Sugar Isn't Good For You

Chapter one: Silence Is The Best

It's a summer day but it's been raining all week. Today is Friday, my sisters had once again another fight, we now sit in our room in silence yeah 15 years old and still share a room.

I guess I will take this time to explain who I am and what's going on. I am Bubbles Utonium, I have wavy golden blonde mid-back long hair in two high pig-tails, bright icy blue eyes, and pale skin. I guess my facial features are fine I have been told I'm *sigh* beautiful. My body is on other hand is a pain ;C cup breast, flat stomach, thin, 5'3, and "curvy" or "hour-glass" figure. And my personality I was named Bubbles for being bubbly, I'm mainly made of sugar so I'm sweet, I love nature and my family, I am ditzy, I am naïve, I get depressed when my sisters fight or I fail at saving the day, I hate being called a baby or worthless or weak or idiotic. Anyways I take the take the role of the youngest triplet and the joy, the laughter, & the looks of the powerpuff girls. Buttercup has jet black hair in a bob cut with neon lime green eyes and has a light tan on her skin. Facial features same as mine but with a bit of tomboy showing. Body same as me but she's 5'4 and more muscular. Her personality is tough, brave, athletic, laid-back, tomboyish, and protective over our family and friends, she loves sports, fighting, and our family and hates being weak or crying. She also the role of the middle triplet and the guts,the tough one, and the muscle of the powerpuff girls. Blossom has thigh long auburn hair in a half pony tail held up by pink heart-shaped hair-clip and a big red bow with her glowing bubblegum pink eye and skin lighter tan then Buttercup. Facial features are the same as me but more carefully. Body like mine expect she's 5'5 and she has a bit more meat then me. Her personality is smart,caring,calm,nice,bossy,and mother-like she loves being a heroine, our family, and school she hates sexist boys, evil, and failing at anything. She plays the role of the oldest triplet and she is the logic, the smart one, and the brains of the powerpuff girls. Then there is our mom and dad. Our mom is our old kindergarten teacher Sandy Keane and our dad is Professor Utonium. They got married when we were 10. They are really nice. Mom is the principal of pokey oaks elementary school now and Dad is now world known scientist. And last but not least our adopted brother Mitch, we adopted him after his grandma died in a robbery. Mitch is the oldest of us kids but only by 3 months. He has shaggy brown hair with black eyes. His facial features are his freckles and he actually grew up to be a good looking. His body is very muscular and 6'3. And his personality has changed a bit since we were 5 he is still quite a bad boy but now since he is our big brother he gets way over protective of us (but get a bit over protective of him too) and he is athletic, nice-ish, funny,and a bit mean. And what happened is Blossom and Buttercup have gotten into another argument over brains vs. muscles while a giant flaming chicken was attacking downtown. When we got home I was beat up by the monster while the other two are perfectly fine and giving each other the silence treatment. This happens always happens at least twice a week.

"Why do you always mess things up?" Blossom finally asked sending the silence away.

"What? Me?! I don't mess things up you mess things up!" Buttercup exclaimed.

"Me? I had the prefect plan and you just had to go on and punch it in the gut!"

"Your 'prefect' plan was going no where! I had do something before Townsville was ashes or giant-flaming-chickenville!"

"Ugh that doesn't even make sense!"

"Neither did your plan!"

"Oh yeah well you're a-"

"STOP! Can't we be friends?" I asked hopefully ending the fight.

"Not until she apologies for not listening to me!" Blossom childishly responded.

"Me? Apologies? What for? Saving Townsville!" Buttercup yelled back.

"Actually I saved Townsville while you two were fighting each other!" I corrected her.

"Oh now, Bubbles thinks she's the hero!" Buttercup whined

"What? Buttercup I was the one getting beat-" I got interrupted

"Getting beat up means you're weak not a fighter!"

"I am NOT weak I'm as tough as you two!" I yelled back a bit upset Buttercup called me weak.

"She's right ,Bubbles, Buttercup and I are stronger then you." Blossom said in such a calm way in sickens me.

"Did you two forget when I beat you up? And Mojo Jojo!" I reminded them.

"Yeah ten years ago!" Buttercup reminded me.

"Ten years ago is a very long time ,Bubbles." Blossom said as if I was a baby.

"I know that!" I responded now I was mad.

"Sorry it's just that you can be very dimwitted." Blossom attempted to apologies. And failed.

"Dimwitted?! What is that supposed to mean!?" I asked getting anger by the second.

"Stupid ,Stupid" Buttercup rudely responded.

"I know what it means! I am saying do you guys really think I'm an idiot?!" I yelled back enraged. But, all they did was mumble under their breathe. "So, do think I'm stupid and clearly also think I'm weak and a baby!" I screamed enraged. More mumbling with small nods. "That's it I'm so done here! I am no longer a powerpuff girl since I'm clearly not needed!" I decided as I flew away as fast I could leaving behind the shocked faces and screams of my sisters.