
Summary: Vampire Hunter plus Douchebag Vampire that she seem can't kill equals: Potential Disaster. Vampire Hunter plus Douchebag Vampire plus Vampire Dickery plus Silly Emotions equals: Freaking Catastrophic Nightmare! Andrea wanted what her father wanted, to keep her town safe from bloodsuckers. Eventual Damon/OC, AU after 1x14. Rated M for language and possible raunchy scenes. R&R!




Faster, she pushed herself farther. No longer would she have to hear the words of disappointment from her father ringing in her ears. The path seemed to grow longer and longer as she pushed herself on. The sweat beads forming on her neck and back weren't relevant to the task that she had to perform.

Having the ability to run could strengthen your chances for survival, her father's cold voice reminded her. His voice haunted her in the very best way. He was helping her succeed, even from the grave. Don't stop running, Andrea, keep your pace, he said once again. She didn't know how long she had been running, but for sure she would have to stop soon. Today was the first day of school, and Andrea Baileen Jameson could not be late. Punctuality was drilled into your brain when you belonged to a well-respected founding family.

Andrea had finally made it back to her home, which was ironically too close to the woods for her liking. You see, Andrea was well into the know about vampires and the unknown. Her father was the town vampire hunter, and a pretty damn good one. His instincts were near flawless when it came to identifying members of the undead. His weapons were hand-carved with the family's crest stamped on the bottom. All of their weapons were doused in vervain, to her father's requests in his will.

Although she was reluctant to join the family business, the death of her father put everything in perspective for her. The vile creatures that killed him needed to be put down. Regardless of her age, her expertise and skill set was amazing, even if her father pushed her too hard to even stop for compliments.

After taking a long and relaxing shower, Andrea dressed comfortably and went to check on her younger sister Carlie, who apparently was freaking out.

Although they both shared dark brown, almost black hair, Andrea's was side swept into a loose bun, while Carlie's hair was down and frizzy from sleep. "Carlie, you only have thirty minutes left to get dressed. Caroline will be here soon."

"It's my first day of Mystic Falls High! Everything I have says 'Hey, I'm still a middle schooler!'" Carlie dramatically sighed, wishing that she had the great Caroline here to guide her through her closet. Nevermind the fact that she knew that Andrea would never allow it. "Andie look at you, you look great, and you probably didn't even try." The younger girl eyed the plaid mini dress and shorts that her sister wore with envy.

Andrea sighed and walked into the room. "Carlie, calm down, I'll help you." The older sister gestured to her to follow her. Andrea guessed that it was time she share some of her clothes with her sister. Some things got bigger over the years and she couldn't wear them, so why keep them all?

"Sit down." She gestured to her bed. She searched through her closet for anything that she hadn't worn for at least two years. Which was way too much. No wonder why her closet was so cluttered. "Get ready, because there's a lot of shit in here."

Andrea threw purples, plaids, and reds at her sister. There were dresses, jeans, shirts, and jackets. Carlie was so overwhelmed that she wasn't even sure what to pick up. As Andrea sifted through the various pieces of clothing, Carlie wondered if Marcy was awake yet. Her older sister wasn't a morning person, so she guessed that she wasn't even going to be coherent enough to see her off to high school for the first time. Typical Marcella.

"Is Marcella awake?" Carlie asked her older sibling. Marcella was supposed to be their guardian, but she took their dad's death the hardest. She spent long hours working as a journalist for the town's paper. When Marcella would get home, she would normally get straight to bed. It was rare that Marcella got home at a decent time, and that was only when she was seeing someone.

Andrea hated to lie to Carlie, but she knew that it was for the best. "Yeah, she left early this morning. She had a deadline, but she wishes you luck." She smiled softly, as Carlie smiled back the same way. She appreciated that Andrea lied to her about Marcella, it meant to her that she wasn't alone.

"So tell me, who's the boy you're dressing up for, huh?" Carlie blushed, indicating that there was in fact someone that she was trying to impress.

She looked away from her sister and scoffed, "I don't need a guy to look hot. The Jamesons are respected. I'm carrying a legacy on my back!"

"Sure, you are." Andrea rolled her eyes, she figured that at some point that Carlie would tell her. No need to push. As Carlie chose her outfit, Andrea gave her stamp of sibling approval.

