though."

Ema went down in the elevator, walking out of the lobby. Eto… where was the pharmacy Masaomi wanted me to go to? Ema followed the small, undescriptive map that her oldest step-brother drew. Oh well… I'll find it eventually. She walked down the street, until she came to a dead end. Ema turned around, retracing her steps. She sighed, already feeling a bit tired.

"Oi, imōto!" Ema turned around to find her other step-brother.

"Natsume-san!" She sighed inwardly, relieved to see his familiar orange-hair and kind face.

"Are you lost?" Natsume asked as he got closer. Ema nodded her head, a bit embarrassed about being lost.

"I can't find the pharmacy that Masaomi-san wanted me to go to." She handed him the tiny map. Natsume chuckled.

"I'll show you the way." On an impulse, Natsume grabbed Ema's hand that was dangling by her side into his big hands. A little blush crept onto both of their faces as they looked away.

They stopped in front of the pharmacy where Masaomi was working at.

"Eto… thanks for walking me here, Natsume-san." Ema shifted her feet nervously around, not making eye contact with him.

"Y-you're welcome," he replied. He didn't want to let go of her small, delicate hand, but he knew what he was doing was wrong. He knew he couldn't love his imōto like this, nevertheless, his step-sister.

"Ema –" Natsume started.

"Ema-chan!" Masaomi interrupted, pushing the door open. "I need you to take this back to Wataru, please! His medicine finally came in, but I can't leave right now…" The urgency in Masaomi's voice faded away the moment he saw Natsume standing there holding Ema's hand.

"Ah…hai! I'll go back now." Ema took the bag from Masaomi's hand and turned around to face Natsume. "Thank you for walking with me, Natsume-san." With that, she quickly spun on her heels and scurried back home with the prescriptioned medicine in her hands.

"Wataru-kun?" Ema pushed his door open. "Watauru-kun, I'm coming in. I brought your medicine." No reply from the figure on the bed. She slowly made her way towards the covered body and leaned over him, shaking him gently.

"Wataru-kun, wake up." The little boy groaned, flipping around. Suddenly, an arm snaked out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down on top of him.

"Wataru-kun!" Ema gasped out. Instead of the gentle hazel eyes looking at her, she found a pair of mischievous brown eyes staring at her intensely.

"Onee-san, it's impolite to wake someone up you know," the boy purred seductively. "I might have to punish you."


"Are you surprised, onee-san?" Ema didn't move – she was too shocked to say anything else. Fuuto's other arm trailed downwards to her slim waist, pulling her closer to him.

"You can't run away now, onee-san." Fuuto nibbled on her ear, causing her to gasp. Her face began to flush and she stammered nervously.

"F-fuuto-k-kun. You c-c-can't do t-this." Her already-wide brown eyes grew bigger. Ema tried to pull her arm back from Fuuto's grasp, but he wouldn't let go. Ema knew that she should pull away harder, but she found herself slowly giving in to him. Ema tried again, "Fuuto-kun, stop it. I'm your onee-san." But her last sentence came out in a whisper.

"Don't worry, I like older women. Especially ones like you." His soft lips trailed down from her red earlobe to her jawline, going further down to her neck. She moaned softly as his teeth gently scraped against her neck, making her pulse jump a little.

"Fuuto-kun, please. S-stop." She hated how weak her voice sounded right now, but she was hating how weak she really was. Ema found the strength inside of her to push Fuuto's chest, but he grabbed both of her wrists, making them switch positions – now she was on the bed with Fuuto leaning over her. He nibbled on her collarbone, leaving behind little tingling sensations. Suddenly he stopped, smiling at her.

"We'll stop here for now, onee-san." Fuuto released his grip on her and stood up, winking before he left Wataru's room. Stunned, Ema sat up on Wataru's small bed. She fixed the collar of her blouse and grabbed the medicine that she had dropped earlier. How can I fix this? I can't let anyone else know about it. She got up and left the room.

"Onee-san!" A happy voice cried out in the kitchen. Ema smiled as she recognized Wataru's voice. "Did you get it?"

"Mhmm hmm. I got it, Wataru-kun." She set the medicine down on the counter and grabbed a spoon to pour the pink liquid out of the bottle. Wataru scrunched his button nose up in disgust.

"Eww, onee-san! It looks bad!" He complained. Ema chided him gently, "Masaomi-san said for you to take this. Here." She held the spoon out for him to eat; he did so reluctantly.

"I'll get better by tomorrow so I won't have to eat that anymore!" Wataru declared. He hated getting sick, but now that Ema was with him, he thought he could handle being sick with the flu if she could care for him all the time like Masaomi.

Yuusuke gnawed on his napkin, envious that his crush was spoon-feeding his youngest brother. He was hiding behind the kitchen door watching the two of them.

"Yuusuke! Yo!"

Yuusuke jumped up in surprise, startled, only to find Tsubaki laughing silently with tears in his eyes.

"W-what are you d-doing, Tsubaki-nii?" Yuusuke growled angrily.

"You looked so funny, that I just had to scare you, Yuu-kun!" Tsubaki continued to laugh, this time loudly. The kitchen door was pushed open and Ema stood in the doorway.

"E-e-ema!" Yuusuke stuttered out.

"Ema-chan!" Tsubaki had managed to snag her hand and he lifted it up to his lips. He snuck a side-glance at the red-faced Yuusuke, smirking.

"EHH?! Tsuba-nii!"

Ema looked between them quizzically. Tsubaki released her hand and ruffled her hair before leaving, while Yuusuke glanced at the ground before turning to leave too.

Mumbling as he left, Ema looked on curiously before shrugging her shoulders. She turned back around to the kitchen to keep Wataru accompanied until Masaomi came home. I wonder what Yuusuke-kun and Tsubaki-kun were doing... oh well. As she re-entered the kitchen, she didn't feel two pairs of eyes staring at her quite intensely.

A/N: So I found the inspiration to write this, haha. Even though this was supposed to be a one-shot, it became a two-shot. Now here's the 3rd chapter. I might as well make this into a short story haha :) So leave reviews, favorite, and follow! Thanks guys for being so patient :)