This little addition is dedicated to MamaBear13. This is just a little something extra I wanted to write and she inspired me to do so.

~2 Years Later~

Lily watched with a fond smile as her students finished up their contemporary routine. The fall recital was fast approaching and her class was excited and nervous. At the moment, it was her younger students, including her own daughter Rowan. She really tried to not be biased but the little girl definitely got her talent for dancing. That's why she left it up to the class to vote for solos...she was just happy and a little relieved that Rowan was one of the first ones chosen.

"That was awesome everyone...let's take a break and when you come back we'll start on solos," she said. The kids all started talking excitedly with each other. She felt someone crash into her side and she smiled down at the bright green eyes shining up at her.

"Hey baby girl," she said.

"Hi mommy...can we watch Daddy's show tonight?" Rowan asked. Lily grinned and ran her fingers through the girl's damp hair. Castiel was in LA at the moment filming for the upcoming season premier for his show. She was so proud of him...they were starting on their 3rd season and it was still going strong. She missed him but he was happy...that was all she cared about.

"Of long as there's no adult stuff...go get some water OK?" she said and gently pushed the 6 year old towards her bag. Rowan smiled and skipped over. Lily sighed softly to herself and loved the feeling of content wash over her in waves.

"Ben? Where you guys at?" Dean called out as he pushed through the door. Lily was going to kill him but he couldn't help dropping all of his stuff on the table. They were finishing up the upgrades to the shop...finally he'd be able to start doing custom paint jobs and other art work. It had been a dream of his ever since he bought the old place...and ever since Cas's show got on a bigger network and got picked up for another season...they were able to expand. He would never be able to thank his partners enough...but he tried.

" know I love the kids but's Friday night!" Ben complained coming into the room. Dean looked up at him with a smirk before ruffling up his hair.

"Hey, you wanted me to teach you how to drive...this is how you get your mom off my back," Dean laughed.

"I've been babysitting for you guys since forever! Before it was just it's the twins and Jacob!" Ben complained again. Dean gave him a pointed look and narrowed his eyes. Ben instantly deflated and muttered an I'm sorry.

"It's alright Kiddo...and I understand it's a Friday...that's why I'm home early...get out of here," Dean laughed playfully pushing the kid away. Ben punched him in the shoulder and hurried out through the house. Dean rolled his eyes and bounded up the stairs, smiling big when he heard the little peals of laughter.

"Hey babies..." Dean cooed stepping over the baby gate. His twins Christopher and Mary stared up at him with huge smiles on their faces...both of them had the unruly black hair like Cas while Mary had the shocking blue eyes and Christopher green. Ruby and Charlie's son Jacob, who was younger than his twins crawled over to him and hugged his arm.

"Dadda!" Chris giggled running to him, nearly tripping along the way. Dean grinned, letting all three of them crawl on him. About an hour later the front door slammed and heard his little girl thundering up the stairs.

"That is so cute!" Rowan giggled from the door way, snapping a picture on her mom's phone. Dean smiled for the next one and she was running down the hall towards her room.

"Dean? You up here babe?" Lily called out.

"Yeah in here," Dean answered, chuckling when the twins started crying out for her, running over to the baby gate.

"Hey guys! You being good for Dadda?" she laughed. She gathered them up in her arms and grunted.

"I swear...they're gonna be freaking tall monsters like you and Cas," she laughed. Dean grinned and bit his lip looking at her. Lily always looked amazing after teaching...her skin practically glowed and that smile of hers...and when she was around the kids it just got even bigger. Dean wanted to have more but he was afraid of how his lover's would react to that...they would definitely need a bigger house.

"You love it," Dean grinned. She rolled her eyes and kissed the twins each on the cheeks.

"Wanna bring Jake down stairs so we can start getting the barbeque ready?" Lily said. Dean smiled softly and nodded scooping up the baby before carefully stepping over the gate again.

"Can I carry him?" Rowan asked bouncing on her toes.

"You can hold him when we get downstairs, deal?"

"Fiiiine...daddy messaged you mommy," Rowan said holding up the phone. Lily glanced at Dean laughing when he grabbed it for her.

Castiel bit on his lip hard trying to simmer down the huge grin on his face. They finished shooting early and he was able to start his usual two weeks off 2 days early! His family still thought he'd be home on Monday though...he couldn't wait to see them. He waved eagerly at Ruby who was waiting for him at her car, pulling him in for a tight hug.

"God it's good to have you back...come on, Dean's barbequing tonight," Ruby said with a long moan, her stomach growling. Cas laughed and crawled into the car, practically bouncing in his seat the entire way home.

