disclaimer: i dont own harry potter and if i did he deffo would have abused his fame and slept with lots of hot witches ;)
Harry's little Veela
Potter household - Cornwall
5th April 2002
Harry was depressed he and Ginny had been married for two years now and she was pregnant, normally one would think this a good thing especially as Harry had always wanted a family, But Harry had caught his wife in bed with none other than Draco Malfoy.
Of course he hadn't told Ginny he knew yet and probably wouldn't until the baby was born at least.
But at the moment he needed someone to talk to for advice. At first he thought of Ron but as Ginny's brother he probably wouldn't react well and that put all the other Wesley's out as well. Next he thought of Hermione but she was out due to her being Ginny's best friend. That left him with Fleur. Everyone knew that Ginny and Fleur didn't get along and just tried to ignore it. Harry thought it was a shame that they didn't get along but wasn't to bothered about it as he and Fleur got on well, it must have had something to do with rescuing little Gabby from the lake in the second task back in ninety five.
"Arry?" Fleur asked as he Floo'd in to her and bill's house.
Bill was at work at the moment so harry was expecting it to be just Fleur at the house but was a bit surprised to see her sixteen year old sister Gabrielle there as well.
"Hello Fleur, Gabby." He said "sorry to drop in like this." Harry said
"Ah nonsense" Fleur said "Ve are family."
Harrys smile disappeared for a moment
"What's wrong?" Gabby asked
"I finished work early today and went home to surprise Ginny and take her out for lunch to find her and Malfoy in my bed." Harry said raining in his anger
Fleur and Gabby sat there eyes wide at the statement.
"She's 'aving sex with someone behind your back?" Gabby asked shocked
Harry nodded. "I don't think I am going to be able to face her later." He said as he slumped down onto the sofa.
"Go stay in a hotel or something for a few days and tell Ginny zat you're abroad for work" Fleur suggested
"The Harry Potter staying in a hotel?" Harry asked with an eyebrow raised
"Come stay with me at my house?" Gabrielle suggested "mum and dad are away until after I go back to Beauxbatons in September so I have the house to myself."
Fleur looked at her sister questioningly for a second.
"Sounds like a good idea Harry, at least I vill know my zister is alright for the rest of the holiday without 'aving to go over every day."
"Thanks Gabby I will be back soon." Harry said apperating out home to grab some clothes
He only spent a few minutes in the house packing told Ginny that he had no choice orders were orders before leaving giving her a peck on the cheek.
Next stop Kingsley's office to arrange holiday or a transfer of some sort.
"I thought I ordered you home." Kingsley said gruffly as Harry walked through the door.
"Yeh I went." Harry said
"Well what are you doing back here then?" he asked confused
"Found Malfoy banging my wife. They don't know I caught them yet." Harry said coldly
"Ouch. What can I do for you then?" Kingsley said wincing.
"I need to get out of the country for a while can you tell everyone I am on an assignment somewhere?" Harry asked the aged Auror.
"Of course anywhere in particular?" he asked Harry
"Not France as that is where I will be." Harry said smiling
"How can I get hold of you in an emergency?"
"Give a message to Fleur she will get it to me." Harry replied standing up and shaking Shacklebolt's hand before leaving.
"Oh and don't tell anyone I haven't figured out what I will do about it yet." Harry called back over his shoulder as Kingsley nodded.
When Harry stumbled out of the floo at Fleur's he heard Fleur talking to her sister.
"Okay remember zat he will be depressed it probably 'asn't 'it him yet and don't let zings get out of 'and." He heard her say as he walked round the corner to where Gabrielle and Fleur were Fleur with a raised eye brow waiting for a reply and Gabby blushing slightly before sticking her tongue out at her sister.
"You ready?" Gabrielle asked
Harry smiled slightly and nodded
She smiled at him taking his hand before dragging him over to the floo.
Southern France
5th April 2002
Harry stumbled out of the floo at the Delacour house and could feel his jaw drop slightly at view out of the floor to ceiling windows. The room was a large semi-circle with the fireplace directly in the middle of the flat wall with a door either side there were three sofas and a large coffee table in the middle of the room. Looking out the window there was a large pool with a patio a brick BBQ and furniture including sun beds.
