Last chapter! I'm sorry, I actually expected to have another chapter after this, but as things turned out, we're ending the story with this one.

Fun fact: This story ends on chapter 21. In the anime, episode 21 was when Sanji fed Gin, one of Don Krieg's members.

Body parts in different languages

Sanji lunged through the door, knocking down Cabeza on the way and darting for the person directly in front of him: Nami. She shrieked and held up her arms to protect herself—just before Sanji could reach her, Zoro leapt in front of her, holding back the insane vampire with two swords.

"If you think you're getting one drop of blood from any of us, cook," he growled, keeping Sanji at bay, "you've got a harsh lesson coming your way."

Sanji simply snarled and pushed against Zoro's swords, now trying to reach the green-haired man. He gave up within the next few seconds and then turned on Luffy, leaping towards him and reaching out with pale hands. Luffy jumped aside and pushed Sanji, causing the vampire to stumble.

"Dos fleurs!"

Two hands sprouted out of Sanji's shoulders and covered his eyes. He cried out in shock and lost his balance, falling to the floor, where he struggled to pull off the arms.

"An animal's initial response to sudden blindness is immobilization," Robin said in a surprisingly calm tone of voice. "Chopper, would you pick him up and put him in the room? He probably won't attack you, given that you're not exactly human."

Chopper, who had been clinging to Usopp in fear (and vice-versa), nodded and turned big; he knelt, picked up Sanji, and unceremoniously tossed the cook into the panic room. Cabeza managed to stand at last; he shut and locked the door as Robin allowed her hands to disappear.

As several bangs came from the inside (Sanji appeared to be trying to kick down the door), Zoro sheathed his swords and without turning, said "Nami, you okay?"

Nami slowly nodded, trembling slightly.

"That jerk," Franky muttered. "Tryin' to attack a girl . . ."

"He wasn't himself," Luffy said. "It wasn't his fault."

Usopp's legs finally gave out and he hit the floor. "Vampires are scary," he mumbled.

"The madness doesn't last very long, correct?" Robin asked, turning to Cabeza.

Cabeza thought. "Hm . . . well . . . between a half-hour and an hour? Yes, I'd say an hour at most."

"Thank goodness . . ." Chopper said, sighing with relief. "I hope everything goes okay."

"What if he breaks out?" Nami asked nervously, looking at the door, inside which loud noises and snarling were still heard.

"We should have two people here to guard him," Robin suggested. "I'll stay. Does anyone want to volunteer?"

"I'll do it," Luffy offered.

Robin nodded. The two sat on either side of the door.

"I think I'll go upstairs," Usopp mumbled, standing shakily and heading as quickly as possible for the exit. The others eventually followed him, leaving only Luffy and Robin—and Sanji inside of the panic room.

It was almost an hour later when the bangs and crashes from inside the panic room finally subsided. Luffy stopped pacing around the room and looked at the door.

"Hey," he said. "He's quiet now."

Robin nodded. "Perhaps the madness has passed."

Luffy cheered and went to open the door, but Robin stopped him. "No," she scolded. "It's possible that he is still insane. Even if he isn't, he may be very sick for at least the next half-hour, so it would be best to leave him be."

"Sick?" Luffy asked.

"Based on what the book said about the cure, I assume that he will be vomiting up excess blood," Robin said.

Luffy made a face. "Aw, puking up food's no fun. It doesn't taste as good coming up."

Robin ignored this.

True to her predictions, there soon came the sounds of coughing and retching inside, accompanied by the occasional gasp of air. There were also the unpleasant sounds of groaning as if suffering from a stomachache or migraine. Thankfully, the retching sounds stopped within the half-hour.

Not long after that, it seemed, all went quiet once again. Robin looked at the door interestedly, while Luffy leaned forward on his toes hopefully.

Crossing her arms, Robin closed her eyes and used her power to look inside. A moment later she smiled, opened her eyes, and told Luffy "He seems fine, if not a bit exhausted."

"Can we open the door, can we!?" Luffy yelled.

Robin nodded. Luffy yelled for everyone to get back downstairs while Robin opened up the door. The two, followed by the rest of the crew and Cabeza, found Sanji lying on the floor, staring up at the ceiling and breathing shakily; splatters of blood surrounded him and some stained his suit.

"Hey," he said weakly, turning his head to look at everyone and giving them a reassuring smile. "Sorry . . . for causing you all trouble."

He turned his head to stare back up at the ceiling and took in a large breath of air. "I'm breathing," he announced. "I didn't even realize I'd missed it . . . and my heart is beating!"

Usopp and Chopper hurried forward and helped him sit up. He coughed and inhaled deeply again.

"I can stand," he said firmly. The two reluctantly released him and he stood on his own. His legs were trembling slightly.

"Sorry about your floor," he said to Cabeza.

"No, it's fine," Cabeza said, though the look he gave the room said otherwise. "I'll clean it up later—no, I'll call Gamba and make him clean it up. This whole thing is his fault anyway."

Luffy laughed, ran forward, and hugged Sanji. "I'm glad you're not crazy, Sanji!"

Sanji half-heartedly shoved him off and strode over to Nami, who flinched slightly.

"Nami-swan," he said, holding out his arms, with hearts in his eyes, "I'm so sorry for scaring you!"

To no one's surprise, she pushed him away. "Apology accepted. Don't touch me until you clean yourself up!"

"Right," he muttered, looking down at himself.

"We should get back," Robin said. "Nami-chan, I believe that the Log is set by now?"

"Yep," Nami said, displaying the quivering needle. "We're good to go!"

"Cabbage, thanks a bunch!" Luffy said cheerfully.

"I-It was no trouble," Cabeza lied. "I'm glad that Sanji-san here was able to be helped."

"So it's 'Sanji-san' now?" Sanji muttered.

After farewells were said and items gathered up, the crew departed the island in the Thousand Sunny. Sanji stood on the deck, having changed into a new suit at last, leaning against the railing and relaxing in the sun. The color had finally returned to his skin.

"You just gonna stay there?" Zoro asked, passing by. "Aren't you tired or anything?"

"Of course I'm tired," Sanji snapped. "You'd be tired too if you had to go through all that. Right now I just want to enjoy the nice weather."

"Hm," Zoro agreed, looking up and squinting.

"I'll get started on lunch soon," Sanji said. "If that's what you were wondering."

Zoro smirked. "I'll let Luffy know."

As the swordsman strolled away, Sanji took in a deep drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke up towards the sky. The weather really was nice today.


Story's done~! Thank you for all your support, minna-sama~!

Hey, we've got a drabble story now!
