"Well today was fun, all things considered huh?" asked Haruhi as the family all came home from the park.

"Yes I thoroughly enjoy in being harassed over being gay," said Yasha.

"Sorry about that Yasha," said Haruhi hugging her son.

"Don't worry I made sure to get the men's ids and am going to see to it that they do not do such a thing again," said Kyoya.

"Thank you Father," said Yasha, "I suppose that whole thing sort of made us understand each other more."

"Yes I like to agree as well," said Kyoya.

"Hmm I'm curious as to how you'll react tomorrow when we attend Yuki's concert Father," said Kotoko, "You are still planning on coming correct?"

"Oh yes," said Kyoya.

"And if you're impressed with him you'll finally loosen up and allow me to date him freely, right?" said Kotoko.

"Yes Kotoko, that was the deal after all," Kyoya assured hi daughter, "However I wouldn't say you'll be completely free in dating him. I do expect there to be limits in how much physical contact there is between the two of you."

"What's that suppose to mean?" asked Haruhi looking at her daughter.

"It's nothing Mother," said Kotoko quickly.

"Okay I should hope so!" said Haruhi, "Because your father's right even if we allow you to see this boy, that doesn't mean you can go off doing what you want understood?"

"Yes of course," muttered Kotoko.

"That goes for you two boys as well with your love interests! I've walked in on both of you doing something wrong with your boyfriend and girlfriend!" said Haruhi.

"Yes Mother," said boys. The three children all hurried away.

"You know, the way they act it's sometimes easy to forget they're still our children and have a ways to go as they grow up," said Haruhi.

"Yes I'm sure they do, although I would expect any of our children to know be mature and smart about some of the choices and decisions they may make," said Kyoya, "Its not like we ever did anything like that as teenagers." Haruhi cleared her throat.

"How was I supposed to pay you back to those flowers back in Okinawa again?" asked Haruhi.

"I didn't go through with it as I recall," Kyoya pointed out.

"You know you wanted to though, admit it," Haruhi pestered her husband, "And just think if we didn't stop when we did, even if this was just to teach me a lesson, Tamaki would have come and catch us in a much more indecent situation then what he actually caught us in."

"Yes I suppose you're right," said Kyoya, "But again I must point out I only did to teach you a lesson."

"It must have been a real intense lesson seeing as you had me pinned down hard on the bed and I doubt you would have let me leave if I tired to move on my own," said Haruhi, "And I'm still convinced you wanted it."

"Whether I did or not it did not matter because it didn't happen anyway," said Kyoya.

Haruhi walked up behind him and warped her arms around him.

"Just out of curiosity, if I hadn't gotten what it was you were trying to do, how far would you have gone exactly?" she asked. Kyoya put his hand on her top of hers.

"Well I like to think I'd have enough respect for you to not take things too far. Especially since I now have you for my very own," he said.

"Thank you, that makes me love you even more for that," said Haruhi hugging her husband even tighter.

"Our parents are too strict and uptight don't you think?" said Han as he and his brother and sister walked up the stairs to their room.

"Well they think they know what is best for us and in most cases they'd be right. However that doesn't mean we can't still keep making decisions for ourselves," said Yasha.

"Does that include going all the way with Hisoka at all?" asked Kotoko.

"Well I suppose I'd be lying if I haven't had some thoughts of going all the way with him," said Yasha.'

"You stud," said Kotoko, "Hmm I for one am more then ready to go all the way with Yuki!" Both her brothers looked at her feeling disturbed.

"You shouldn't say things out loud like that," said Han, "Father's still downstairs and could hear you. I don't know if he'd like hearing such a thing."

"Well I have to be honest don't I and to be honest I feel I'm ready to be with Yuki in that way," said Kotoko.

"Good for you," said Han.

"What about you and Seina?" asked Kotoko.

"No I don't think I'm ready for that much of a commitment with her just yet. I like to think we will though in the future," said Han.

