This is the official last chapter. Thank you everyone who was reading this really crappy story. This is my first finished story and actually real first story so it isn't that good. I know these late chapters haven't been so great for a couple of reasons. I've been getting lazy, running out of ideas, and I've been itching to start a new story. It will be a Peter Pan and Wendy story. I absolutely love Peter Pan. I'd really like to thank everyone who favorited and followed. Also, those who took the time to review for the majority of every chapter. I really hope you guys liked this and sorry for everyone who had to suffer through my horrible grammar, spelling, stupid, and dramatic moments. I am starting a new story called, "Forgetting and Forgiving."

Here's the summary:

Wendy Darling has finally convinced herself that the last adventure she ever had was no more than a beautiful dream. Peter Pan has not forgotten about his Wendy Lady at all, and he is finally ready to see her. He can now offer her the life she's always wanted. The only problem separating them now is Wendy's memory.

Please do check out my new story :).

Enjoy this final chapter and please do leave your final review. Love you all and once again thank you for everything, everyone.

She walked back and forward, clearly in distress. Her eyes were red and puffy and her hair a nest. She was pacing in hallway, outside of Peter's room, waiting for the Indian Doctor and Fairy Doctor to come out.

Out of the corner of the hallway, Victoria emerged from the shadows. She was too a mess and looked at Wendy with such embarrassment.

Wendy looked up and shot Victoria the dirtiest and angriest glare she could give.

"Wendy, I-"

"Don't you dare even try to-"

"Wendy, I have to go in there and see Peter! He needs me!" She cried and tried to get inside the room, but Wendy pushed her back.

"No, Victoria. He doesn't need you, he needs me! You've done enough! This is all your fault!"

Victoria harrumphed and snapped back, "You know it is not my fault. You have no one else to blame, but yourself. I'm honestly sorry about the rest though."

"I'm sorry for lashing out on you, Victoria. And I know I'm-"

"I take that back, it isn't your fault, Wendy. I don't think it's anyone's fault to be frank."

"Really?" She asked and Victoria nodded, giving her a sad smile.

"Can I go see him, please?"

"I'd love to let you, but until those doctors come out and tell us something, then we can't." Wendy frowned and Victoria nodded again.

"Do y-you think he's d-dead?" Wendy began to stutter and her tears were beginning to start again.

"Honestly?" Victoria sat down next to the door, putting her head to her knees.

Wendy nodded and sat next to her waiting with such hope.

"I believe he is and forever will be alive despite everything. He belongs to this island and without him, naturally everything and everyone in it would die. It would freeze over, food will run out, magic would reduce, and no one would ever believe in anything again. Without him, this island is nothing, but a star."

"I think so too." Wendy quietly said.

"Someone needs you desperately, Wendy." Victoria looked over at her and saw how fragile she was at the very moment.

"I doubt it's Peter."

"Oh no, Wendy. He needs you a lot more than anybody. You've might or might not have heard this, but you are the only light he has ever seen. You opened his eyes and heart, Wendy. You were the very first and hopefully the very last. I love Peter like you can never imagine, but it wouldn't be fair to take away his happiness, you know? I have to let him go so we can all be happy. I can't be selfish. And I really do regret everything I've done, from wanting to hurt you to wanting to hurt Neverland. I don't think an apology can cover all the damage I've done, but I mean it so much."

"I think we all forgive you, Victoria. I'm sorry I sort of ruined your happiness too."

"It's alright. I'm starting to like Edward, but he's far too in love with you to even see me."

"I doubt it."

"The person I meant who desperately needs you is Edward, right now. He needs you urgently. I have never seen him even shed a tear, much less sob. I think you should go see him."

"I-I can't leave Peter."


The swinging open surprised the two girls and the Indian Doctor came out with Tinkerbell and the Fairy Doctor flying by her side.

The Indian Doctor was the tribe's wisest and oldest woman. She always did miracles and the girls couldn't read the woman's face as she emerged.

"Wendy Bird?"

Wendy stood up and walked next to the woman who whispered in her ear, "He's alive. Pan needs you."

And she was ready to go in, but was pulled back shortly, the doctor looked at her and said lastly, "He is alive, but burly. He needs you to pull him back, Wendy bird."

Wendy was slightly confused, but still nodded and went in. The doors closed as she stepped in and in critical condition was Peter.

He was so far off. He gazed at the ceiling, his eyes still empty and vacant. He didn't even bother to look at her as she made her way towards him. She sat on the bed, next to him.

He didn't look at her, not even sparing her a glance.


"Yes?" His voice was delicate and showed lack of interest.

"How are you feeling?"



"Wendy, why didn't you let me go? It was time, it is my time!" He finally looked at her and Wendy shook her head. She scooted closer and her hand flew to his cheek. She gently caressed his cheek and he held her hand.

"It wasn't your time, Peter."

"How do you know that?"

"Because you're here, of course."

"Wendy, why did I lose you?"

"I didn't mean what I said?"

