They Meet
She felt like a pet in an aquarium. Every eye in the place seen and unseen rested on her and her every move…or at least that's how it felt. In the distance she saw some men in what looked like orange scrubs with a bit of white clothes here and there.
Kendal Leigh Devlin took a deep breath and let it out, it was a strange way to go to a prison for the first time and Stockton Correctional Facility was not exactly what she expected but she was going to get right through this. 'This is nothing compared to the shit I've been through' she thought to herself. 'Just a walk in a well secured park…' the optimistic voice in her head finished.
As she reached the doors of the prison a woman in her mid-thirties in a very nice suit opened the door for her. "Ms Devlin?" she asked.
"That's me." Kendal smiled and extended her hand "Are you Ally Lowen?" the woman nodded, "it is very nice to meet you."
Ally shook her hand "First time in jail?" she asked.
"Yes, does it show?" Kendal exhaled and looked down expecting to see a sign on herself she didn't know about.
"No, no, just you are wearing a very nice dress, and open toe shoes…not exactly smiled on here, but don't worry about it you are here as part of legal counsel so you do not have to follow the visitor dress code." Ally said trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
"OH. I didn't even think about that…" Kendal exclaimed as she looked down at what she considered a modest dress. It was a 40's style dress that was navy with white polka dots all over; the dress was not tight but was closely tailored to accommodate her curves, it fell below her knees, the top was had the look of a baby doll t-shirt and was covered up by a half sleeve white cardigan sweater. Kendal looked more like a librarian than anything else in her mind "Open toed shoes really?" she inquired curiously, again looking down to her white half pumps open toe shoes with a strap around her ankle they matched the little white belt around her waist.
"Some men have a feet thing…" Ally shrugged off and began leading Kendal down the hallway "we were waiting for you. They are summoning Mr. Trager now." Ally led her to a room filled with tables and chairs. Currently it was occupied by a few men in suits with briefcases and papers everywhere. It looked like a mess and yet it was organized in only a way a lawyer's mess can be organized.
Kendal walked into the proverbial lions din and received million dollar smiles and warm welcomes. These lions ate wallets not nervous girls who should calm down Kendal mentally noted. They showed her to a metal folding chair at the end of the table. Just then a tall gentleman in the California prison orange uniform was brought in by a guard he was laughing menacing "Just kidding, man…can't you take a joke. Hey is this party for me?" he said eyeing the table and its occupants one by one.
"Tig nice to see ya. I am here to assure you these men are here for your benefit." Ally walked to Trager as the officer took off his handcuffs.
"Ally girl, my favorite lawyer." Tig shook her hand and gave her a smile. "so who are they?" Tig sat next to Ally and across from the three lawyers who were standing smiling at him.
"This is Myra Golding, he is an estate lawyer, he is here with Ms. Devlin." as she motioned each person she gestured to them. Tig's eyebrows went up when she gestured to Kendal and he blew her a kiss. "Josh Rosenbloom is your financial counsel, and finally this is Ira Goldstein he is with the bank."
"Who died and left me money? And why is the hotty here for me?" Tig smiled giving Kendal what could be called a 'come hither' look, or an 'I'm going to rape you in a dark alley' look.
The man Ally referred to as Myra was an overly tanned a-typical slicked back salt and peppered hair lawyer, his face turned somber as he said "Mr. Trager, I am sorry to tell you that your father has died."
Tig's face changed from jolly mischief to somber "Dad's dead?" he sounded meek, "was it painful, did he die violently?" Tig said in a small tone.
Myra nodded his head and looked down as if going for an Oscar he took a deep breath as he looked up and powered through this speech again "Unfortunately, Alex it was," there was a dramatic pause "murdered...stabbed in a knife fight in Mexico."
"Good." Tig said, and his confident smile and bold voice came back. Everyone seemed disgusted except for Ally who kept a straight face, and Kendall who tried to hide a chuckle.
Myra cleared his throat "Well…anyways he left his children his estate." Tig said nothing but made a go on gesture with his hands "You his eldest and only son, and his two daughters; Jennifer Trager who is now deceased, and the youngest Kendal Devlin. Because your others sisters death and her not having any descendants, the estate will be equally divided between you and your sister." Myra gestured again to Kendal.