Andrea left the room, quickly jogging down the stairs to get a cup out the pot of coffee. Her coffee machine was a goddamn mystery. No one could get it working but Marcella. Marcy seemed to have taken everything that she made after Andrea went for her run. She sarcastically thanked Marcy out loud for not leaving her any coffee.

Andrea turned the TV on to the news. What the reporter said, ignited a determined fire through her veins. That ancient Jameson fire that fueled the need to protect.


The bottom left corner read. Her dad's voice rang through her ear, Animal Attacks are just the beginning. It's code for vampire. "I hear you loud and clear, dad." She murmured, flinching when heard Caroline's spare key in her door. Apparently, Caroline didn't get the memo about her key only being for emergencies.

"Andie!" The blonde squealed, pulling her best friend in for a hug. Andrea hugged back, awkwardly. "Oh my god, are you okay? I totally missed you this summer."

"I missed you too, Care."

"My god, you look so tan!" She pulled back, beaming. "Now, where's my little protégé?"

"Carlie!" Andrea called up the stairs. "Caroline is here!" It didn't bother her that Carlie looked up to Caroline. She got good grades, she was highly fashionable, she was a good person (most of the time), and she needed that. Henry Jameson trained Andrea to kill vampires, and if that meant that she wasn't going to be normal, then so be it.

"Hey, Care!" Carlie beamed as she came down the stairs. She looked nervous, as if she expected Caroline to assess her outfit. Andrea just stood back and grinned, watching the scene ahead of her.

"You look so adorable!" Caroline gushed, and Carlie flashed her a winning smile. "I have a couple of changes, but we can do that when we stop at dunkin donuts."

Andrea sighed in relief. Thank god, she would get her coffee! On the way, Caroline and Andrea discussed what they did over the summer. Andrea had to lie, of course. She couldn't tell Caroline that she had been training to kill a supposedly fictional being. Caroline bragged about her new position as captain of the cheerleading squad.

"Remember Carlie, the auditions are on thursday. You're basically a shoe-in." Caroline reminded her.

"I'm ready!" Carlie chirped, beaming with joy and apprehension.

When they made it to Mystic Falls High, Carlie separated from the two claiming that she had seen some friends. This was junior year, and until she had real proof that vampires were back in Mystic Falls, she was going to be normal.

Caroline and Andrea caught sight of Vicki Donovan and Tyler Lockwood making out by his truck. "God, I feel so bad for Matt. Vicki is already hooking up with Tyler."

Drea scolded her for being mean to Matt's sister. "Caroline ..."

"Anyway, makeup check!" Caroline stood in front of her, smiling. Caroline was perfect, in most ways. From her carefully curled blonde locks, to the dark blue dress that brought out her eyes, Caroline Forbes was stunning.

"Flawless." Andrea complemented with an honest smile. She held her arm out for Caroline to grab. "Let's go." Caroline accepted and the two entered the building with strut.

Once they had been gotten to their lockers, they put their bags inside only holding a binder and a pencil. Caroline spotted Bonnie and Elena standing at their respective lockers a short distance away.

"I can't even believe that she's here. I seriously had money on her skipping." Caroline joked, causing Drea to nudge her.

"Caroline." She scolded, but Caroline isn't one for subtlety. She was already en route to cross the hallway before she could stop her. Andrea followed, walking over to greet Elena and Bonnie. Andrea didn't hang out with them much, usually it was just Drea and Caroline. Though she did hang out with Bonnie more than Elena.

Now with Elena's parents being deceased, maybe they could change that. She knew what it was like to lose your parents. When Drea made it there, Bonnie hugged her.

"Hey girl!" Andrea hugged back with much enthusiasm, she had actually missed Bonnie.

"What's up, Bonnie B.?"

"Well-" Bonnie started, but Caroline grabbed Andrea's arm, pulling her away from the girls. "Hey!" Andrea protested, before waving back at Bonnie and Elena sadly. They waved back, so Andrea gestured to her phone, indicating that she would text them.

As Caroline finally let her go, she scowled at the blonde. This went unnoticed since they were now standing in the midst of the more rude, nasty cheerleaders. Tiki, Kya, and Willa were the biggest gossipers in school. They usually filled Caroline in on the first day of the school year, since she had to know who's doing who and what.

