So this is the first TAJ fic I've ever written. It's inspired by the most recent ep (5x6). Hope y'all like

Dawn had barely made it out the front door before Colin had Anders pinned up against the counter, hands groping and lips pressed against the nape of the younger man's neck, as he lifted him up onto the counter.

"So domestic. Doing the dishes." Each word was puncutated with another kiss, the pecks climbing higher and higher up Anders' neck.

Anders moaned softly, raking his fingers through Colin's hair. A part of him was still vaguely away that this was Dawn's home, and she could come back any minute, but a larger part of him was more interested in what Colin's hands were doing down his pants.

"Fuck!" He panted heavily, his legs wrapping around Colin's waist almost of their own accord. "Need to... do the dishes... more often..." Colin's grip around his cock tightened, and the smaller man rolled his head back, a loud groan filling the tiny kitchen. "Fuck!"

"Stop talking. For once in your life." Colin pressed his lips to Anders', the only sounds filling the room now a combination of their lips clashing and the heavy panting that Colin was coaxing from Anders.

"I'm back... they were out of champagne at the supermarket so I had to go to the Off License up the stree..." Dawn's voice came to an abrupt stop as she turned into the kitchen, her fingers tightening around the neck of the bottle she was holding.

"Righto Dawny... just... uh... shit..." Anders grinned smugly, gasping as Colin's hands worked his cock hard and fast. "Ice... and a cooler..? Warm... fuck... warm champagne won't be much good now... will it..? Fuck!"

"Uh... sure... I'll be right... I'll just be a minute..." Without thinking, she set the bottle down on the small dining table and turned on her heel, heading back to the front door. She'd wander the streets all night if it meant she could erase the image of her boss getting a hand job from her mind.