"Good for you for being honest," said Yasha. Han actually felt he meant what he said, for the first time ever.

"Kids, what are you all doing out here in the hallway like this?" asked Haruhi as she and Kyoya came up the stairs.

"We were just talking Mother," said Kotoko.

"Well if you're going to keep talking instead of getting some rest, could you either keep it down or go into one of your rooms for the time being? Your mother and I are going to be trying to get some sleep," said Kyoya.

"Yes Father," said the triplets. Haruhi made sure to give each of her siblings a kiss on the cheek before heading to the bed room with Kyoya.

"I hope they don't get too loud in there," said Han.

"That is disgusting Han," said Yasha.

"Well I'm going to my room as well, see you two tomorrow," said Kotoko walking into her room. However she didn't really get ready for bed. Instead she opened her closet and started flipping through her clothes trying to find something to wear for Yuki's concert. However nothing really looked good enough for it. She wanted to really impress Yuki so that way if he happened to see her during the show, he would see her at her absolute best. Nothing however really looked great to her to really make such an impression.

"What am I going to do?" she said out loud.

"So you kids all ready for the concert tonight?" asked Haruhi the next morning as the family all sat around having breakfast.

"Yes," said her sons like it was nothing.

"I am as well," said Kyoya.

"What about you Kotoko?" asked Haruhi.

"Uh well, is there anyway we can possibly go shopping before it?" asked Kotoko.

"Shopping?" asked her father, "what is wrong all the clothes you have now? Aren't any of them good enough for you?"

"Kyoya," Haruhi said in a warning tone, "We can go shopping if you want to Kotoko."

"Thank you Mother!" said Kotoko happily.

"So what are you looking for exactly Kotoko?" asked Haruhi as she and her mother walked around a huge department store.

"Uh I don't know," said Kotoko, "I kind of want something that'll get noticed."

"By Mr. Fukuyama I take it?" asked Haruhi. Kotoko blushed, "Honey there's been something I've been wanting to ask of you. Did you and him do something you probably should have back at the beach?"

Kotoko started to turn even redder.

"I had thoughts of doing something like that and I may have nearly gotten Yuki to do it to me had Father not caught us right before he found out you fainted," she admitted.

"Hmm I see," said Haruhi, "I'm curious Kotoko, do you really feel like you're ready for such a thing; because unless you are, you're going to be in a real cruel surprise."

"Are you talking about a personal experience Mother?" asked Kotoko.

"Yes and no," said Haruhi, "I'll be honest with you the only man I've ever been with like that is your father."

"Are you suggesting I should be looking for such a thing?" asked Kotoko.

"Oh god no!" said Haruhi, "However I will say that no matter what if you ever felt the need to go all the way with the man or woman should come up…,"

"It's not Mother," Kotoko insisted.

"Alright, but my point still stands. Maybe in a way it was a good thing your father did catch you. Since I don't think you and your brothers really are ready," said Haruhi.

"Are you sure about that Mother?" asked Kotoko.

"Well I have a good feeling about that," said Haruhi, "And no I'm not just saying that because you're my children." She took her daughter's hand tight. "Just promise me one thing, when you do feel ready to go all the way use protection." Kotoko sighed.

"Yes Mother I will," she assured her, "Now then the dress?"

"Right, do you see one you like at least?" asked Haruhi. Kotoko looked around until she happened to notice a black sleeveless dress with a slit in the skirt.

"What about this?" she asked holding it up. Haruhi looked it over with huge eyes.

"Wow," she said, "if that's what you want then I suppose you can wear it. I'm pretty sure you'll get Yuki's attention."

"Too much?" asked Kotoko.

"No, I think it's perfect for you especially if you're still having issues with your father," said Haruhi. Kotoko giggled.

"Well I'm still anxious to really make sure he knows and understand I am a grown girl now," she said.

"And this is really going to make that point," said Haruhi.