Chapter 1:

When Kensi went after Michelle she saw her fighting Sidorov's girls, then all of a sudden Michelle got pushed out of the window.

Kensi fired her gun trying to shoot Sidorov's girls, but they ran. She started looking for them then she heard Michelle's voice out beyond the window and she was flooded with relief. She knew she had to end this as fast as she could in order to save Michelle.

She got behind some boxes and fired two bullets towards the girls. She heard a scream and knew that one of them had been shot. She crawled silently to get closer to the other one and when she jumped over the boxes and fired her gun she hit the other girl in the shoulder making her fall down. But, the other girl was far from beaten and she stood up to fight Kensi. When Kensi tried to fire her gun again she found she was out of bullets, so she had no choice but to start fighting. With one punch in the face to the other girl, and another kick in the stomach, Kensi knocked her down and cuffed her. She searched for the other one but found that she was dead.

She ran to the window and tried to grab Michelle's hand but she was too far away, so Kensi pulled the curtains and threw them towards Michelle. When Michelle grabbed them Kensi bent down and was able to pull her up.

"Thanks." Michelle gasped as she tried to collect her breath.

"No worries." Kensi replied in relief, glad that she had gotten her to safety.

She put her hand on her ear trying to give Eric the status on what happened, but the coms were lost. Instead, she grabbed her phone and dialed Eric's number. When Eric answered she spoke.

"Hey Eric, I've got Michelle here with me, and one of Sidorov's girls. The other one is dead."

"You should get her to the boatshed as soon as possible; you'll meet Callen and Hetty there." Eric said in a shaking voice.

"What's wrong Eric?" Kensi asked.

"You'll know when you get there," was Eric's response.

So she took Michelle and Veronica (Sidorov's girl) and drove as fast as she could towards the boat house.

On the way Michelle asked Kensi, "What's going on?"

"I don't know, Eric told me to get to the boatshed as soon as I could." Kensi replied, trying to sound calm.

"If Sidorov got those girls to kill me, maybe our cover was exposed and he got Sam!" Michelle said in a scared tone.

Kensi tried to calm her down. "If anything happened to them we will be the first to know." Though in her mind she was praying that Michelle was wrong.

When they got to the boatshed they met Callen and Hetty, Kensi noticed that Callen was angry and shaking. She asked, "What's wrong?" Afraid of the answer.

Hetty said: "Janvier blew Sam's cover in the meeting they had, and after Michelle got out of Sidorov's warehouse he cuffed Sam to a briefcase full of gold and pushed him into the pool. That's when we lost contact with him."

"What about Deeks? He was supposed to be Sam's backup." Kensi asked.

"Indeed, when Mr. Deeks saw what happened he went to help Sam, but met with Sidorov and two men who asked him to trade his gun with the handcuff keys. They threw the keys in the pool so Mr. Deeks jumped after the keys and that's then we lost contact with Mr. Deeks too." Hetty answered.

Michelle started to cry; blaming herself for what happened to her husband, but Callen told her it was his fault not hers.

Kensi on the other hand froze when she heard what happened and started to remember the last thing they talked about: how he told her that she was jealous about him and Monica and how her response was harsh, complaining about his communication skills, and then how he shut her up by kissing her and how she ran away from him.

"Kensi… Kensi." Callen called Kensi, waking her up from the memories.

"Huh, what?" Kensi replied.

"Are you okay?" Callen asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Although she was so far away from fine.

"Good because I'm gonna need you on the top of your game." Callen told Kensi, who nodded in return.

In the meantime, in one of Sidorov's warehouses…..

The sound of Deeks' screaming filled the room, but there was no one who could hear the sound because the walls were sound proof. The drill digging through Deeks' teeth made blood come streaming out of his mouth and over his jacket and favorite shirt.

"Stop." Sidorov ordered his man, and then continued to ask Deeks, "Is Quinn an agent?"

"I told you man, I'm a police officer! We were casing the house; I don't know anything about this." Deeks managed to say while he was choking in his own blood, but he was rewarded with a punch in the stomach making him cough the blood out of his mouth.

"Is it safe to sell the bombs? Are there any undercover agents?" Sidorov asked again.

That drew a smile of disbelief from Deeks. "I don't know anything, I told you…" He got another punch before he could complete his answer.

"Give me the knife." Sidorov told his man, who turned to the table and grabbed the knife that was sharp as new.

Deeks face turned white as if all of the blood was drained from it. "What are you doing?" Deeks asked nervously.

Sidorov smiled, got closer to Deeks, and started tearing his shirt off. He placed the knife on his bare chest. "Is it safe to sell the bombs?"

When Deeks didn't answer he started pulling the knife slowly over his chest leaving a 3 inch cut just below his right shoulder. Deeks bit his bottom lip trying not to scream, but it didn't help. He let out a very loud cry of pain and started cursing Sidorov who laughed along with his man.

Sam watched what was happening from the other room and in his mind he is praying that Deeks will be strong and not give up his wife. He wishes Sidorov and his man would come back to torture him instead of Deeks.

Sidorov got tired of Deeks. He cut four cuts into Deeks' chest: they were deep and bleeding like an open faucet. In that moment Deeks started to lose consciousness, but he was awaked by a bucket full of water; they wanted him to feel every minute of torture.

In Deeks' mind he tried to think of anything that could get his mind away from the pain. That's when he remembered how his father used to beat the hell out of him. The thought itself made his body start to shake. He remembered how he used to think of the happy things that happened to him to help him deal with the pain, although they were rare and short they were enough to deal with the pain. But, here in this moment he doubted they would help. Suddenly he thought of Kensi and what she was doing now, and then the images of their last conversation came across his mind: how she was jealous of Monica and how he followed her to the bike and cupped her face and kissed her.

"Hey! Look at me." Sidorov yelled, snapping Deeks out of his thoughts. "Now I'm going to ask you and if you don't answer me your friend there will take the electric shocks, so let's start again. Is it safe to sell the bombs?"

Deeks didn't know what to do. If he didn't talk then Sam would be electrocuted. He knew that he could take the torture and not give up Michelle but he didn't know how Sam's health was… did he have enough strength in his body to resist? He was pulled out of his thoughts when Sidorov asked his man to turn the power on and Sam started to shake. What could he do? What should he do?