There were floor to ceiling windows all around the curve of the semi-circle with double doors leading outside in the middle. He could see the ocean to the right with a lush sandy beach and out the left he could see hills with what he assumed was a gape farm or whatever they are called as he knew the Delacour's owned a winery.
"Let's find you a bed room." Gabby said taking his hand and pulling him towards where he assumed the bedrooms were.
The house was a medium size and it had an outdoor pool in the garden she dragged him down a hallway and through another where they eventually reached the bed rooms, there were ten in total it was a large house that was meant for family holidays.
Gabrielle showed him into a room that was fairly large, well it was bigger than his master bedroom at his house but compared to the rest of the house it seemed almost small. It had a large circular waterbed, desk large wardrobes and en suit bathroom.
"Wow" Harry said looking around as Gabrielle sat on the bed and giggled as it rippled making Harry smile at the sight
"This is great… thank you." Harry said as he sat down on the bed next to her almost falling over at the sensations of the water rippling underneath him.
"It's my pleasure 'arry" she said giving him a kiss on the cheek before getting up and walking towards the door where she turned around.
"I suggest we get you some clothes and then we could grab some lunch or the other way around if you prefer just remember your glamour charms." Gabrielle said leaving the room
Harry had changed at the office before heading back home earlier so he didn't need to change but more clothes for however long he didn't go home would be a good thing to have and yes he needed lunch.
"Come on then let's go I'm famished." Harry said getting up and turning his hair brown before transfiguring his glasses to look slightly different and changing his eye color.
"You still look like you." Gabrielle said frowning entering the room again with a small bag
Harry then pulled out some muggle contact lenses out of his pocket and put them in.
"How's that?" Harry asked
"Better." Gabrielle said before opening the bag and pulling out a mix of muggle and magical make up.
"Oh no I am not having make up put on me." Harry said shaking his head.
"Yes you are its only to hide that scar of yours so we can shorten your hair so you look different." Gabrielle said frowning
"Okay just a little bit." Harry said causing Gabrielle to break out into a grin.
5th April 2002
Harry and Gabrielle Floo'd to a magical island just off the west coast of Italy. The reason they were here and not still in France was so that if they were recognized the reporters would start scoring Italy not France leaving him in peace.
When Harry left the floo he looked around in awe, he didn't usually go abroad and if he did it was only on official business never to see the sights, looking around unlike Diagon ally which had lots of old wooden fronted shops there was a large magical mall full of shops and a market and a group of outdoor restaurants from every nation, there was French Italian American heck there was even a KFC along with Chinese and Indian.
Harry looked up at the mall in shock.
"This is one of the best places to go magical shopping in the world." Gabrielle said grabbing his hand and dragging him towards an Italian restaurant.
"Not French?" Harry asked
"I live in France 'arry so don't worry you will be taken to some of the best restaurants France 'as to offer over zee next few weeks." Gabrielle said grinning before asking the waitress for a table for two.
"So long as I don't have to eat snails." Harry muttered causing Gabrielle to giggle softly.
She then cast a translation charm on his menu so he could read it.
Harry looked at his menu it was full of pizza pasta and a few other bits and bobs Harry eventually settled for the meatballs while Gabrielle went for the pasta e fagioli.
They didn't spend long in the restaurant before Gabrielle dragged Harry towards the large mall.
The inside of the mall looked just like a muggle mall all storefronts had floor to ceiling glass windows. Harry looked around in awe there were apothecaries, joke shop's even one of the twin's shops, wand shops, and even a Gringotts which had a marble store front not glass.
Gringotts was the first stop. They didn't spend long in there just long enough for Harry to grab a few galleons and turn them into euros as apparently the rest of the wizarding world used muggle currency to save time. Even the goblins here seemed to be nicer than the ones in Britain.
"Why are the goblins here so nice compared to Britain?" Harry whispered to Gabrielle
"Because most of Britain iz stupid and dislike 'dark creatures' zilly bigots." She had replied
"So they are more stuck up because most of Britain is bigots and look down on them? Makes sense I suppose, I can't even particularly blame them." Harry had replied
It seemed that the more time that Harry spent away from Britain the more he enjoyed himself.
