The Day Mikan Watched A Horror Movie
The Dining Hall of the Middle School was as crowed as it was a few hours ago. Tired students had come to get their energy refilled by grabbing a bite to eat.
Hotaru,Ruka,Yuu,Anna,Nono,Mochu and Kitsune were already at the table having their dinner. Yuu was giving a few pointers to Mochu on Math while Anna was talking to Nonoko and Ruka about how much the quality of the food had improved. Hotaru,was too busy eating to indugle herself in any conversation.
Sumire and Koko shortly joined them with their dinner trays. They both occupied the vacant opposite seats besides Mochu and Anna.
"Where's Natsume?" Mochu asked Ruka. Koko sniggered.
"With Mikan!" Ruka replied happily.
"I heard that too! Koko told me." Sumire said.
"Isn't is so cute?" Sighed Anna.
"I wonder if they'll be coming to dinner?" Asked Yuu.
"Of course they will. They have to eat." Nonoko said while dabbing some sauce on her spagetti.
"Hey,I wondered if..." Kitsune said but he was interrupted when they heard a boy telling his friends rather loudly;
"OMFG! I just saw Natsume Hyuuga carrying Mikan Sakura on his back! That's hardcore man!"
And just as he spoke,Natsume and Mikan entered the hall,hand in hand. Mikan was using her free hand to clutch Natsume's arm whereas her boyfriend had his other hand in his pockets.
Mummurs were heard all around the Hall as soon as they had strolled in. They were after all,one of the very popular couples in the Academy.
The gang looked up at the couple enthusiastically as the they made way to their table. Hotaru and Ruka,being the loyal friends that they were had left two vacant seats in between them which Mikan and Natsume occupied. Ruka gave the two a warm smile and Natsume patted his back as he sat down.
"Well if it isn't Mikan and Natsume.." Koko smirked.
"Hey everyone! Sorry we're late!" Mikan waved at all who were present. She was still clutching Natsume's arm.
"Hello Mikan! How's your preparation been going?" Yuu asked.
"Err,well I stopped for today Yuu! But Natsume will be helping me out for the next two days!" Mikan said happily.
"Awwww! So cute!" Anna and Nonoko both commented.
"I'm gonna go get dinner. What do you want?" Natsume asked his girlfriend.
"Wait..! I'm coming with..." Mikan then realized she wouldn't be alone if he left her. "Um,okay! I'll have what you're having!"
"Stay clear of the demons." He smirked,kissed Mikan's forehead and then left to get their food.
Anna and Nonoko were too overwhelmed by the PDA which wasn't shown very often by the flame caster.
"Koko! I wish you'd be like Natsume sometimes!" Sumire told her boyfriend.
Koko looked embarrassed while Mochu and Ruka chuckled. Ruka was glad to see both Mikan and Natsume so happy.
"Hotaru!" Mikan hugged her best friend.
"Move away. Can't you see I'm eating?"
"Hmpft! You're so mean!"
"So,how was the movie Sakura?" Ruka asked Mikan intently.
"Oh I didn't really watch it Ruka-Pyon! It was too much for me! Natsume enjoyed it though!"
"Yeah,he likes his horror movies.."
"You two watched a movie together..?" Asked Yuu.
"Uh,yeah actually..!" Mikan replied shyly with a big smile.
"Mikan,we heard a boy telling his friend that he saw you being carried by Natsume on your way here. Is that true?" Anna asked. Everyone was now eagerly awaiting Mikan's reply. Mikan on the other hand developed a light blush on her cheeks.
"Um,its..Uh.. Kind of... True.." She said,scratching the back of her hair in embarrassment.
"Awwww...!" Anna said.
"But why?" asked Sumire
"That's... A long story Permy!"
"You and Natsume are totally adorable Mikan!"
Mikan was now beetroot red. Luckily she made Natsume put her down before they entered the Dining Hall. The teases and comments would have been endless.
Natsume returned with his and Mikan's dinner trays which was a dish of ceasar salad,spagetti bolognese,a bottle of peach juice and chocolate souffle. Being Special Stars,they obviously got a better choice of food than the others.
"Wow. This looks great!" Mikan said before digging in. Natsume looked at her fondly.
"After all you ate earlier,you still have an apettite?" He asked her.
"Well of course! That was lunch and tea! This is dinner!"
"You're a pig. Definitely."
"I am not!" Mikan lightly punched him on his shoulder. Natsume sniggered.
"Oi Natsume! I came looking for you earlier! I need some help with this!" Koko said,showing Natsume a particular sum in his text book.
"After dinner." Replied the flame caster. He then got himself in a coversation with Ruka,Mochu and Koko.
Sumire was telling Anna and Nonoko that she planned on going blonde next year which excited and earned advice from the two.
Mikan who had already finished her spagetti was on starting on her chocolate souffle. Hotaru was currently working on one of her inventions.
"Hotaru,I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight." Mikan informed her.
"And why's that?" asked her best friend,a little side-tracked.
"Because of the horror movie! I wish I never watched it!"
Hotaru now turned her full attention to Mikan... And her chocolate souffle. She took it swiftly from Mikan,who in turn didn't notice.
"You're saying you regret spending all that quality with Hyuuga?" She asked,popping a spoonful of the souffle into her mouth.
"No! I liked that. What I didn't was the movie! I wish we had watched 'Love Actually' or something similar. But ,it was still so sweet of Natsume to come today." sighed Mikan.
Hotaru was not intending to tell Mikan that she had actually come up with the movie night idea and not Natsume. That would ruin everything. She decided to keep this one to herself.
