Connor and Nabalungi sat alone at the bus stop for what seemed like forever. Arnold and Kevin had went on a three day "companionship evaluation weekend", as each group of companions did every once in a while. Connor and Nabalungi made small conversation until the bus finally arrived.

"Naba!" Arnold exited the bus doors as soon as they opened "I'm home!"

"Not quite yet," she laughed and hugged him "But soon"

"Arnold Cunningham!" Kevin called, as he jumped out the bus "You forgot your suitcase"

"Oops… Sorry…"

"No problem" he laughed and set the bags down "Hi Con!" he pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss, but Connor pulled back at the last second. "Hey now, is something wrong?"

"Nope" Connor said quickly, looking at his feet.

"That's bull." Kevin turned to Arnold and Nabalungi, who were already immersed in their own conversation "Hey, you guys can start walking. We'll catch up" He turned back to Connor "Now what's wrong?"

"It's just…" Connor kept his eyes low "Your face"

"My face?" Kevin was appalled "What's wrong with my face?"

"Nothing dear, nothing" Connor grabbed his hand, assuring him "You just… look… different"

"Different?" Kevin, terrified, raised a hand to his cheek and then laughed "Con, are you talking about my stubble?"

Connor buried himself in his boyfriend's chest "It's really, really cute"

Kevin laughed and hugged him "Thank you. I forgot to pack my razor. Can I have my kiss now?" he pouted "I've been waiting for three days"

Connor seemingly got over his embarrassment and scrunched his nose "But what if it itches?" Kevin ignored him and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. Connor melted into it. "Well?" he asked.

"I like it" Connor smiled flirtatiously, caressing Kevin's cheek. "It makes you look rough and tough"

"I don't already look rough and tough?"

"Nope" Connor kissed him again.

"Well we should get going" Kevin grabbed his bag "I need to get home and shave"

"What?" Connor was aghast "Why?"

"To annoy you"

"I hate you"

"You love me"

"I do"