"My god did you hear about Stacy Linky?!" Tiki exclaimed.

"You mean Kinky Linky?" Kya squealed, "What?"

Tiki smirked smugly, "Her mom found out about her experimenting with soccer team and sent her to a convent!"

"Seriously?" Caroline was sniggering, causing Andrea to roll her eyes.

"That's just a rumor." Andrea cut in, watching all the girls, save for Caroline, eyeing her with apparent distaste. To her relief, the first bell rang, causing the girls to sneer at her and walk away from her in sync. Andrea turned to see Caroline raising a perfectly arched brow at her before walking away.

"What?" She followed her best friend. "I was just being social."

Caroline and Andrea separated to their respective classes. Her first class was English, and she smiled as she entered the room and noticed a couple of familiar faces. She spotted Bonnie and Matt Donovan by the window. She smiled and sat beside Bonnie, before tapping him.

"Did you miss me, Matthew?" She teased, managing only to elicit a small smile from him. She frowned a little as she remembered about the break-up that occurred between the quarterback and Elena four months ago.

"Sure, I did." He then smirked, patting her head. She sent him a playful glare and looked to her side at Bonnie.

"What were you saying earlier?" She gazed upon her friend with apparent interest, hoping that whatever she was going to tell her would be more interesting than she almost had to endure with Caroline's gossip buddies.

Bonnie beamed in amusement, "I think I'm psychic!"

"Really?" Andrea drawled, deciding to humor her.

"I know that look." Bonnie narrowed her eyes before continuing. "I just know things. Stop looking at me like that."

"Like what?" Andrea feigned innocence. "I'm listening."

"You totally think I'm nuts." Bonnie muttered dryly as the teacher showed up.

"Nuts isn't the word I'd use." Bonnie playfully shoved her friend as another student walked into the room. This made Andrea stop. She stared at him in an observant way, because he just had to be new. He was definitely hot, he had that romance stare look in his eye. He had short and gelled light brown hair, his lips were a light pink and pulled into a barely noticable forced smile. She snapped out of it, feeling Bonnie nudge her. "That's the hot guy I saw at the office!" Bonnie gushed, sighing dreamily.

"Hot guy?" She questioned, before looking back at Bonnie. She had almost gotten caught staring at him. Imagine how embarrassing that would have been.

The new guy whispered a few words to the instructor before turning to face the class. "Attention. Quiet down, class!" Mr. Wagner called before gesturing to the new stranger. "This is Stefan Salvatore. He's new and doesn't have the syllabus that was emailed over the summer. Does anyone have a copy?"

To Bonnie's surprise, Andrea had raised her hand. "Thank you, Ms. Jameson." Stefan Salvatore visibly stiffened at the surname the man called. Is it possible that his luck had already gone bad? In 1864, the Jamesons settled the the founding families, claiming to slay demons. Was it possible that these were the same Jamesons? After being instructed to sit beside her, he was relieved that he had caffeine this morning.

As she waited for Stefan to make his way over and for the instructor to begin the lesson, her phone beeped. It was Caroline: New HAWT-E! Im n luv!

She giggled before replying that she was crazy and that he was sitting right next to her. When Stefan sat down, Andrea smiled and held out her hand with the copy of the syllabus. "Don't you need that?" Stefan questioned.

She waved him off. "No, this was my extra, I'm always losing something. I'm Andrea, but you could call me Drea, or Andie. Any relation to Zach Salvatore?"

Stefan seemingly hesitated. "Yeah, he's my uncle. Why?"

"No reason. Just Zach never told me he had a nephew." Andrea shrugged, "But Zach is a bit weird sometimes though, I suppose." Stefan just nodded, not wanting the conversation to go any deeper.

Stefan pulled out a binder. Andrea leaned forward and stopped him."We don't really take notes here. Wagner speaks too fast and he hands a copy of his notes at the end of the period." She informed him, which earned her a grateful smile.

"Thanks." He said. "You're probably the first person in this school that actually started a conversation with me. Everyone else just stares."

"You're the new kid." Andrea gives him a half shrug. "We don't get many of those."

Andrea caught the teacher's eye, causing her to blush and pipe down for the rest of the class period. Class was interesting, Andrea always loved literature. After a class icebreaker, Andrea realized that she and Stefan had similar tastes in books. After the teacher handed out the books for the semester, the bell rung.

