Hey! This is my first Hetalia fanfic (also my first fanfic EVER!) so rate fairly as I'm a newb to fanfiction-writing !

This story is originally on Wattpad, I just decided to post it here to get a little more recognition. And no, I WON'T be taking any requests. If you must, request who you want on my Wattpad-version of this book!

Now, I'm just gonna warn you now, some of these MAY not be romantic or lovey-dovey ALL the time and some of the stories might not be suitable for younger fans. So please, always, ALWAYS read the warnings posted at the top of the page in each chapter, as it would be much appreciated.

The first chapter, America!

Bye~! =3=

P.S. If you are new to these sorts of books, this [_] means your name and this [name of country] is the name of the country that you are talking to/about if you aren't familiar with their human names.