Gabrielle had great time dragging Harry around the shops and dressing him up in both muggle and magical clothing.
Apparently formal wizard's robes suited him better than muggle tuxedos but jeans and a t-shirt suited him better than casual wizard's robes.
There was a close call where George and Ron had decided to inspect their store in the mall and Gabrielle had pulled Harry down and preceded to snog him senseless who had returned the favor realizing quickly that any resistance would bring attention to the from Ron and George.
"wow." Gabrielle whispered when they were done and Ron and George had gone into the shop.
"Yeh but I'm a mar…" Gabrielle shushed him by putting her finger on her lips.
"Where's your wife right now? Zee stop worrying ve can talk later when ve aren't in public." Gabrielle had said before grabbing his hand and dragging him into another shop.
Harry looked up to see a few people staring at them so seeing the sense in her words Harry let it drop.
Harry was especially shocked when Gabrielle dragged him into the underwear department of magical Zara and piling his arms full of all sorts of boxers and briefs before starting on her own which left Harry bright red and shocked at the skimpy things she wanted some of which he didn't think had enough material to be classed as clothing and should instead be classed as the cutoffs.
"What is this meant to be? On second thoughts I don't want to know." Harry said dangling a bright green G-string in the air.
"Zat? Zat is my underwear. It's called a G-string." Gabrielle said before adding a matching bra to the pile and patting Harry's cheek
Harry was even more embarrassed when Gabrielle tried to get him to model a set of speedos for him and it only got worse when she tried on a bikini which left little to Harry's imagination no matter how much he tried to tell himself that he was married even if his wife was a cheating slag.
Eventually it was a beet red and thoroughly embarrassed Harry which Gabrielle dragged back to France.
Southern France
5th April 2002
When they got back Harry went and put his new purchases into the wardrobe in his room while Gabrielle went and got dinner ready. Harry had been surprised when Gabrielle had said it was time for dinner already and looked at the time to realize that they had been shopping for six hours and it was now seven o'clock.
Harry sat there reflecting on his day first finding a pregnant Ginny in bed with Malfoy to being dragged shopping with the blonde beauty that was Gabrielle, he slapped himself for such thoughts she was only sixteen and he was married, but damn she looked good in those bikinis and that kiss was just wow.
"Harry?" he heard Gabrielle shout breaking him out of his stupor.
"Yeh?" he shouted back opening his door to find her carrying a small tray full of snack foods and sandwiches
"I thought that as we had already eaten earlier that this would do for dinner." She said seemingly embarrassed if the blush she had was anything to go by.
"Yeh that's fine. Where will we eat?" Harry asked
"In my room. I have a TV and some films we can watch while we eat." She said walking towards a room at the end of the corridor.
Harry walked in and looked around it was bigger than his room and had a small balcony looking towards the beach. She also had a large bed but unlike his it wasn't a water bed and on the opposite wall she had a large flat screen TV that had to be at least 46".
She sat down on the bed and put the platter in the middle gesturing for him to sit on the other side before she turned on the TV before putting a film in the DVD player.
"What are we watching?" Harry asked as Gabrielle led down on the bed and started eating.
"Shaun of the dead. It's a comedy" she replied taking a bite out of her sandwich.
Harry then sat down on the bed as Gabrielle used magic to close the curtains and dim the lights.
After a depressing start that reminded Harry of him and Ginny it slowly started to get better as the zombies attacked the house. By the time that Shaun started throwing records at the zombies Harry had completely forgotten about Ginny and Malfoy and was completely engrossed in the film.
By the time that Shaun and Ed had got to Shaun's mothers house the food was got the plate was on the floo and Gabrielle had snuggled into Harry's embrace like she was trying to hide from the zombies and Harry would protect her.
"Use fire infiri can't stand fire." Harry was shouting at the TV much to Gabrielle's amusement
"Their zombies Harry not infiri. You have to take their heads off to stop them." Gabrielle chastised lightly.
"They're the same thing they are both undead people that eat people." Harry said laughing as they started to hit the zombie with the pool cue's to 'don't stop me now'.
