Hermione looked at the shattered mirror in front of her with an expressionless face. Truthfully, she didn't even remember how it happened. She was just looking at her reflection. But maybe on some deep level something she saw in that reflection didn't settle with her because the next thing she knew the mirror was shattered on the floor.

It had to be wandless magic. Oh how she wished she could control it. Maybe if she could, she would have been able to rip Klaus's cold heart right out of his chest and feed it to the bastard.

Curiously, she lifted a piece of glass off the bathroom floor. She felt the sharp tip with her thumb.

She didn't know why she did it, she really didn't. But a few seconds later the glass was cutting through her wrist.




She opened her heavy eyelids tiredly. What the hell… oh. She wasn't dead? Shame. She shifted her gaze until it finally rested on the angry original vampire that had been watching her for hours now.

Klaus was standing beside her bed with the most furious expression she had ever seen on anyone. "What the bloody hell were you thinking?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"Go to hell." she whispered

Klaus punched the wall beside the bed furiously, leaving a big hole in its wake. Hermione winced.

"I hate you. I hate that I thought you would ever help me. I hate you Klaus. I hate you."

Klaus's dead heart clenched painfully. She never called him Klaus. It was always Nick. He had always been her Nick.

He swallowed a lump that had formed in his throat before replying "I'd rather you hate me than see you dead"

Hermione sat up in her bed with a groan "Then I'll kill myself. I swear I won't stop till I kill myself. I won't stop trying until you let me go."

Klaus eyes narrowed into angry slits "I'm not above having someone watch you twenty four seven."

A small sob escaped her lips as she looked at him "How could you do this? How can you be so heartless? I cared for you so much. I thought you at least…I thought you would…"

klaus clenched his fists "You think I don't care? "He yelled, his eyes glaring at her intensely "You think I don't bloody CARE?"

Hermione looked up at him defiantly, tears shining in her eyes "You don't care for anyone but yourself."

Grabbing her shoulders, he shook her slightly; careful not to hurt her "I care for you more than anyone will ever care for you. More than potter will ever care for you! Don't you dare tell me I don't bloody care!" he hissed

The tears she had been holding finally escaped her eyes and she turned her head away from him. "Don't lie to me" she whispered "If you cared, you never would have left me. You never would have hurt me. You're selfish Klaus. You only care for things when it's convenient for you. But you don't know the real meaning of love or friendship…and I…I feel sorry for you."

Klaus looked at her with wide eyes for a full minute before replying "What I did was necessary." He replied finally "I-I would have come back for you"

They both knew he was lying

Hermione felt her dry lips form a bitter smile. Suddenly she lifted her newly healed hand grabbed Klaus's upper arm "Help me up please"

Klaus looked at her questioningly before complying. Seconds later she was flush against him. She buried her head in his chest and wrapped her arms around him.

Klaus could swear he felt his heart beat for a second when she put her arms around him. He didn't know what made her hug him, maybe she had hit her head somewhere when she fell. But whatever it was, he was thankful.

He wrapped his arms around her waist firmly.

After a few seconds she brought a hand up and placed it at the back of his neck. Klaus closed his eyes. If he opened them she might be able to see everything. And he didn't want that. And...what was she doing?"

She titled up her head and slowly brought his down. She looked between his closed eyes and his lips before finally brushing her lips against his.

Klaus's eyes opened in shock but he didn't move away. And as the seconds passed, he could feel his eyes closing again…

Seconds, minutes and maybe even hours passed before she pulled back. Then she wordlessly sat back on her bed, took an antique looking dagger out from under her pillow and quickly plunged it into her heart with a groan.


Klaus quickly rushed by her side and bit his wrist. He held his bleeding wrist in front of her mouth as he tore the knife out of her heart. "What the have you done!?"

Hermione stubbornly kept her mouth closed as her life slipped away from her. Her eyes met his for an agonizing second and she almost smiled at the tears that were running down his face.

Huh, so he really did care…

Those were her final thoughts before suddenly, everything went blank.


"Yes Hermione?"

"What does dying feel like?"

"…why do you ask?"

"Well, I don't think I'm going to live very long. There's a war coming you know."

"Don't be ridicules. You're only fourteen. You're not going to be participating in any kind of war."

"Just answer the question please?"

"Well, it's like…turning cold from the inside. You can feel everything turning cold."

"Hmm…that doesn't seem so bad."

"It's worse than it sounds, believe me."

"Does it hurt?"


"Then what's so bad about it?"

"There are some things that feel worse than pain. Death is one of them. It's not actually physical pain but at the same time it's the worst kind of pain you'll ever experience."


"You must be the most unusual teenage girl I have seen in my entire life…or unlife."

"And you're the most annoying vampire I've ever met."

"I'm the only vampire you have ever met."

"Shut up"

Malfoy living room

"It's time." Voldemort hissed "Bring the boy."

Seconds later Harry Potter was dragged into the Malfoy living room by two Deatheaters. Harry looked at Voldemort with hatred and disgust burning in his eyes. "Bastard!" he spat, struggling to break free.

Voldemort chuckled coldly "Harry potter. I hope you've enjoyed your stay here. Because sadly, as most things do, it has come to an end. And it's time say goodbye."

Harry growled "You're a coward. And you'll get what's coming to you. Whether it be by my hands or someone else. You'll get what you deserve."

Voldemort grinned "Unfortunately my dear Harry…you won't be alive to see it."

Harry closed his eyes.

It was time.

Nobody would ever know what his final thoughts were. Nobody would ever know that he was thankful for death and nobody would ever know that the final image that had crossed his mind was that of a smiling brunette with wild hair…

I'll see you soon…

"Avada Kedavra!"

And the boy who lived was history.