"It rained last night so the road is a little slippery, be careful."
I took another bite of my raspberry jam smeared toast and shook my head, "Isn't it always raining? So caution should just be a permanant state of mind, right?"
"Don't talk with your mouth full!"
I gulped, "Sorry, but am I wrong?"
Carmen sighed and sipped her coffee, "Not the point. You remember where Forks High is?"
"Unless it's changed since you told me five minutes ago then yeah, I remember."
"Tone," she said into her coffee.
I sighed and downed my glass of OJ. I prefered it when she acted like a friend, not a mother. Her hair was pulled back tight again, it added at least five years to her face. "You shouldn't keep your hair up like that. It makes you look old," I said smiling.
She practically cholked on her drink, "E-Excuse me?!" Carmen's eyes flared up and I could see she was getting ready for a fight.
"Chill, chill. It's a joke," I laughed.
She leaned up and smacked my arm, "Go, you'll be late."
I stood and put a hand on her shoulder, "Bye Mom, when should I have dinner ready?"
Carmen's eye brows shot up, "You know how to cook?"
I shrugged, "A little. You have almost nothing in the fridge so I was gonna look for a grocery store on my way home."
"Oh!" She stood up and went into a drawer. She came back with a fifty dollar bill, "That should cover it... right?"
I took it and nodded, "But only for tonight and tomorrow. We'll go shopping on Friday. Sound like a plan?"
Carmen smiled broadly, "It's a date. Have fun at school Benny."
I leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek, "I will. Have a good day at work, Mom." I hurried out the door, scooping up my bag and windbreaker in one smooth motion. I made my way out to my new car, and paused. It really was perfect for me. I threw my bag and light coat in the passenger seat and hopped in.
The drive was short; this town only really has one road with all the stores lined up on it and at the very end, tucked into the corner, is Forks High. The whole student body only totals just over three hundred... And that terrifies me. I find a parking spot close to the front, Oh goodie. I park and sit in the car, gripping the steering wheel for dear life. I took a deep breath, since when was I this scared? Sure, I'd never changed schools before but it shouldn't be paralizing me this way. I nodded to myself, I can do this. I'm sure it'll be fine.
I grabbed my coat and bag and got out of the car. Almost like clockwork the clouds burst and it started raining. "Shit!" I threw my coat over my head and started jogging towards the front door. I shook my arms and little water droplets flew everywhere. I wasn't the only one with that idea and I was quickly joined by two girls giggling and shaking out their hair.
One was small, like really small, I could have rested my albow on her head. She was Asian and had her black hair cut in a sharp bob. Her bag looked way too big for her tiny body, filled to the brim with books no doubt. She seemed like the over-helpful, bookish type. The other was average looking with a cute, small girlish face. She had short pale blonde hair carefully spiked up in the back. I felt like it would pop a balloon if given have a chance.
Miss Bob glanced over and smiled. I smiled back and she ran with it. "Hey, I'm Erica. This is Mackenzie-"
"Mack," Spikes interupted holding out her hand. I shook it and nodded.
"Erica and Mack. Ben," I said simply.
"You're Chief Swan's son!"
I nodded again, embarassed.
"Your Mom's been gushing about you forever!" Mack chirped.
"Uh, yeah. Where's the office?"
Erica smiled and tilted her head, "I can show you!"
"Um, no that's cool. I don't want you to be late for class." And I don't like how clingy you are.
Erica looked coyly over at Mack, "You're so nice Ben. This is the building with the office, it'll be just inside and to the left."
Then why would you have to show me where it is if it's so close? Vapid girls are mildly annoying. I smiled, "Thanks, have a good day."
"Hopefully we'll have the same lunch and can talk some more!" Mack said practically beaming.
"Yeah, sounds like fun. Bye." I waved and quickly darted into the building. People stared at me as I briskly walked around the left corner. You would have thought I had a blinking red light above my head screaming "NEW KID! CHIEF SWAN'S SON TO BOOT!" I sighed and talked to the secratary who of course instantly knew who I was. He handed me a map of the campus and my course schedual.
Why does this school even need a map? I glance down at it. THREE BUILDINGS?! Yeah, they're small but that doesn't make any sense. I sighed and compared my schedual to the map. Good, most of my classes are in Building B with only Science in C. Hmm, I've got fourth period lunch. I lucked out. I smiled, tossed eveything in my bag, and scurried off to first period English.
I entered the room sheepishly and the teacher made a point of making me introduce myself to the class. I hate this part, I never know what to say. "Hey, I'm Ben. Let's have a fun year!" No, I'll come off as too peppy. "Um, Ben. I'm new." ARG! Too obvious! I settled for a simple, "My name is Ben. Forks is nice."