"Maybe you didn't mean it, but it's the truth. You know it's true."

"If it was true, I wouldn't be here. I'd be at home, married, and with a child."

Peter chuckled and he squeezed her hand the slightest.

"Never leave me, Wendy. I'll die."

"I can see that's not a bluff." Wendy smiled the slightest.

"Wendy Darling, I love you."

"Peter Pan, I love you."

"Will you be my queen?"

"Only if you are my king." She kissed his cheek and he smiled. Life was returning to his eyes and his skin was no longer a deadly pale.

"Well wasn't all that trouble just a blur?"

"I guess."

"Have you talked to Victoria?"

"She wants to talk to you."

"And that bloody pirate?"

"He needs me."

"Wendy Darling I forbid you from seeing Edward Hook."

"You cannot forbid me, Peter. I just need to clean some things with him. I might as well go since Victoria must talk to you."

Peter was about to say something, but he clamped his mouth shut. Wendy grinned, gave him a kiss on the forehead, and left the room. Outside was Victoria and Edward chatting. Victoria looked at her and smiled sadly before asking,

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah, of course." Victoria smiled at this response and went slipped inside the bedroom leaving Edward and Wendy by themselves.

"Beautiful as ever, Wendy."

"Thank you, Ed. May we talk?" He nodded and he led her outside to the garden. He sat on a white marble bench and Wendy followed. It was an awkward silence they shared for a while before Edward finally said,

"I'm in love with you. I don't believe I can fall out of love with you."

"Edward, I'm afraid I'm in love with Peter."

"I don't blame you. They always go to the heroes instead of the villains' sons." He said sarcastically, rolling his eye.

"Who your father was does not define you what so ever. Do you hear me?"

"I always hear you."

"You were the perfect and lovely gentlemen, Edward. You are a great person who deserves someone who loves you back."

"I hope you're not talking about Victoria."


"She's a crazy one. Obsessed with you and Peter."

"She's not crazy nor obsessed."

"Can we stick to us?"

"There is no us, Eddy."

"Can you kiss me a goodbye?"

"I don't think I can." She frowned and placed her hand on his shoulder. He sighed deeply and looked at her with those beautiful eyes,

"Just a goodbye kiss to remember you from before I go back to London."

"You're going back?"

"Yeah along with Victoria. I believe it is best for us. Your brother's are staying. John actually wrote a letter from all the boys. I have yet to give to your mother."

"Oh mother, she must figured out we weren't at Aunties. Can you tell mother where I am?"

"I'll tell her." He smiled at her and stood up. Wendy stood to her feet too. They leaned in for a hug and Wendy gave him a surprise peck on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Edward. Always remember who you are."

"Don't get too cheesy with me, Wendy. And don't forget who you love." He mocked and he walked off in the opposite direction.

She walked back by herself to Peter's room. Outside were her brothers.

She ran to them all and they all embraced her. Oh how much they loved their big sister.

"Wendy, we're staying with you. I wrote mum a letter explaining everything. I assured her we were going to visit over the span of time." John said as he hugged her.

"Are you boys sure you wish to stay?"

"More than anything." Slightly answered for all of them. Perfect timing it was once Victoria came out from the room, smiling with her eyes wet.

"How are you feeling?" Wendy asked.

"Free." And she walked towards the end of the hallway. She stopped and looked back one last time at Wendy and said,

"Goodbye, Wendy Darling. Always a pleasure."

Everyone looked at each other confused, but Wendy knew. She smiled to herself and the boys then began to ask excitedly,

"Wendy! Can we please go see Peter?" They all said.

"Of course." And they all quickly ran into the room, surprising Peter. He laughed as he saw the mob of boy running to him.


"Peter! How you feeling, mate?" Tootles asked as he sat on the edge of the bed.

Wendy managed to tune out the rest, and for the first time in a while, she felt relieved. She leaned against the door frame and closed her eyes. Things were finally looking good.

Wendy sat on the throne next to Peter, their hands intertwined together. The chief of the island's tribe, moved to Peter first.

They were in the throne room. A similar throne was next to Peter's and was holding Neverland's soon to be queen.

Everyone was up and standing, smiling at the two to be. The chief spoke up and loudly stated,

"I declare Peter Pan king of Neverland." They cheered loudly. Bethany who held the other crown on a velvet pillow winked at Wendy.

The chief moved next to Wendy and took the crown gently from Bethany, "I declare Wendy Angela Moira Darling queen of Neverland."

They cheered once more. The chief then shouted the loudest,

"I declare Peter Pan and Wendy Pan the king and queen of Neverland!" They looked at each other and gave each other a loving, longful stare. They stood up tall, their hands together, and thrust their hands into the air.

Everyone believed that this was the best ending they deserved.

Thank you once again! I love you all x x.

( The story, "Forgetting and Forgiving," is yet to be posted. I believe the new story's first chapter will be out by the end on this week. Please make sure to check it out soon!")

Don't forget to favorite,follow, and review, loves.

x x