When they finally pulled up he couldn't help but moan along with Ruby as the smells hit them right in the face. Dean was amazing when he cooked and his mouth was instantly watering. He hurried towards the back gate and spied around the corner at his family, a huge smile breaking out on his face. His little ones were running around in the grass, chasing after Rowan. Charlie, Lisa and Lily were siting on the swing laughing about something. Dean, Balthazar and Benny were crowded around the grill lightly arguing what the better way to cook the steaks were. Ruby smacked his ass as she hurried past them, making baby noises as she scooped up her son.

"What took you so long?" Charlie asked with a pout. Ruby laughed, leaning down to kiss her. Cas bit his lip and waited a few more minutes before quietly stepping away from the corner and further into the back yard. It took a minute but finally Rowan glanced over at him and squealed.

"Daddy!" she screamed almost knocking over one of the twins to run to him. Everyone else jumped in surprise, shouts filling the air.

"What are you doing home?" Dean cried, shoving the tongs into Benny's hand before hurrying over. Cas laughed softly as his husband assaulted his mouth.

"Ewwww," Rowan giggled. He kissed her forehead and put her down only to have his wife wrap around him.

"Why didn't you say anything!" she laughed kissing the side of his mouth.

"Wanted to surprise you guys," Cas laughed. He felt a tug on his pants and bent down to scoop the twins up, both of them giggling and rambling in baby talk. It took nearly 20 minutes for everyone to settle down and for Dean to tear himself away to save his steaks from their friends.

"So good to have you home," Lily sighed running her fingers through his hair. He smiled up at her and laughed when the twins climbed over him.

"It's good to be home..."

Dean kissed Mary on the forehead as he pulled the blanket over her sleeping form, he looked over to Cas who was tucking in Christopher. He grabbed for his husband's hand and led them to their bedroom, Lily was already there sitting on the edge of their bed.

"Rowan's passed out like the twins...should have a long peaceful night," she grinned. Dean laughed and closed their door, making sure the baby monitors were on before stripping down to his underwear. Cas bounced on the bed and groaned as he stretched out. Dean crawled onto the bed as well and spread out on his back, Lily sat between them just staring at them with a soft smile.

Slowly, she ran a hand along each of their chests and Dean relaxed into the touch, moving closer to both of them.

"So...I have...some news," Lily said after a while. Dean pried his eyes open and stared up at her blushing face. Cas shared a curious look with him before rising up on his elbow.

"What's that?" Dean asked. Lily grabbed for each of their hands and took in a slow breath.

"I'm pregnant..." she said slowly. Dean's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he sat up quickly.

"Are...are you sure?" Dean asked, his heart thudding in his chest. Lily gave him a knowing smile and nodded, cupping the side of his face. He swallowed hard and felt a slight twinge of guilt in his chest. Ever since the three of them decided to start having kids...they'd been insanely careful about using protection. After some heated debates, it was decided that Dean would try first. So only he wouldn't use condoms while they had sex...then after Rowan was born, it was Cas's turn. They hadn't planned for more and Lily just...forgot to start taking her birth control again. Dean may have gotten a little...eager one night and the both of them completely ignored the box of condoms in their drawer.

It didn't even dawn on him to even talk to Cas about it...until now.

"Yes...I was going to wait until Monday when you were supposed to come home but...I figured now was just as good..." she said with a nervous smile. He looked at their husband and frowned, he hadn't said anything yet. He opened his mouth to ask him about it when Cas's face broke out into a huge grin.

"I can't...this is fucking amazing," Cas laughed tackling Lily into the bed. She laughed and Dean couldn't help but join in, kissing both of them eagerly.

"'re not upset?" Dean asked softly. Cas looked at him and shook his head.

"Of course not...I mean it wasn't planned or anything but...I mean it worked out since it would be your turn after all," Cas laughed. Lily groaned and slapped both of them on their arms.

"Alright you two...I have a do know that right?" her laugh quickly turning into a high pitch giggle when both Cas and Dean started nuzzling at her neck.

"But you're so cute when you're pregnant babe...and extremely horny," Dean grinned. Lily blushed and smacked him again but pulled him closer anyway.

"He is right...but in all honesty...are you OK with this?" Cas asked her. Dean glanced at him and sighed, moving to snuggle more into her side as his hand started to rub her stomach. She moaned softly and licked her dry lips.

"I am...but I think...two more will be my you better pray that it's not another set of twins," she laughed. Cas smiled and joined Dean's hand to rub at her stomach.

"Deal," Cas said.