So I had the urge to write a Shekarian fic that was longer than a one shot and had some semblance of a plot (nothing too complicated, of course) and so this is the fruits of my labour! Anonymous love letters have probably already been done but so have vampires so whatever (don't ask where that came from please.)

And if I sound really odd that's because it's three in the morning here in Nova Scotia.

Disclaimer: I own nothing~~~ Bioware has all the beautiful children~~

Edit: I didn't like Shepards name... so I done changed it. I promise an update soon!

There had not been a day like this in a long time, not on any planet that they had landed on that was inhibited. The clouds roared above the heads of the now soaked marines that lay upon the ground.

"Commander, this is getting a little ridiculous." The speaker was a man, late twenties, dark hair along with dark brown eyes. He lay next to two women, one with light brown hair falling in front of bright green eyes. The other woman, with a tight dark bun with large brown eyes looking down at the man sitting at the café below them. Said woman parted her large lips to let out air, with a hint of boredom.

"He's is right, ma'am, There's nothing here." The bright green eyes turned to the woman.

"So let me get this straight, Williams. That man down there has absolutely no information on Saren, the bastard that we've been tracking for weeks, months one could even say if they were counting?" The woman sighed again but this time in resignation. The Commander then turned to the man of the party. "And Lieutenant Alenko, you're telling me sitting here on this planet, that rains twenty-four-seven, and watching the man who certainly" She gave a pointed look at Williams, "knows a hell of a lot more than we do about the bastard." The Commander looked expectantly at Alenko, looking for a response of any kind. "We're all good then? Good. Now can we please get back to the task at hand or is there something else that is unimportant that we need to talk about?" Not waiting for an answer the Commander looked towards the man of interest.

Williams shook her head at the Commander and looked to Alenko with a raised brow. Alenko just shook his head and turned back to the target.


"Euh, yes? Commander?"

"Now tell me, what exactly do you see down there?"

"Well ma'am, there is- oh, I see the problem."

"And tell me what the exact problem is?"

"That, guy is gone." Williams cringed realizing that this was a very angry Commander.

"Pack your things and call the Normandy for pick up." The Commander got up and wandered away swearing lowly under her breath looking at her omni-tool. Williams grimaced at the wandering Commander and turned towards Alenko.

"Hey, Kaiden what's up with the Commander?"

He shrugged in response. "I think she was really counting on this guy being really important."

Williams raised her brow. "That cannot be it. There is no way that Skipper- the Commander sorry, would be so annoyed at losing him. He wasn't very hard to find after all. No I think she's having personal issues."

Kaiden made a humming noise in agreement. "You know? You're probably right, Ash." She smiled a big toothy smile at him. "But if I were you I would have called Joker before you came to chat with me.

Ash stopped her big toothy smile and immediately looked towards the Commander. Shepard was still preoccupied with the glowing orange tool attached to her arm. Ash sighed in relief and raised two fingers to her hear. "Hey Joker."

There was a little static before there was a chipper answer. "Why hello Ashley. What brings you to the small comm channel that connects us?"

"We're ready for pick up."

On the other line what was heard was the beeping of numerous buttons that Ashley couldn't even begin to say what each did. "Really? I thought you guys would be gone for waaaay longer than this."

"Yeah, well... the target kinda... got away."

There was a long silence before there was any kind of response was given. And of course that response was the laughter from a jackass. "Ohhohoho Gunnery-Chief Ashley Williams is in deep shit. How pissed is she?"

Ashley shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot and scratched the back of her head. Kaiden looked up from the bags that he was packing to look at Ashley quizzically. She shook her head and mouthed "Joker" and received a soundless "ah". "She hasn't yelled at us." Ashley waited for the snarky response that was bound to come but none came. "Joker, you still there?"

"Un-hunh, juuust making the final arrangements for your funeral."


"I'm sorry Ash but I have never seen her not yell at someone for royally screwing up."

"Well..." She paused and looked up at Kaiden. "what about him?" She pointed an accusatory finger at Kaiden who raised his hands in defence the both not realizing that the pilot couldn't actually see their movements.

"What!? What happened was not me fault!"

"Umm Alenko, you started the conversation!"

"Well, you're the one that got her on that big shpeel!"

"Shpeel? Who even says that anymore?"


"Uh, plenty of people, actually, Williams."


"Excuse me? What do you mean "Williams"?"

"Guys she's gonna murder-"

"Joker shut-up!"

"Joker shut-up!"

"Heh, you should teach your children not to fight, Commander."

Ashley's eyes widened looking at Kaiden and Kaiden turned his head slowly towards to where Shepard had once been standing. It turns out that she was now very close to them. Ashley turned to a Commander with pursed lips and an unamused raised brow to accompany them.

Kaiden cleared his throat. "Bags are packed, ma'am." The word "ma'am" came out as a strangled whisper.

"And Joker is on his way, we radioed him... I'm just going to be quiet now."

The pair fell silent and avoided all eye contact with her as she stood there motionless, staring. This is all that happened between the event and the arrival of the Normandy. Nobody moved as the Normandy touched the ground. Another five minutes passed before Shepard spoke. "Get on the damn ship."

"Yes ma'am."

"Right away, Commander."

As the two marines rushed towards the ship they barely noticed that their commanding officer had not moved from her spot. Shepard sighed and once again looked at her omni-tool. She opened up the messaging system that she was currently using and opened the message, that had put her in a foul mood, for the seventh time since the morning.


I don't know how to say this... but I don't feel the same way about you anymore. You've changed. You are not the woman that I feel in love with and I'm sorry but I think that it's time for the both of us to get on with our lives. With the duties that you have now I don't think that I will ever see you again to be honest. So please, I beg of you, don't hate me for doing what we both know is right. This relationship couldn't have been able to last any longer.

Sincerely, John

Shepard sighed sadly as she looked at the message one last time and decided to reply.


You were an asshole anyway.

Sincerely, Shepard

P.S I thought I told you to call me Cassandra?

She smirked to herself, sent the message and went to the ship to continue on their mission.

A/N: Ta-da! I had fun writing this, and writing this was way more fun than that essay! I have the next chapter on the go, so there will be more to come. And don't worry Garrus will actually show up in the next chapter. Cause there's no Shepard without Vakarian but that kind of happened this chapter...