Prodigal: Well, the response has been... less than enthusiastic. Guess we'll have to change that, right?

Nightblake: Hmm maybe...

Prodigal: Well, I know how we can do it! We present Break's next target!

Break: Ooh! Who do I get to help out next?

Emily: "Help out" Yeah, you mean torture.

Prodigal: Emily! How many times do you have to be told it's not nice to tell the truth?

Nightblake: Well let us thank Sharon in advance for helping Break at the rough times of this little helping spree.

Prodigal: Hmm, do let's. Now, 'in epic movie voice' BEHOLD! BREAK'S NEXT TARGET IS... OUR FAVOURITE SEEKER...

Nightblake: Take note that this fic is not canon.

Prodigal: And that means... We have more torture victims- I mean! Helpees on board the Nemesis...

"Oh please, as if that'd be any problem." Starscream mumbled to himself,having just heard the announcement that there was a human intruder on board the Nemesis. "Though, I would be interrested to know how it got on board the ship and how the 'mighty Megatron' failed to terminateit himself..."

"Well, It's quite the story actually." At the sound of that,, screamed and turned around. Of course, there was the human staring at him with a hand placed to his chin. And... what was that on his shoulder? "You see, it started when I magically appeared here in the ship because of... Well, let's just say a wizard did it. And then I proceeded to make small talk with your friends on the bridge, and then I proceeded to make small talk with another of your friends in a corridor, and then-Oh, wait, I seem to have caught up where we are now!"

Starscream was too shocked to even break into that rant. When he eventually did, he found the human... on his head? True enough, there he was tapping on his head. "Hellooo...? Anybody in there? Are you really just a robot?"

"If he is, he's a pretty good looking one!" A new voice piped up.

"Where did that come from? Who are you?! Speak!" Starscream demanded. Given his position, he was unable to see the human turn to the doll on his shoulder.

"Emily! What have I told you about telling lies?!"

"Hmm, nothing! You always talked about telling the truth!"

"Don't tell me the truth,you cheeky doll you!" They went on like that for a good few minutes, prompting the seeker to shake them off of his head. Starscream was defitenly confused by now and just wanted to dispose of the human.

"Alright, you've had your fun!" He yelled, pointing a missile at them.

"Huh, looks like a torpedeo." The human mumbled, right before Screamer fired. The missile exploded on impact, leaving nothing but burn marks on the floor and a smirking and sighing Starscream. "Nice shot, but you lose points for timing. And because you look silly."

"What in-" Starscream turned around, and there, once again, the human was just standing. This time he had his arms crossed. " How did-When did yo- Wh-" The seekers head repeatedly turned left and right between the human's previous position, and where he was now. It was like he was watching a tennis game five times faster.

The human smirked and pulled out a piece of candy and popped it into his mouth, before talking to the piece of stiching on his shoulder. "How would you rate that, Emily?"

"Hmm, maybe 7 out of 10, actually give that a 4." Before they could say anything else, Starscream decided to try a different approach.

"OK, maybe we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. Let's start over. My name is Starscream." He smirked, and the human smiled back holding out his hand.

"Break, and this is Emily. You only get that, watashi no yūjin." He spoke in a foreign tongue.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to speak in a language I bothered to learn. What did you say?" Starscream asked, mildly annoyed.

"He said 'you suck'" Emily pointed out, prompting Break to turn to her with a feigned shock expression.

"Emily! I never asked you to tell the truth!"

"Is that what he really said?" asked the annoyed seeker "Or is it trying to annoy me?"

"'It' has a name and maybe." said the annoying human "Oh and 'Watashi no yūjin' means 'my friend' in Japanese... just curious what languages do you know?"

"Pretty much just what I've spoken, aside from my native tongue." Starscream answered, puffing his chest lightly for his next sentence. "But I am perfectly capable of learning many languages of your planet via the 'internet'!" Break made a "shocked" expressionand put his hands on his cheeks.

"Really?! Tu loquerisne Latine?" He asked.


"Wie wäre es mit Deutsch? Kennen Sie Deutsch?" He piped.

"Wait, wait! Give me a chance!" Screamer begged.

"Pa mor am y Gymraeg? Mae'n rhaid i chi wybod Gymraeg, dde?" Break tried that one next.

"Fragging hold on!" The seeker demanded, before Emily joined in.

"Forse tu parli Italiano?" She said.

"That's enough!"

"Siay tiay? Iay oughtthay eway ereway ustjay ettinggay artedstay!"

"I know that one! I know that one!" Starscream declared, pointing at the human.

"Вам? Как так?" Emily asked in yet ANOTHER language.

Starscream facepalmed. "I give up! Do your worst!" He yelled, and both the human and doll smirked.

"OK!" They yelled in unison, before pulling out a big cake and throwing it in Screamer's face, leaving him speechless. Then, out of nowhere, Break was standing on a large wooden construct. A cupboard?! "And now, readers and authors of fanfiction, the mighty Break shall do yet another disappearing act! " The cupboard opened as he jumped, and he said one more thing before falling inside. "Toodles!"

With that, he fell in and the cupboard disappeared. This left a pastry-covered paralysed seeker standing frozen in the middle of the corridor with a scowl on his face.

Megatron watched from his screen on the bridge of the Nemesis, not bothering to bury his laugh as he watched Starscream suffer. Then, an idea came to mind. He turned to his spymaster. "Soundwave?" He called, and the slender mech turned to face him. "Do you still have a human YouTube account?"