"Hey, Stefan!" Andrea called out to the new student. When he faced her, she asked, "Are you okay getting to your next class?"

"Yeah." He held up the piece of paper that the lady in the office gave him. "I have a map."

"Cool, see you later." She saluted, causing Stefan to chuckle at her. Maybe she wasn't from the same Jamesons. He waved and walked away.

Bonnie speed walked to Andrea, squealing. "Oh my gosh! He was totally flirting with you all period!" Bonnie totally would say that.

"He was not. He's new and eager to make a friend." Andrea waved off Bonnie's accusation. But there was something about him. She wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but it was in fact something.

The day was long, filled with many rubrics and books. At the end of the day, Andrea was worn out and hitched a ride with Bonnie. Carlie was bursting with raw energy from her first day at highschool. She gushed about the differences between being a middle schooler and being a high schooler. Andrea listened attentively to her sister.

"And I can't wait for the bonfire pa-" Andrea had to stop her there, there was no way that she was going to let her fifteen year old sister go to a party with drugs and alcohol. Andrea had to sneak out to that party as a freshman. It was even bad then.

"You're not going to that party, Carlie. " Andrea said, with a firm tone.

"Are you serious?" The younger girl whined. "Its a right of passage for freshmen!"

"Carlie, that party will be full of drunken boys! I'd have to keep an eye on you. There's a drunken freshman that gets alcohol poisoning last year. We had to change the party location."

Carlie glared at her, "You're being unfair for no reason! I have to go to that party!"

"Carlie, I'm doing this because I care about you! You can go next year!" She said louder, trying not to lose her cool.

"You can't tell me what to do, Andrea! I'm fifteen, and you're not my mother!" Carlie growled, and Andrea immediately recoiled as if she had been slapped. Andrea looked to the ground and shook her head, before sighing and going to leave Carlie's room.

"You're right, I'm not."

Andrea need to leave and get some fresh air. She grabbed her bag and went out to her car, finally answering Caroline's texts to meet her at the Mystic Grill. I'm pissed, but I'm coming.

Caroline texted her back seconds later: I'll cheer you up ;)

Andrea scoffed doubtfully and put her car into drive, making the ten minute drive to the grill, feeling like she was going to get a ticket for speeding. When she arrived, Bonnie and Matt were at a table talking, and Caroline was talking to Tyler Lockwood. walked over to them with an optimistic look on her face. Caroline produces a chocolate milkshake and hands it to her. "Thank you." She nods at Tyler. "'Sup?" She took a large sip, savoring the taste of the cool chocolate treat on her tongue.

Tyler smirked, raising his glass to her. All of a sudden, everything got quiet between them. Caroline and Tyler looked toward the door. Andrea frowned and looked in the same direction. Elena and Stefan. Looking back to Caroline, Andrea's frown deepened. That look of determination only meant one thing, normally it doesn't end too well.

"Game on." Caroline hissed in determination, prancing toward the pair. Her weary friend sighed, watching her go. This time, Andrea wasn't going to stop her. I mean, this is Caroline Forbes we're talking about. One does not attempt to stop her. Period.

Tyler looks after the blonde curiously. "What was she on about?"

Andrea nods toward Stefan. "Caroline is dead set on the new guy. He seems to be feeling Elena right now. And it isn't going to end well."

Tyler laughs, "You're not going to stop her?"

Andrea takes another sip of her milkshake as she leans back on the pool table, and shakes her head. "One does not simply stop Caroline Forbes."

"Touché." He leant back next to her, and then an idea dawned on him. "I bet you twenty bucks that he'll set her straight before the bonfire party."

"I'm not betting on Caroline." She watched her pull up a seat next to the man in question as they joined Bonnie at her table, with Tyler's eyes burning into the side of her head in amusement. "You're on, Lockwood." As she said this, Caroline sent Andrea a pointed look.

Andrea smirked at Tyler, "Duty calls."

Andrea walked the table with her usual stride, knowing that Caroline would want her to make it seem like she wasn't her back-up. "Am I missing grown-up bonding time with Stefan?" She cut-in with a mocking smile.

