Warnings for this chapter: implied rape/self harm

Castiel Novak was a normal teenager at Kripke High school. Well…as normal as a straight A, socially awkward nerd could be anyway. He kept his head down and tried to not raise attention to himself. The bullies always seemed to find him though, it never went past verbal abuse and slight pushing around but it still hit him deep within…deeper than his own inflicted wounds. But that's another part of this story.

He was the younger of two brothers, Luke who was five years older and Michael being the oldest was 7 years older than Castiel. He was born in Michigan and lived there with his parents until he was 13 years old. Michael had moved to Seattle when Castiel was 11 and Luke had just moved to California the day after his 18th birthday. He missed his brothers terribly but he had his parents so he was happy.

Things were good up until then; his parents had loved him, doted on him until one day everything changed. One single moment and the life he knew was gone…. hatred and never ending darkness took its place. It spiraled out of control and Castiel couldn't remember who he was anymore. There were moments he didn't want to live, that he would be so much better off if he just didn't…. exist.

Then Michael came home for a visit…and saved him. His older brother didn't know everything but he knew Castiel well and his baby brother never flinched when he was being hugged. Somehow Michael just caught on to what was happening, especially when he saw the scars gracing his brother's wrists.

"Cassie…when I go back to Seattle…. why don't you come with me?" Michael had asked as he gently rubbed his thumb along the angry scars. Castiel had sobbed, nodding his head vigorously, clinging onto his brother's shirt. Silently begging Michael to take him away from this place. Michael didn't hesitate, promising Castiel that he would deal with their parents. He could see the confusion and anger written all over Michael's face but he never once tried to pry it out of him. Even on the long drive out of Michigan.

His parents had put up a fight; screaming and throwing things when Michael actually raised his voice back at them. Castiel had hid in his room, cowering in the back of his closet, hugging his knees in close. No matter what though, he knew he was leaving with Michael, his duffel bag packed and ready to go. Michael had snickered when he saw what was inside…. books, music, his laptop…no clothes. His older brother ruffled his hair and promised he would replace anything he had to leave behind.

When it was time to go, Castiel's father grabbed his wrist, yanking him back to his chest. His heart thudded against his ribcage as his father peered down at him with a furious expression.

"You'll never be free of me Castiel," He hissed into his ear. Before he could catch his breath, he was wrenched away from his father's grasp and into Michael's arms.

"Keep your fucking hands off of him you bastard…if I have my way he'll never see you again," Michael growled, keeping Castiel pressed to his side. His heart was still in his throat as he clung to his older brother. His mother gave him a grim smile before disappearing into the house, his father not moving an inch as he glared at his sons getting into the car and finally…driving off.

As the car turned onto the highway, the city limit sign flying past them, Castiel finally let out the breath he had been holding. He put his head against his knees and a sob wrenched out of his throat. A strong hand squeezed his shoulder and instead of fear…he finally felt safe.

That was three years ago…now he was 16, a junior in high school. Things were…ok. He no longer hurt himself; Michael was such an amazing brother, helping him through whatever had happened to him in Michigan. He denied therapy and couldn't tell Michael everything that had happened but he was getting better. The nightmares still came and his anxiety would sky rocket when the assholes throttled him in the hallways out of "fun".

But until he met her…he thought this was all normal, that this was what his life would be. He could cope…. but that changed when she came into his life.