By the end of the film Gabrielle had fallen asleep in Harry's embrace.
Deciding that he didn't want to wake her Harry turned the TV off and went to sleep where he was.
Gabrielle's bedroom
6th April 2002
Harry awoke to Gabrielle staring at him her bright blue eyes locked onto his.
"Morning." He mumbled as he used his arm that wasn't trapped under Gabrielle to rub his eyes.
"Good morning." Gabrielle replied "What do you want to do today?"
"I was going to relax in the pool for the morning before going back to Britain and filing for divorce." Harry said
"I suggest you do it the other way round so you can relax after the stress of the divorce." She replied.
Harry nodded.
"I on the other hand will go see my sister while you get your divorce papers signed."
"Sounds like a plan." Harry said as he stood up going to get changed and have a shower.
It was an hour later that Gabrielle emerged from her room freshly showed and changed dressed in tight fitting jeans and t-shirt that Harry struggled to avert his eyes away from hoping that she didn't notice.
They Floo'd over to Fleur's where she gave a hug and kiss on the cheek to Harry before looking her sister up and down before frowning at her. Harry didn't wait to hear what she was going to say before flooing over to the ministry and heading up to the director's office.
"Back already?" Shacklebolt asked
"Filing for divorce but I have no idea where I should start." Harry said
"There is no divorce in magical Britain. You can get your marriage annulled but only if certain rules are broken I would assume that you situation is covered but I am unsure. Come I will go with you." Kingsley said standing up.
It didn't take too long. Her cheating meant that she was divorced and left with nothing except her personal vault and depending on who the father was they baby could just become Harry's. He had to show a pensive memory and testify under truth serum to verify its contents which only took five minutes.
Harry then went to Gringotts to get them to kick Ginny out and sell the house and put all the belongings except Ginny's clothes, she could keep those, into a vault for him to sort out at a later date.
Once done he floo'd back to Fleur's where Bill was home. Bill spotted Harry and looked confused.
"I thought you were abroad?" Bill said
"I was and will be again in a bit." Harry answered
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be saying goodbye to your wife?" Bill asked confused
"As of half an hour ago I don't have a wife. And she's probably in bed with Malfoy again." Harry decided that being blunt was the best option with Bill.
"What? How's that possible? Are you accusing my sister of cheating?" Bill said getting angry
"yup." Harry said pulling out a piece of paper. "Freshly annulled and all accusations supported with sufficient evidence." Harry said handing the piece of parchment over to Bill who read it going red.
"She did what." Bill said getting angry as he read over the paper.
"I've got a sister to talk to." He said getting up and moving towards the floo.
"That went better than expected." Harry said sitting down.
"Yes it did. Now I suggest zat you get out of here before zee whole family gets 'ere." Fleur said
"Yes that sounds good." Harry said getting back up.
"So 'hat's happening with property and belongings?" Fleur asked.
"The bigoted laws of Britain state that it all belongs to me. So I have sold the house she has a week to move out and I have left her clothes for her and I will go through the rest when I can face it." Harry said
"And the baby?" Gabrielle asked tentatively
"Depends who the father is. If I am its mine I have custody no questions asked. If its Malfoys then I don't want it." Harry said
"Ah zee bigoted laws of magical Britain 'ave 'elped you for once." Fleur said
"They heard the floo go off in the front room. Gabrielle grabbed Harry and dragged him out of the room and into the nursery which was empty as Victoria was in muggle Pre School.
"Quiet ve will hide here Fleur vill cover for us." Gabrielle whispered hiding herself and Harry behind a sofa.
"They heard Mrs. Weasley shouting in the kitchen and Fleur shouting back. Before they heard Ginny enter the conversation. Gabrielle almost got up so she could slap the scarlet woman herself.
"How dare he insinuate my dear Ginny is a harlot?" Mrs. Weasley shouted
"Yes vell if 'e 'adn't caught her in bed with Malfoy and 'er skirt round her waist 'e wouldn't be." Fleur shouted back
"Enough." They heard George shout
"Oh the whole family's here now." Gabrielle whispered
"Great. How long will this last?" Harry asked
"I don't know." Gabrielle whispered as she curled up in Harry lap making sure to stay hidden in case anyone walked into the room for anything.
