ignore the fact this was posted two years ago please and thank you!
"Seriously Trent? Chlorine?" Courtney was in a fit of giggles, holding a french fry in one hand.
"Okay I know it sounds really bad," Trent pleaded, "But chlorine and water look the exact same! There was no way I could've told the difference. Luckily I didn't have to be rushed to the hospital."
"You were thirteen!"
"And that's probably the most embarrassing part of it all."
They both laughed, causing people close enough to glance over for a few seconds. Later they blamed it on teenaged hormones and continued eating. Trent was in a ridiculous good mood ever since he and Courtney started their game of Twenty Questions. He told her about his crazy Aunt Riley and she told him about when she broke her arm in seventh grade because she wore heels for the first time. It was the longest time he had seen her smile and it made Trent smile wider because he was the cause of it.
"Ah, I see you two are enjoying yourselves here." Their waiter, named Simon, approached them, notepad and pen in hand.
"Most definitely." Courtney composed herself, glancing at Trent before returning her gaze to Simon.
"Good, good. Are you two ready to order?" He smiled, tapping his foot.
After the two ordered their food and the waiter walked away, Courtney whispered to Trent, "His accent is totally fake."
"Alright so I wasn't the only one who noticed that."
Trent noticed how Courtney's smile became wider and she had to put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing aloud. "We shouldn't be making each other laugh like this in such a fancy restaurant." Courtney smiled, clearing her throat. "It might annoy the other guest."
"Since when have you cared about how other people see you?" Trent asked, before taking a sip of his soda. "Plus, we're having a good time, or I hope we were having a good time. We are having a good time, right?" He started getting nervous, that familiar feeling in his stomach of rejection.
"Yes, of course we were having a good time Trent." Okay, the anxiety was gone in a split second, substituted with relief. "It just, I guess, uhm-"
Trent became confused. Since when did Courtney stutter?
"-since Total Drama Action I haven't exactly been receiving the best mail from people who've watched that. Along with all the magazine articles and stuff, I'm pretty much like Canada's devil on tv."
"Nah." Was that too much of a quick response? "That spot is reserved for Heather. Plus, aren't you doing an interview soon? To show how you've changed since then?"
"Was supposed to do an interview. They haven't called me back with more information." She sighed, holding her head in her palm.
"They'll get back to you soon, don't stress it out. Plus, you're way better now than you were a couple seasons ago."
Courtney's eyes widened, filled with shock. "Do you think so?"
"Well, you haven't used that stern, orderly voice this whole time. Or threw a tantrum since I picked you up at you and Gwen's room. So yeah, I think you're doing pretty good."
She looked like she was about to kiss him. Which, in Trent's opinion, wouldn't be a horrible idea. "Y'know, you're right. I don't even glare at Gwen and Duncan together anymore-er, most of the time. I think it's because Bridgette made me start meditating for a half hour a day."
"Maybe also because you want to get better, for yourself." Trent concluded. "Not just for how you look towards the media and stuff, but like, I dunno, for you. Being angry all the time sucks. It's cool to relax."
Their food came immediately after Trent spoke, and Courtney smiled at Simon, but stayed quiet. Trent took a handful of some french fries and threw them in his mouth, before starting on his main course meal, which was a simple steak. He looked across the table at Courtney, as she hadn't touched her soup yet.
"Courtney? You haven't touched your so-"
"-Thank you Trent." She looked up at him, smiling.
"For what?"
"You should swallow your food before talking." Biting her lip, Courtney looked like she was about to laugh.
Blushing, Trent looked away and swallowed his fries, before looking at her again. "Sorry." He chuckled, smiling.
Courtney's cheeks started to turn a shade of pink as she looked at her soup. "But thanks Trent, for making me feel better and supporting me. I really appreciate it."
"Hey, no problem." He put his hand over hers on the table, smiling at her. Squeezing her hand, he let go of it and picked up his knife and fork. "You should drink your soup though, before it gets cold."
"Yeah, you're right." She smiled, before stealing a few of his fries and eating them quickly.
"Hey!" They both laughed.
The walk back from the restaurant felt much slower than the walk to it. There was a breeze as the trees moved along with it, and the moon lit up the clear sky with dancing stars. Courtney and Trent had talked the entire time back, more about where they came from and things prior to the reality show. Trent shouldn't have been amazed at all the things that Courtney juggled between school life and her extracurricular activities and her home life, but he still was. He mentioned how he was on the football team at his school for a brief time, before receiving a broken rib during a game. And Courtney laughed at the way he described it, and Trent had to force himself to keep functioning because wow her laugh was indescribably beautiful.
"Thanks for taking me out Trent, it was really great. I really enjoyed myself." Courtney looked at him as they were standing outside her and Gwen's room.
"Yeah, I really had a great time too. I was hoping we could do it again really soon." Trent bit his lip.
Courtney smiled. "That would be awesome."
The two laughed at her saying "awesome" and how strange it was.
"But really, it would be really nice to go out with you again sometime." She leaned on the frame of the door.
"Yeah." There was a slight silence. "Hey, can I meet up with you for breakfast tomorrow?" He asked, praying for a yes.
"If you feel like you can withstand Bridgette and Geoff for nearly an hour, then sure. I would love to have breakfast with you. Maybe this could be an everyday occurrence?"
"That would be awesome." He chuckled, and Courtney giggled.
"Well, goodnight Trent. I can meet you outside your door at nine?"
"Nine is perfect. Goodnight Court." Trent stepped back, allowing her to open the door and step in, not before she turned around inside her room and waved Trent goodbye.
Trent walked away, smiling to himself. On the elevator ride, he pulled out his phone and opened up Instakam, looking at the picture of Courtney he uploaded. It was a silly picture, of her laughing. Her beautiful onyx eyes were looking at the camera and her mouth was open, her teeth showing. Trent had captioned the picture "stop laughing at me courtneym and go drink your soup!" and it had already received over 68,000 likes and comments. Once Trent had stepped off the elevator and walked to his room, he realized the door was already unlocked. Confused, he open the door to Gwen and Duncan making out on his bed.
"Oh, come on."
Gwen stopped first and sheepishly smiled at Trent, before leading Duncan to his mess of a bed. "Sorry."
Trent told her it was okay, before he went into the bathroom to change into his pajamas-they were shorts with pictures of guitars on them this time-and plopped onto his bed, ignoring Gwen and Duncan and putting in his headphones, slowly dozing off, thinking about where to take Courtney for their next date.
honestly set me on fire and leave me to die
im so sorry about this and all the other stories i never finished forgive me
but im gonna try real hard i swear!