Pacific High Chapter One

Claimer: W00! Isn't this great?! Not only is this a funny Pacific Rim fic (sorta), but I'm in it! (also sorta) actually I just named my OC after me :)

Disclaimer and a Claimer: woo... I don't own anything but me and my adorable (and little ratbag) OC Jaegers. (who may or may not completely resemble official ones in almost every way)

HEY, THIS IS SOMETHING IMPORTANT! The Chibi-Dome actually belongs to RikaHara and chibi-jaeger-adventures on tumblr. Go check them out, it's amazing and... WAIT FOR IT...


Awesomeness abound!



Back when everything was… sorta normal…

"OK, so the giant concrete slab idea is a no-go." Marshall Stacker Pentecost sighed, thinking it was as stupid as a wall anyway.

"Actually," spoke up the resident Kaiju Groupie, "it is still valid. Sure, the Breach stops stuff from going through to the Kaiju's side, but we've only ever thrown explosives at it. Just chucking a Jaeger in there, NO EXPLOSIVES, might work."

Everyone looked a Newt like he'd gone crazy.

"What? It's a valid point!" he protested, while Hermann made little drinky-drinky motions with his hand.

"Now, my idea is this. We don't cover up the Breach with a giant concrete slab, OR chuck useless Jaegers through it," Hermann hypothesised, "we do it while a Kaiju is coming through!"

Now everyone was making little drinky-drinky motions.

"I hate you people."

Raleigh, always up for a stupid plan or two, looked at his watch. "We've got like three hours before the next scheduled event. Whattaya say we give it a go? End the threat once and for all?" he said, nudging Mako.

She shrugged, not really bothered.

"Assault the Breach it is," Stacker groaned, facepalming.



Otachi's screeching head was smacked back down into the rift by the butt of a very large and distinctly Russian Jaeger known as Cherno Alpha.
"You invade us, we invade YOU!" the Kaidonovskys yelled, leading the charge through the rift.

Back at the Shatterdome, one Tendo Choi was getting very, very worried. I mean, just look at those flashy buttons! "Hey guys, I'm getting some weird readings from the Breach,"


And that, kids, is how I met your mother.