It was a warm summer's night. Fireflies flew about, being led by the night's gentle breeze. The stars were all out and shining brightly, each of them equivalent to a small diamond. Everything was quiet, as could be expected around midnight. Down below, though, a young couple roamed the silent streets, their hands entwined with the other as they spoke.
On the right, was Theodore Seville, age sixteen. He wore a simple short sleeved green t-shirt along with a pair of blue jean shorts that stopped below his knees. On his side, was his girlfriend, Eleanor Miller, same age as he was. She wore a mint green colored button-up shirt with a darker green skirt, the very edge of the garment being a pure white. She wore long, white and green striped socks that reached well pass her knees. Unlike her counterpart, Eleanor wore shiny black shoes, much like the ones she had when she was younger.
"Wasn't this just amazing?" Theodore asked as they turned the corner, their homes coming into view. "Spent some time at the movies, visited our favorite restaurant, plus a nice, quiet stroll through the park." he stretched, holding his hands behind his head.
Eleanor smiled at him and nodded slowly, wrapping her arms around Theodore's belly. "Wanna walk me home the rest of the way? Or do you want me to come with you?" She said playfully, taking his hand into hers.
"It'd be better for you to go home, Ellie. I don't think Ms. Miller would be too excited with you coming in late." Theodore answered. "Besides, your house is much closer."
They spent the rest of their walk in silence, simply enjoying each other's compamy. Soon, they were on the porch of the Miller residence, hand in hand as they wished each other a good night.
"Well... I'll see you tomorrow, Eleanor." Theodore said with a smile. He gave Eleanor a kiss on the cheek, which she returned happily. A soft blush came to his cheek as he pulled her closer, this time their lips pressing together as they embraced each other.
Theodore's hands went up to Eleanor's head, holding her in place as their kiss deepened a little. Eleanor sudenly moved out of his hold, panting softly with flushed cheeks.
"Wow... You never kissed like that before..." she panted.
"I guess something just, I dunno, came over me." Theodore admitted sheepishly, scratching behind his head.
She looked down at her feet for a bit, shifting her weight to the other foot as the silence settled in again. Theodore finally spoke up, saying his farewell before walking away, watching Eleanor disappear into her home.
"I just don't understand. One moment I'm calm and the next, all I can think about is kissing Eleanor." Theodore was laying down on his bed, his head nestled into a pillow as he looks up at the ceiling. "I don't know what's wrong with me..." he sighed.
Across from him, his older brothers looked to each other before turning back to him.
"Well Theo, you're not sick or anything like that. It sounds like you just have a few... pent up desires for Eleanor that are trying to surface." Simon answered.
Theodore looked at him with a confused expression, his head tilted slightly. Alvin shook his head and stood from his spot on Theo's bed, patting his youngest brother on the back.
"He means that it's about time you got some hot action, Teddy." He said with a sly wink, nudging Theodore playfully as he grinned. "About time too. Any longer and I was gonna think you'd be a virgin for the rest of your life." He joked.
"Wait, so... my body wants me to get in bed with her?" Theodore asked, looking up at Alvin.
"That and more, my chubby brother. That and more. Me and Simon are gonna take Brittany and Jeanette out tomorrow night. That'll be more than enough time fornyou to do your thing." Alvin laughed to himself, unable to stop smiling.
Simon raised his hand, rolling his eyes. "And just what makes you think the girls would want to leave on such short notice?" He questioned. "Brittany isn't always so excited to be taken somewhere without taking hours to prepare, and I can't just keep bringing Jeanette to a library or Starbucks, you know." He said.
"C'mon Si. . Use that brain of yours, Smart Guy. Take her somewhere new. Don't do it for me or you. Do it for poor, desperate little Theodore." Alvin said, holding Simon's head and turning it towards their smaller brother.
He rolled his eyes again. "Alright, alright, I'll do it. But only because it'll only get worse for him if he waits." Simon sighed.
"Perfect!" Alvin said, nearly knocking Simon over as he grabbed Theodore. "You come with me. The Love Doctor is gonna tell you everything he knows about pleasing the ladies." He spoke, leading Theodore out of the room.
"And I'll make sure you don't end up acting too much like Alvin." he mutters to himself, following them both closely.