Tig held up his hand to stop Myra and turned looking at Kendal fully "You're my sister?"
"Surprise?!" Kendal tried to give a smile that turned into a smirk and a shrug.
"Yeah, I am gonna have to stop daydreaming about fucking you." Tig said trying to shock her.
"Just imagine my pussy has teeth, that should calm down the beast." Kendal said placing the smart ass smirk back on her face.
"I thought the only family I had was a junk head that OD'd years ago, turns out fucking Gidget is my baby sister." He shook his head and then asked "how old are you anyways?"
"Twenty seven."
"Did you know about me?" Tig was now vaguely ignoring the others in the room.
"Yes." Kendal said "Dad said I was not to pursue a relationship with you because…" as she trailed off she made a general gesture to her prison surroundings she smiled and looked at the lawyers with an air that said 'you may continue now'.
Myra looked back to Tig "with most of his assets being liquidated, your inheritance is going to come to $301,725 pre-tax. There is also unlisted physical assets, in his will Alexander wished to leave it to the both of you, but seeing your current circumstances Ms. Devlin will stay in position of these items and distribute them at the time of your release."
"What kind of physical assets? Like a stereo, a car, or something?" Tig asked.
"Ms. Devlin? Do you feel comfortable sharing the undisclosed items?" Myra asked.
"Either way you are all contractually bound not to share what's said…so…" she turned from the lawyers to Tig "Guns. Lots of them. Some are antiques, some just your run of the mill fire arm. Dad was a collector, and gun enthusiast." Kendal said to Tig who shrugged and nodded and tried to hide her amused smirk at the uncomfortable looks from the estate lawyers.
"I don't care about that shit. I just want the cash." Tig said.
"Fair enough." Kendal said, "his half just went up another 32 grand, for cost of the physical items, that are now mine in full."
"Three hundred and thirty K in one afternoon…whoo hoo! That son of a bitch finally did something right!" Tig cheered and punched the air around him in triumph.
Ally smiled, and said "Pre-Tax. That is why Rosenbloom us here."
Tig turned to the shorter spectacled curly-haired gentleman in the middle. "Mr. Trager, after inheritance taxes and other costs you are going to receive just under $225,000. Given your current location and your other assets and liabilities I suggest we pay off your mortgage and put the remaining in high interest account and other high interest investments until your sentence is up, then we can revisit these funds at that time."
"And how much am I paying you guys?" Tig says giving a wave to the minaret in front of him.
Myra laughed and said "Our expenses, are covered in full."
"You're free?" Tig smiled. "how'd I get so lucky?"
"It seems, you might want to screw your sister but she is sure not screwing you." Myra said. "sign here and here the inheritance is yours and I can get out of here." Myra said pointing to two sticky tabs on a very formal looking document and handing Tig a pen.
"Have my lawyers perused this?" Ally smiled as Tig flitted the papers and began to sign.
"We have, everything is in order." Mr. Goldbloom said.
Tig finished signing "it was a pleasure doing business with you. Next time someone dies and leaves me a bundle of cash come and see me."
Myra grabbed the document put it in his briefcase and turned to Kendal "Ms. Devlin, I believe that settles your father's estate in full. I am sorry for your loss." he stuck his hand out and Kendal shook it.
"One down, two to go." Tig smiled and turned to the other lawyers.
Within the next hour, papers were signed, finances were discussed, and decided upon; all that was left was Ally, Kendal, and Tig.
Ally smiled "Tig, you have about 5 more months on your sentence, then you are a free man. So keep your head down. I have spoken with the warden, and he has agreed to give a special hour visit with your sister. Since you were with me and the other lawyers this area is free of recording devices and everything say is protected by client privilege. If anything interesting comes up in the next hour it is strictly between the two of you" She stood up shook Tig's and Kendal's hand.
After Ally left the room was quiet for a second. Kendal shifted seats so that she was directly in front of Tig. For about 20 seconds they gave each other a closer once over.
"You have his eyes." Kendal finally said.
"I keep looking, but besides the hair color I don't see any of him in you." Tig said cocking his head to one side.
"Oh he's in there, and most definitely in here." Kendal said tapping her head.
"He was one sadistic prick, how'd you get out?"