"No! Not at all!" Caroline smiled back, quickly grabbing a chair. Andrea quickly waved to Bonnie and Elena. She sipped on her drink happily, as they drilled information out of poor Stefan. She looked through the menu, looking for something to bring home for Carlie. She was assuming that Marcy hadn't gotten home yet.

Caroline nudges her, making her realize that she wanted her to join in. They were currently talking about their favorite foods. "Oh, Andie will eat anything with sugar in it."

Andrea smirked in amusement, "I wasn't aware that you were my spokesperson." She turned to Stefan. "I'm a vegetarian." She lied, earning scoffs all the way around the table and Stefan's amusement.

"Puh-lease." Caroline rolls her eyes at that, before addressing the table. "What vegetarian do you know eats a meat-lover's pizza?" Everyone chuckles at her.

Andrea stuck to her guns. "No way would I eat a vegetarian's nightmare!" She put her nose up at Caroline. "It's like my best friend doesn't know me at all."

Caroline leans in to inform the table. "And she's a con-artist. Don't listen to her."

Andrea mock-glared at Caroline, and then turned to smirk at Stefan. "Enough about me. What about you, Stefan? I'd bet you were a lady killer back in Boston."

"Not really." He replied back with modesty. "I was always pegged as 'mysterious loner guy'."

"Rightfully so." Andrea teases. "You happened to seem very awkward when I met you first period."

"Andrea!" Bonnie scolds. "I apologize for her. The sugar gets to her head."

"It does not!" Andrea denies. "Stefan has to be properly interrogated. He could be a psychotic killer for all we know."

Right then, Jessica, our waitress begins to take our orders. Elena and Bonnie ordered the pizza for two, Caroline ordered another unsweetened cranberry iced tea, and Stefan claimed he wasn't hungry.

"Come on, Stefan! You have to try the spinach dip here!" Andrea prodded. "Get us the spinach dip with tortilla chips. And another chocolate milkshake for me."

"No, no. That's not necessary." Stefan tried to refuse, but she wasn't having it.

"Andrea..." Elena started, hoping that Stefan would excuse her for her brash attitude.

"Come on, Stef." Andrea insisted, "I'd be really offended if you didn't."

Stefan noticed that she wasn't really kidding. She reminded him of someone really special to him. "I guess I have no choice then." Stefan chuckled.

"Not if you want my approval." Andrea batted her eyelashes, flashing a winning smile.

"Why not?" He shrugged.

"Okay so, pizza for two with cokes, another unsweetened cranberry iced tea, and spinach dip with tortilla chips?" Jessica read out, nodding at everyone as she went.

"Wait! You forgot the milkshake!" Andrea smiled sweetly.

"Nope, sorry. Marcella made me promise not to let you have more than one chocolate milkshake at a time." Jessica looked apologetic.

Andrea frowned, "Not even for a big tip?" The waitress shook her head.

"You can give me a tip bigger than hers?" Andrea nodded enthusiastically. "Doubtful." Jessica then walked away from the table.

Andrea huffed. "I barely see that miserable cow and she's still ruining my life!"

"Don't be so dramatic." Bonnie chuckled at her. Andrea stuck her tongue out childishly, earning laughs all around the table.

"Who's Marcella?" Stefan asks.

"My older sister. We're not really on speaking terms." She added. Stefan nodded in understanding. He wasn't in a much different situation. "And then there's Carlie, the baby. Literally."

"Carlie's my protégé for all intents and purposes." Caroline joined in. "So, you were born in Mystic Falls?"

"Mm-Hmm. And moved when I was still young." Stefan responded.

"Parents?" Bonnie asked.

"My parents passed away." Stefan quipped. Stefan seemed to be more complex than they all thought. He was definitely worth talking to, compared to the rest of the teenaged boys currently living in Mystic Falls.

Elena was feeling apathetic toward him, and they shared an intense look. After catching Caroline's panicked look, she intervened. "Any siblings?" Andrea inquired.

Andrea caught the grateful smile that Caroline sent her. "None that I talk to." He looked a bit uncomfortable. Seems complicated. Andrea looked at him in question, but he didn't go any further. "I live with my uncle."

"That reminds me, could you get Zach to give me a call?" Everyone at the table looked a bit confused. "Just tell him that it's important."

"So Stefan," Caroline perked up, drawing his attention to her. She smiled at him warmly. "If you're new… then you don't know about the party tomorrow." She clasped her hands, resting her chin on them.