The too happy teacher nodded and pointed to a seat next to a curly haired boy, "Jason, help Ben learn the ropes!"
The boy, who was shorter then me, got up and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you man. I'll help but I think you'll pick everything up fast."
He was alright, a little too chummy for me. Like he despretly wanted to be my friend and it turned me off. But I was new so who am I to argue with a guy being friendly? It turned out I had the next class with Jason too and he spent most of it trying to become my new best friend. Odd, very odd. I'd never gotten this kind of attention before.
Third period I finally got a chance to detach myself from him and meet other people. It was History and I sat next to a quiet mousy boy named Alec. He was cool, friendly without trying too hard and willing to let me copy notes. Tall, and I mean really tall. It was odd he was so quiet and yet took up so much space. I asked if he'd ever tried out for basketball and he laughed as if it was the most redicuous thing he'd ever heard. All and all not a bad guy.
We both had fourth period Lunch so we both walked and talked into the cafeteria.
"Ben!" I looked up and saw Erica and Mack wave emphatically at me. Oh joy. I smiled and waved back.
"You know them already?" Alec asked.
"Um, yeah. We met outside this morning. They're cool... I guess."
Alec stifled a laugh, "I get what you mean. They can be a little too eagar."
I nodded sagely, "Way too eagar."
We walked to the table and sat down.
"How has your first day been so far?" Mack asked leaning forward.
"Alright, I've introduced myself so many times I kinda hate my name now."
Mack and Erica laughed too hard and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. How long were they going to be like this?
"Where's Jason and Lonny?" Alec asked looking around.
"Jason? Like curly hair?" I asked, slightly dreading the answer.
"Yeah, he hangs out with us at lunch," Alec said with a weary expression. Oh, so I'm not alone in my slight dislike of him.
"Lonny's got a different lunch this year! But Tyra's in it too so I don't think he'll be too heart broken," Erica said, her eyes twinkling. "And Jason-"
"Somebody rang?" Jason -seemingly called to our side because we said his name too many times- popped up behind Alec and slapped him on the back. He looked over and smiled at me, "Benji!"
My eyes widened, horror struck, "Please don't call me that."
"Calm down, it's a joke," he said laughing. He parked right beside me and smiled at Mack, "He's so serious, isn't he?"
She shrugged, "Some times I like a serious man."
Jason sighed and looked away, but not before he shot me a mild death glare. Ah, he likes her. I leaned back and folded my arms when the table in the corner caught my eye. The table itself was in ordenary, it was the people sitting around it that had me transfixed. Three girls and two boys, looking so bored I was wondering why they were even here. The thing that really struck me was how insanely beautiful each one was, even the guys.
Jason glanced at me and then followed my eyes, "Ah, the Cullens are in your cross hairs, huh?"
"Who are they?"
Jason smiled, "Well, like I just said, they're the Cullens. They just moved here a little while ago. Their Mom is a doctor at the hospital, she's a total babe too. They all are. But they're all together... like together." I looked confused so Jason elabroated, "They're all adopted so they're all dating each other."
"Wait, what?"
"Yeah, it's kind of a waste but what ever. Alex with Juliet and Randall with Edeline. The only one unattached is Emma and she doesn't even look at any of the guys here."
"The one with the long curls," Alec explained.
I looked over at the table and scanned each of their faces. There was a small bright boy with spiky dark hair, almost exactly like Mack's but it seemed more natural, as if that was even possible. He was sitting next to a small blonde girl who looked so nervous I almost felt bad for her. The other side of the table had a tall princely looking blonde boy who held the hand of an tall and athletic looking girl, if she wasn't on a sports team I'd be shocked. Sitting beside them was an angel. That's really the only was I can describe her, she had long soft curls in the most stunning shade of red. No, red is the wrong word for it, auburn? That's closer. And she had the palest skin I'd ever seen, they all did, and it had a faint shimmering quailty to it. Like they all applied glitter before they left the house.
The girl on the end looked up and stared right into my eyes. I felt embarassed that I was caught staring but couldn't look away. She tilted her head and looked confused. Was she trying to figure out who I was? Suddenly her eyes widened and she stood up. Everyone at her table looked at her as she whispered something to them. They all stood and glided- honest to god, glided- out of the room.
Jason smiled at me, "Oh, he's got it bad. Hold your horses Romeo, better men than you have tried and failed. Just let her go."
I sighed and laughed lightly, "Yeah, you're right. So who has Science next?"
A/N: First day of school! I think I might morph his character a bit. Writing it in Bella's "I HATE ATTENTION!" way is kinda pissing me off lmao