"What's the time?" Gabrielle asked
"Half eleven"
"Let's go pick Victoria up for Fleur cast a disillusion charm on yourself I will distract them enough for you to get passed unnoticed."
Harry did as he was told as Gabrielle stood up and brushed her clothes down
"What on earth is this racket?" Gabrielle all but shouted as she walked into the kitchen where the row was taking place.
With everyone's attention on her Harry sneaked over towards the back door as Gabrielle went off on one at Ginny and molly.
"I mean come on what on earth processed you to go and cheat on Harry fucking Potter one of the greatest Auror's of all time. That's just asking for trouble and as for you sleeping with another married man and a Malfoy at that? I don't even know how stupid you have to be to do that I mean Yuk his hair is horrid and his attitude? And don't even get me started on the fact that he was a death eater." Gabrielle was going on and on.
Harry was doing his best not to laugh at the looks on everyone's faces the room was split into two with Ron George Percy Fleur and Bill on one side and molly Ginny Hermione and Charlie on the other.
Ron was going on about Ginny sleeping with slytherin's and betraying the family while George and Fleur were more concerned with Harry's feelings Bill just didn't seem to want to get on the wrong side of his wife not wanting to end up on the sofa and Percy was going on about how such a scandalous relationship was not proper.
Molly was going on about how her sweet Ginny could and would never do such a thing as though pregnant Ginny was an innocent virgin still Hermione was supporting her friend in this difficult time and Charlie was just trying to keep the family from falling apart.
Mr. Weasley floo'd in as he had gone home for lunch and found the place empty.
"What is going on here?" he said already suspecting due to the rumors going around the ministry after Harry potters visit.
Bill answered by handing over the annulment document that Harry had shown him first.
"Okay I am going to pick up Victoria you lot can argue some more." Gabrielle said walking towards the door
"Well that was fun." Gabrielle said once they were out of sight of the cottage.
"Tell me about it. Now how are we going to pick up Victoria? You can't apparate in Britain." Harry said
"You can use legilimency on me to get the location."
Ten minutes later they had arrived at the preschool right on time
After a quick confundus charm to allow them to take Victoria they were off again back to the cottage
By now the argument was over and the only people left were Bill Fleur George Ron and Percy. They all looked shocked when Harry walked in with Gabrielle and Victoria
After a quick explanation over what had happened Gabrielle decided that it was time to go back home if they wanted to go in the pool later. Of course she didn't voice this out in front of her sister who would have a go about the fact that Harry was in a poor mental state.
"Okay we are off now we will see you later Fleur come round at about seven ish." Gabrielle said
"Bye guys I will see you in a few weeks. Have fun on the sofa Ron." Harry said as they floo'd out and back to France.
"Bloody hell. He's right isn't he? Mione will have me on the sofa for a month after that argument." Ron said banging his head on the table making all the other snicker and laugh.
Southern France
6th April 2002
Harry stumbled out the floo just like normal where he landed on top of Gabrielle.
"If you're going to fall on top of me wait until we are in bed as I hear sex is better in bed than on the floor." Gabrielle said making Harry blush like a tomato.
"Well I am partial to the kitchen work top personally." Harry said not to be outdone by the sixteen year old.
"Ooh we could do that to I suppose but I want to try it in the pool first." Gabrielle said as Harry helped her up. "Off you go now. Although you should just not wear anything and go skinny dipping if you ask me."
Harry just walked off to get changed not even dignifying her statement with a response.
He got changed into a loose pair of swim shorts and charmed them to hide his boner if he got one therefore avoiding any embarrassment in the pool.
Harry then grabbed a towel and walked out to the pool before jumping in.
Gabrielle came out of the house wrapped in a towel and waited on the side until Harry noticed her. When Harry saw her start to take the towel off he felt his mouth water and kind of hoped that she really was going to go skinny dipping before pinching himself to try get himself to think straight. Where as in the Veela allure didn't seem to affect him as much it still made him lustful around Gabrielle.