"It's a back to school thing at the falls," Bonnie explained pleasantly at Stefan's confused look. Stefan's gaze flickered toward Elena, "Are you all going?" He asked lightly, tilting his head to glance at Bonnie and Caroline. Caroline smiled at him sweetly.

"Of course we are." Caroline smiled proudly, "It's tradition."

"Yeah, it's tradition for us teens here in Mystic Falls to get shitfaced and celebrate going back to school." Andrea smiled sarcastically.

Right on time, Jessica showed up with the food. Andrea hadn't realized how hungry she was until she saw the delicious smelling spinach dip in front of her face. It was all creamy and cheesy, making Caroline raise her eyebrows at her friend for eating it. But then she was a bit envious. Andrea got to eat what she wanted, as she had a ridiculously fast metabolism, and on top of that she used to run track. The girl had muscles upon muscles.

Jessica placed the pizza between Bonnie and Elena, the cranberry iced tea in front of Caroline, and the spinach dip in front of Stefan and Andrea. She grabbed a tortilla chip and used her spoon to add dip. She popped it in her mouth, moaning in delight.

"Oh, yeah! Scrumdeliumptious." She joked, pushing the dip and chips in front of him.

"If I get mysteriously sick from this, I hold you personally responsible." Stefan joked, causing the rest to laugh.

"It's fine, I have good healthcare." Andrea promised, putting her hand to her chest mockingly.

Stefan cautiously picks up a chip, for effect, and puts the cheesy dip on the edge, and popped it in his mouth. The looks around the table were apprehensive. Caroline was repulsed by the fatty concoction, Bonnie and Elena's eyebrows were raised, and Andrea's were smug.

He chewed slowly, looking pleased with the taste, before swallowing and looking at the rest of the girls. "That was actually pretty good."

"I told you. I have excellent taste in food." She says as she watched Stefan grab two more.

"Okay, the ultimate question. Answer this wrong, and everything will fall apart." Andrea looked at him seriously. "I can blackball you."

"I'm ready." Stefan answered confidently.

"Favorite music?"

"I'm a heavy Bon Jovi fan. Hands down." The table went quiet at they gauged her expression. Andrea cocked a brow at him. She was in awe at his answer. Andrea hadn't met another Bon Jovi fan. Andrea grinned, grabbing his arm and facing the rest of the table.

"I'm sold!" She announced. "Can we keep him?" Caroline beamed at Andrea. If she became best friends with Stefan, she could put in a good word for her. It was a win-win.

Bonnie was stunned. "I've never seen Andie take to anyone so quickly before."

"I have standards, Bonnie. I can't just be friends with anybody." Andrea pointed out. "I've never met anyone who could match me in awesomeness, besides Caroline. She gasped, turning to Stefan, "You are so in!" She looked to Caroline. "He has my blessing!"

"So it's settled, Elena?" Caroline shifts the attention to Elena, who seems to be amused at the situation.

"Well everyone approves, so do I." Elena declares, with a smile. Elena and Stefan stare back at each other, in yet another intense stare.

About fifteen minutes later, everyone says their goodbyes and Andrea gets a container of tenders and fries for Carlie. When Andrea got home, Carlie was sitting in the dark with the tv on, watching a movie.

When Andrea caught Carlie's eye, she lifted up the bag of food as a peace offering. Carlie smiled, patting the spot next to her. "Thanks. I was starving."

"I texted you." Andrea pointed out, taking the spot next to her and putting the food on the table. "You didn't answer, so I bought food anyway."

"Oh." Carlie answered lamely. The awkward silence began to seep in, as Carlie struggled to apologize for her actions. "I'm sorry about earlier." She finally blurted out.

"It's okay, Carls. I get it."

Carlie shook her head, "No, that was uncalled for. You've been looking after me since before I could walk. I had no right to treat you that way."

"I forgive you." Andrea looked around the house. "You couldn't have possibly been sitting here in the dark. It gets so creepy at night."

Carlie waved her off. "I'm fine. I was just watching a marathon of Scream." Carlie popped open the carton and grabbed a chicken tender.

"You have a terrible taste in scary movies." Andrea popped a fry in her mouth. "But I'll humor you."


Question: How was it?

Next: Andrea stumbles upon Damon next episode.