"Out?…that is a relative term…" Kendal let out a sigh she was contemplating what truth to say and how much of the truth to relinquish. She decided she would go for something new, honesty, as complete as she could make it. "My mom died when I was split when I was a baby. So I stayed with my aunt Nina for a little while...eventually dad found out and came back." she gave a small sigh "He was getting older and felt he needed a prodigy." Kendal rolled her eyes before continuing "I was there, young, impressionable and ripe for him to mold so his legacy could live on."
Tig scoffed in mild disgust but Kendal did not waver it was like the dam broke and her mouth was the release valve "He trained me…at 10 I would have been a top marine…13 black ops…artillery, demolition, explosives, close combat…you name it. By the time I was sprouting boobs I was well beyond his expectations the better I did, the more he seemed to care and love me..." she smiled at the ridiculous of her own life story "My daddy issues were dependent on how fast I could disassemble, clean, strip the serial number & barrel and then reassemble a M24 sniper rifle…51.7 seconds was my record by the way." Tig eyebrows went up in appreciation.
"So daddy taught you to be a good marine." Tig said dismissively, "he wanted me to enlist too."
"Enlist? No! Dad wanted me to take over his business." Kendal clarified.
"Family business? The handyman, janitor general hard ass drunk business?" Tig was thoroughly confused.
"No…he wanted me to buy into the only real job Alexander Lee Trager ever really had, being a fixer." by the look on Tig's face she could see that he needed more clarification "a mechanic… not the repairing car version." Kendal explained to her apparently clueless half-brother or really good at acting clueless half-brother. "Dad was only good at 2 things in life; killing people and scarring the shit out of people. And he turned into a lucrative business." Kendal shrugged.
"Our dad…former Mr. Former US Marine special forces who always told me to do better and kicked my ass all the time was a goddamn mercenary?" Tig looked sick.
"A Mechanic" Kendal put that in imaginary air quotes "also a real mechanic, carpenter, electrician, plumber, yatta, yatta, yatta…he was a jack of all trades to have a cover story wherever we went." By the look on Tig's face she knew that Tig really had no clue and was pissed. "He knew that the one cover story that would never quite fit was dad" that word was also in air quotations.
"He knew, but he did shit about it." Tig smiled in a very odd way almost as if he was saying 'fuck you, dad' in silence.
"Seeing as one died of an overdose, and one is the muscle for SAMCRO…he was aware that the product reflects on the maker, so he attempted to do right by me." Kendal paused "...not by being a better care taker or anything logical or caring like that. Instead he told me the truth. When I was 16 or so, he realized that I, his protege, could shoot a cherry off a sundae from a mile away but I refused to kill anything…" she sighed "He cut out on me too…again. Occasionally he checked in on me and later when I was trying to get my consultant business off the ground he helped me. I helped him with something's here and there too…" Kendal continued with another shrug of non-emotion "really he was just my Drill Sargent for years and then one of my clients." she finished quickly.
Kendal took another deep sigh "But he did tell the best dirty jokes"
"He…"Tig was absorbing everything, and comparing it to the man he knew and hated "...did tell great jokes."
"I don't want this to seem like a Oprah episode but I did kind of want to start a friendship with you…I mean seeing as you are the only living family I have left…and Dad cannot kill you know."
"Kill me?" Tig look confused.
"He said that if I ever came close to you or SAMCRO he would end you." Kendal said. "I had no want for that…despite your nefarious actions you always seemed like the cooler older brother that every super tomboy sister would want."
"I don't know about any of that…I have never had ties…" Tig began his slightly modified 'dumping' speech.
"Whoa, there cowboy, I ain't looking for family reunions and our pictures on Christmas cards or anything like that. I am a very much no strings attached kind of girl especially when it comes to family…I just thought we could…" Kendal paused and used her hands to grab at invisible words "I don't know…have lunch, talk about funny things, make fun of people…shit like that. Sound good Kemo Sabe?" Kendal said in a very matter of fact way.
"You are…" Tig paused trying to pick his words carefully, "my sister…and…ok why not?"
"You know were not that different…" Kendal bandied.
"Besides being good-looking, and having the same dad how are we the same?" Tig asked.
"Well, we both like the darker interest of life…and we find the horrible, funny…I am a hell of a better shot than you or I would say that we are both good at guns and the like."