As the towel fell to the ground so did Harry's jaw as he saw the skimpiest looking bikini he had ever seen on her it showed off every curve she had those long slim legs she was perfect not to skinny and defiantly not in the slightest bit chubby she had a perfect cross between cute and sexy that Harry thought was perfect. Her bikini would have been more revealing if she were naked Harry decided. It was plain white with a blue starfish on the right bum cheek and the left breast. She dived in immaculately before coming up to the shallow end dripping wet as her bikini top went ever so slightly see though whether that was by fault or design Harry didn't know nor care. He was just glad he had charmed his swim trunks.
Noticing that he was staring at her Gabrielle giggled before splashing him in the face with a spray of water. Of course Harry would never be outdone by a sixteen year old Veela so he splashed back before chasing her around the poll where he eventually cornered and caught her although she wasn't exactly trying to get away.
After a small struggle Harry eventually managed to wrap one hand around her waist and pull her towards him while using the other hand to tickle her.
Gabrielle followed a natural reaction to being tickled and wiggled around trying to escape as Harry mercilessly went for her rips sides and kidneys.
But she did something that neither of them expected. She turned around in his grasp and kissed him softly. The effect was instantaneous as he stopped tickling her as she pulled away.
"I…umm I'm so…" she was cut off as Harry kissed her back his hands sliding down to her hips.
He felt her tongue force its way into his mouth and welcomed it as he used his tongue to try to gain dominance in the kiss.
The kiss lasted two whole minutes before they broke for air for a few seconds going straight back at it. This time hands roamed hers up his back and into his hair while one of his went down to her bum, where he groped and massaged it, while the other went to the back of her head.
They broke the kiss as Gabrielle let go of the back of his head and he put both his hands on her hips.
Gabrielle then moved her hands behind her back gazing into his eyes the entire time as she took her bikini top off allowing it to float in the pool before she kissed Harry softly but with passion.
Harry moved his hands back to her bum before lifting her up and letting her wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around her neck.
Harry walked her over to the steps and sat her on one before kneeling so he was at her height one hand on her hip drawing patterns across it and her upper thigh he used the other to graze her ribs and boob. Her breathing hitched as he stroked her nipple and he tweaked and twisted it very slightly making her sigh before kissing her again.
Her hands went from loosely being around his neck to going down his back to the waist line of his shorts and fiddling with the waistline.
"If we don't stop now there will be no going back." Harry said as he pulled away from another searing kiss.
Gabrielle just looked at him smiled and tugged his shorts down a little before kissing him again.
Harry didn't know how but she somehow managed to spin them around so Harry was sat on the steps and she was straddling him.
She slid her hand down below the waistline of his shorts and stroked him inside of his shorts. Harry leant back and groaned as Gabrielle licked his chest neck and ear allowing her breasts to rub his chest. She moved his hands so they were groping her ass before letting go of Harry lifting herself up and edging his shorts off completely. She looked down into the water before sitting down on his lap and grinding into him a few times making Harry's heart rate double before she kissed him and went back to stroking him.
Harry started shouting 'Gabby' over and over as he blew his load into the pool making Gabby giggle as his cum started to float around the pool.
"Umm… wow?" Harry said dreamily as he came down from his high.
Gabrielle started to stroke his chest before kissing him. It didn't take long before Harry was responding to her kiss with and equal amount of passion he groped her ass and picked her up before lifting her up and placing her on the very edge of the pool side so her legs were dangling in the water. He then looked up into her eyes playing with her bikini bottom before undoing the ties on the sides causing it to fall down.
Harry's eyes then trailed down her naked body over her perfect breasts across her flat stomach down to her hips before edging her legs open slowly. He ran his hand up and down her legs before kissing her knee and licking up her thigh about halfway where he took his first look at her center. It was closed up still the only hint it was there was a small slit. There was no hair there what's so ever unlike Ginny who believed that it should always look natural. Harry took one of her legs and placed it over his shoulder, forcing her to lie back and rest on her elbows, before kissing her thigh back to her knee.
"Please 'arry 'top teasing me." Gabrielle moaned softly using one hand to massage her boob.