"So,can I come crash in your room tonight?" Mikan asked her,innocently.
"No way. Its your own fault."
"What!? I didn't have a choice! Please Hotaru!" begged Mikan.
"I've got alot on my plate Mikan. I don't need any more distractions."
"Then what am I going to do?"
Hotaru looked at Natsume and smiled. "You'll know soon. I'll see you tomorrow." And with that,she gathered all the stuff,got up from the table and left before Mikan could register what she had just said.
Mikan was looking bewildered;Firstly because she had no idea what she was going to do later at night and secondly,she was wondereing how her chocolate souffle(which she loved so much) had miracously been emptied. She was looking vaguely at the bare container. Natsume soon noticed her dazed state.
"You okay?" He asked his girlfriend as he stroked her back.
"...Natsume I..." Mikan began but suddenly stopped herself from telling Natsume about her deliemma. He'll just tease me,she thought.
"Uhh.." She stammered looking nervously at her empty souffle container.
"You want more chocolate souffle?"
"Uh,yeah! I do actually!"
Natsume gave her his untouched souffle with raised eye-brows.
"What about you Natsume? Don't you want any?"
"Why d'you think I gave it to you then?"
"Oh. Well thanks then!"
Anna and Nonoko,were getting ready to leave. "Mikan! G'night! Don't study too hard okay!" Anna sweetly told her. "Yeah,we'll see you tomorrow morning!" Added Nonoko. After saying their goodbyes to everyone,they left.
Mikan was still fidgeting with this and that. Natsume noticed this yet again, and even a yawn she let out. He knew she was probably tired from all her excessive studying but what was currently on her mind at the moment was unknown to him.
And he was determined to find out.
"C'mon Polka. We're leaving too" He informed her,taking her hand in his.
"We are? Uh,okay" Mikan meekly replied. They both stood up to leave.
"See you Ruka." Natsume said,elbowing his best friend's shoulder.
"Oh you're leaving? Sakura too? Well then,goodnight both of you! Get some rest Sakura! You look really tired." replied Ruka.
"Yeah! You look as white as a ghost Mikan!" Koko commented.
"Wh-what?" Mikan said. Her grip on Natsume's hand increased revealing her scared state. Natsume glared at Koko.
"Uh,hehe! Just kidding! Sleep tight without a fright!" the mind-reader corrected himself.
"See you both tomorrow morning! Goodnight!" Yuu told both of them. Mochu on the other hand,waved them goodbye.
"Sleepy?" Natsume asked Mikan as he gave her hand a squeeze.
"A little.." she replied wondering what was going to happen to her later.
Natsume and Mikan had reached the Special Star rooms,Mikan getting more anxious by the minute. Before reaching her room,Natsume stopped walking and turned to face her.
"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong?" He asked.
"Uh,nothings wrong really..." Mikan nervously replied.
Natsume then swiftly pinned Mikan against the wall and placed his hands on both sides of her head,trapping her. Mikan tried pushing him away but her efforts were in vain.
"Spill Polka." He muttered.
"I..I..I don't know what I'm going to do tonight okay! And its all your damn fault!" She finally said. "I don't know how I'm ever going to sleep tonight or the next few upcoming nights and ITS ALL YOUR FAULT NATSUME!" She punched his chest. Natsume smirked.
"And could you elaborate on how this is my fault?" He asked his girlfriend;His hand stroking her cheek to calm her down. But Mikan pushed his hand away before replying.
"You made me watch that darn movie earlier! And it scared the hell out of me. I won't be able to sleep for nights now.." She bowed her head down,defeatedly.
Natsume let out a slight snigger and wrapped Mikan in his arms.
"You're so stupid." He said,and kissed her forehead. Mikan sighed and buried her head in his warm chest.
"Yeah,stupid enough to watch that movie with you. But..." she trailed her hands from Natsume's chest to his neck and looked up to meet his gorgeous crimson eyes. "...I'm really happy you came to see me today! Besides watching that horrible movie,everything about today was perfect!"
Natsume was happy to hear that. He thought he had made a mistake in making Mikan watch a horror movie with him. He bent down intending to give her a short kiss on her lips but in reality,short kisses hardly ever worked out for them.
Mikan responded to his kiss straight away. She loved his kisses;They were always so gentle and so soft.
Before their kiss turned into something more,Mikan suddenly pulled apart with the same one thought that had been disturbing her.
"What's wrong now?" Natsume asked,a little annoyed for he was currently enjoying himself.
"Natsume,I don't know what to do tonight. I can't sleep alone after watching all that earlier. I tried asking Hotaru if I could sleep with her but she didn't let me." Mikan replied sadly.
Natsume smirked victoriously. His time to be Mikan's knight in shining armour onece again had arrived.
"Idiot. You're sleeping with me tonight till whenever."
"Really?!" Mikan asked gleefully.
"Yeah. And we've got alot of studying to do for the next two days. Be prepared."
Mikan kissed him with great happiness. Her insides were performing cartwheels.
"Thankyou so much! I'll be able to get eight hours of sleep after all!"
"And if you want to get that,we better head back inside." Natsume said,finally opening the door to Mikan's room. They both happily walked in.
Thank you Hotaru Imai.
A/N;Yeah,if it wasn't for Hotaru's idea,Natsume wouldn't have had such a chance with Mikan. BTW,they will just be sleeping together okay? No funny business. :D
Well that's the end! I hope everyone who read this enjoyed it! I'd like to thank all the reviewers,people who have favourited this story(Hugs!) and followers.
Until next time.. =)