"A better shot than me?! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Tig exclaimed. "we'll see about that."
The rest of the hour flew by without a break in conversation. They talked about guns, explosions, cars, bikes, good kills, bad kills (never incriminating anyone of course), and they talked about their dad. Mostly bad but the occasional good thing such as he was a great bike mechanic.
A guard gave them a 2 minute warning, and then there was the first awkward silence since the beginning of their visit. "So you going to stick around then?" Tig finally asked.
"I was hoping too…" Kendal made a funny face. "I found a fixer upper in Charming, I was going to try to find a job there and live legit for a while. On the grid and everything." Kendal said with an excited note in her voice.
"Get in touch with Gemma Morrow at the shop. Tell her I sent you, she'll help you out." Tig said.
The guard came to get Tig and he stood up to go Kendal stood up too. She looked down and then without warning flung her arms around Tig and gave him a big hug, "I'm happy I get to know you."
Tig squeezed her back and said "Let's hope neither of us regret this."
The guard pulled them apart and started to take Tig away. "I'll come on visiting days…and write you." Kendal called after him.
"I'll be here…don't look so sad sis…Dad ever tell you why witches don't wear panties?" Tig said being cuffed again.
"No why?"
"To keep a better grip on the broom." Tig said and the guard and Kendal laughed.
"I hope it was sanded right because splinters would be a son of a bitch." Kendal said back. The guard looked stunned that she said such a thing.
Tig just laughed. "Good thing we got his humor."
Kendal turned and left. This time the weight of all the eyes on her did not worry her. She came today with the looming death of her father and maybe a legal battle over her head and she was leaving with a bad ass big brother in theory. All together a great accomplishment for her first time to a jail.
Tig returned to his communal cell. All the guys were there waiting for him ranging from nervous to apathetic.
"You okay brother?" Clay asked.
"I couldn't be happier." Tig plopped down on his bunk and smiled.
"You been gone for 3 and a half hours man, what happened?" Jax asked sitting at the foot of his bunk.
"Well, my dad is dead, he left me a bundle of cash, I have a big tit, sweet ass, sister that I eye fucked for half an hour before I knew we were related." Tig explained succinctly.
"That's a busy afternoon." Clay said. "how much cash?"
"Sister?" Jax stuck to the humanitarian aspect.
"Who has big tits and a sweet ass…apparently…Tig man I thought you could not get any more wrong with shit like that…" Juice shook his head.
Tig shrugged "I didn't know…200g's or so…"
All of the members of SAMCRO gathered around and looked at him with wide eyes "That's a shit load of money, man…." Opie finally said.
"I thought your dad was a loser?" Clay said "wasn't he like a janitor or something?"
"I was mistaken…little sis, cleared that up for me, my piece of shit dad, was a fucking hitman. Can you believe that shit?!"
"A hitman?" Jax questioned. "like in the mob or something?"
"Freelance." Tig clarified.
Clay seemed non pulsed by this "And he left you money…and a sister."
"Pretty much." Tig said.
"Your sister knew?" Jax asked he, Opie, and Juice still looked confused and were trying to wrap their head around the situation were as Clay just seemed to accept it at face value.
"Yeah, she was his apprentice or some shit…but she couldn't kill anyone." Tig shrugged "as far as I can tell she has some sort of hitman consulting business or some shit like that." Tig said "She's moving to Charming….and is going to come and see me to see if we could be family or something." The last word was full of confusion.
"She moving to Charming? She can't have her business there." Clay said with an authoritative voice.
"She knows….she is going to go legit, now that dad is gone." Tig said. "I told her to get in touch with Gem."
"I'll let her know, I get my call tomorrow." Clay said and slapped Tig on the shoulder.
"Can't wait to meet her man she sounds like a trip." Jax said patting Tig on his other shoulder.
"She a brunette wearing a blue polka dot dress?" Opie asked as the other guys had dawn of comprehension on their face.
Tig looked confused "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"Everyone in the rec yard saw her…she is…" Jax gave a whistle "How the fuck is she your sister?"
"I was thinking she was ugly as hell, like you…" Clay said and everyone laughed. "But that girl is a fucking Mary Ann knock out."
"Why I oughtta?!" Tig did a little 3 stooges for the amused crowd.