"Have you ever done this before?" he asked to which she shook her head
Harry then licked a long trail all the way up to her slit and then around it before licking straight down the other thigh. He then walked his fingers up the inside of her thigh and ran his index finger from her rose bud all the way up the slit parting it ever so slightly until it was just short of her most sensitive bundle of nerves. Which he went straight in and kissed causing Gabrielle to fall on her back and arch it wrapping her legs around his back as he used his fingers to spread her lushes pink folds open completely.
Harry gazed at her exposed center for a few seconds rubbing his thumb over her hole teasing her he could see her essence trickle down between her bum cheeks and lent in to lap it up before sliding his little finger in to her hole up to the first knuckle.
She tensed her thighs and rubbed them together, as much as she could with his head between her knees, trying to cause friction and suck his finger into her. Harry slowly pushed it in electing sweet moans from her mouth as she loosened her thighs once more as he used his other hand to reach up and graze her ribs occasionally running it over her breast and nipple.
Harry then pulled his finger out of her before wrapping both arms around her legs and holding her hips down before he leant in and kissed her nub causing her to buck ever so slightly. He then licked down her slit over her hole before going back up this time delving into her depths causing her to take a deep breath and whimper.
Harry went about at eating her out like and expert and it wasn't long before she was babbling incoherently so Harry then pulled his tongue out of her, causing her to moan in disappointment, before he used his index finger and pushed inside all the way, getting another gasp out of her, before he latched onto her clit with his lips softly nibbling and sucking it took only a few seconds of him slowly moving his finger and suckling her clit before she was babbling again.
Just as she was about to cum Harry curled his finger inside of her making her arch her back and almost explode over him. Harry detached his lips from her nerve bundle and lapped up the gushing fluids that had come pouring out of her. It was sweet and tangy a perfect combination Harry thought his finger still rubbing inside of her bringing her down slowly.
Once she had come down fully from her high she slipped back into the pool where Harry held her close and helped support her on her still unsteady knees.
"Zat vas… zo good I can't find ze words for it." She said
"Amazing, wonderful, exhilarating, invigorating or maybe addicting" Harry replied resting his chin on her head and breathing her scent.
"All zat and more." She whispered breathlessly
"Well there is more where that came from. My Gabby." He said quietly causing her knees to weaken further as she shook with lust at his words.
She looked up at him and cupped his cheeks. Well then I will have to take more then she said pulling herself up and wrapping her legs around his waist before kissing him softly.
"In the pool or you bed?" Harry asked softly between kisses.
"Your bed. It's closer zan mine and I want my first time in a bed." She whispered in return.
"Your wish is my command." He said before groaning as she ground herself against him as he walked them towards the house.
"You had better stop that or I will take you on the dining room floor at this rate" Harry said causing Gabrielle to moan just thinking about it. Harry felt a fresh wave of arousal leave her and run down his erect cock before drip off his ball sack leaving a tingling sensation as it landed on his foot. Harry wordlessly summoned their wands from the pool side as he stepped through the door.
Harry carried Gabrielle right through the house into his bedroom where he dropped her on her back on the bed where she lay knees bent legs apart slightly on her elbows dripping wet from the pool and her own arousal. Harry lay the wands on the bedside cabinet before joining her on the bed where he rested between her legs pushing her onto her back where he rested on his elbows so as not to crush her slowly grinding his erection into her center.
"You on the potion or should I cast the charm?" Harry whispered in her ear as she moaned at the pleasure he caused her with his grinding.
"I am a 'alf Veela. I control vhen I get pregnant and ze best bit iz zat tearing my hymen is pleasurable and not painful like it is for a non Veela." she moaned
Good Harry said rubbing himself up and down her sodden slit lubricating himself as much as possible before resting on his elbows once more.
