Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your understanding and patience! and your patience shall be rewarded! My internet is finally set up AND I HAVE MY LAPTOP BACK! But sadly, I was going old fashioned and wrote all my plot lines out on paper and in the process of getting everything set up the ended up in water and now I don't have my plot lines anymore. *cries* So what I'm going to have to do is rewrite one story at a time with hopefully a similar yet new plot line! Please don't hate me! I tried finding my backups but I don't even remember where I had put them! I had searched frantically and this is making me wish I had kept a few electronic copies hidden here and here on my tablet, but noooooo, I only wanted to keep the chapters that I type and I've learned from my mistake. Please forgive me, but I'm only going to work on one story at a time so I can keep my focus starting with Emerged Anew. Most of it was already prewritten before I adopted it. so it'll be easier to figure out where to go from there.
Again I am sooooo sorry minna, but if I try doing them all at once, I'll start mixing up the plot lines while rewriting.