"Vat are you waiting for?" she grumbled as he moved his hips and continued to tease her
"For you to guide me in." he whispered huskily
She did as instructed and moved her hands between her legs using one to rub herself and the other to guide his cock to her hole where once lined up he pushed in going straight through her barrier and into her depths. He stopped half way before pulling out he then pushed back in slowly before nibbling on her ear and whispering loving thoughts to her she brought the hand that had just been rubbing her clit up to her mouth and while looking Harry in the eye sucked all the juices off her middle finger letting out an audible pop as she brought her finger out of her mouth before offering her index finger for him to suck. This sight alone was almost enough to blow his load even though he had only done so not half hour before. He sucked the juices that were almost dripping off her finger into his mouth and reveled in the taste. Still only allowing half his length into her he could see she was almost at her limit before she was going to blow so he used one of his hand and manipulated her clit bringing her right to the edge before he bottomed out in her making her eyes go wide as she was filled completely as she came her orgasm almost sending him over the top. Harry then proceeded to pump in and out slowly until she had come back down.
Once she could think straight again she rolled them over, almost going to far as the water bed rippled underneath them, so she straddled him. She rose herself off him slowly before dropping fully not expecting him to rise and thrust into her she mewled at eh contact of the pubic bones colliding. She continued this for ten more thrusts before her inexperience and lack of stamina got to her. Harry sat up pulled her close to him and stood up still inside of her and carried her over to the desk sitting her on it before pounding away at her no longer going slow and gentle as he had when he first took her innocence now he was pounding into her trying to get her to cum as many times as he could before he finished. He took her hand in his and moved it down to where they were joined causing her to look at the juncture between her legs for the first time. The sight alone made her come as she watched his member soaked in her essence pound into her previously virgin hole he then used her hand to manipulate her clit never once letting the pace drop, the advantage of marring a slut he thought, it didn't take long before she came again her wet inner walls attempting to suck the cum out of his balls but he held on for all he was worth.
Harry could feel his own end coming but wanted to let her finish one last time so he buried himself into her hole once more picked her up again before placing her on the bed again he pulled out of her and led her on her side before snuggling up behind her and entering her again.
Gabrielle was in heaven Harry was hitting spots she didn't even know she had in the first angle but this angle was pure bliss.
Harry raised her leg up using is arm to pull it up almost to her chest, still pounding into her softly, and grabbed her boob slowly groping it and teasing her little nipple. After a few stroke he slid his other hand underneath her and ran it down her stomach to her clit before pinching it ever so slightly and twisting it she clamped down on him one last time her inner walls milking him as he spurted rope after rope of thick white cum into her womb.
Gabrielle had passed out from pleasure as he came within her she awoke a few minutes later to find Harry had turned her around so she was facing him he was holding her close arms wrapped around her she looked up at him and into his eyes before softly kissing him.
"That was perfect." She whispered causing Harry to chuckle
"What's funny?" she asked
"Oh nothing it's your accent. Its normally perfect with only a minor slip up but I just realised that since jacking me off in the pool you seemed to lose control of it." He said causing her to giggle
The movement in her stomach made a glob of Harry's cum dribble out of her and down her thigh.
She reached down between her legs and gathered a glob on her fingers before sticking it in her mouth and sucking her fingers clean.
"Hmm tasty." She said
"You're incorrigible. You will have to wait for more until I have had tome to recuperate." Harry said causing her to laugh.
"Awe can the old man not handle it?" she said innocently causing Harry to laugh.
"I am twenty two I am not that old. Too old to really be doing this with you really." Harry said trailing off
"Do you regret it?" she asked meekly
"I should do. I should feel dirty for violating someone so young but I don't for some reason but we should keep it a secret for now." He said quietly
"good." She said snuggling into him before falling asleep.
Harry was soon to follow having dreams of what was to come with their relationship. Both of them forgetting that Bill and Fleur were coming round for dinner until they walked into the room and she screamed.
A/N: okay well i have been gone for a while i know so sorry hope you like this one debated adding another chapter to Slughorns party but decided that i didn't want to ruin it like some company ruin movies by making a sequel
hope you enjoy i decided to change the paring hope a six year age gap isnt to bad :/ ah well so what if it is its only fiction.
review as always
and give me plot ideas if i like them i might use them but for nowe i will only do harry/Gabrielle, harry/Astoria or harry/Astoria/Gabrielle (- liking the sound of this just need a plot idea :/)
although on a separate note i am surprised that no one has done this before with harry and Astoria comforting each other after finding out about Draco and Ginny cheating might write it myself if no one else does if i cant find a better idea.
until next time