"Wendy , you are dismissed." Aunt Millicent spoke delicately and shooed away the young adult. Wendy smiled knowing she had the rest of the day off for her liking. Was she to go attend a party or should she go catch an opera with another suitor? Those two ideas were alright, but writing was the perfect decision. She gracefully went up the stairs, picking up her gown , and walked over to her solitary room. She no longer slept with her younger brothers, instead she had her own room. It was too lonely for liking, but it had been like that ever since she turned 15. How she loathed growing up, but she simply couldn't stop it. Wendy changed into her nighttime gown despise it being 19:30, She slipped into a baby blue night gown and pulled her charming curls into a ponytail , tied by her blue infamous ribbon. She laid out a snow white blank paper and dipped her black pen into the ink. She bit her lip and tried to remember something from that peculiar dream all her brothers shared too. She remembered of the one and only island, Neverland. In her so called dream, there was a green as can be forest with blue crystal clear oceans and reefs. There were those beautiful , yet terrorizing mermaids who had the voice of an angel. There was the evil pirate she remembered with his scurvy crew of misfits. Beautiful and delicate fairies dancing and flying around , hiding in the trees. Lastly there was that boy from her dream. The thought of him made her heart flutter. She remembered his ocean blue eyes and his sun-kissed skin that gleamed. The skeleton leaves he wore along with vines. It surprised her how detailed she remembered the never aging boy, Peter Pan. She stared at the paper blankly before starting to write a new adventure she dreamed of from two nights before. This work of art she was working on was just another brainstorm before she actually started that novel she dreamed off. Aunt Millicent waved off Wendy's dream of being a journalist and so did Mrs. Darling and Mr. Darling. Though, John, Michael, Timothy, Simon , Nathan , Chester , Brandon and Mason greatly encouraged their sister to follow her dreams.

"Wendy," A small voice from behind the door spoke followed by soft knock. She set down her pen beside her now half full inked page, "May I come in dear sister?"

"Please do come in." Wendy smiled at 12 year old Michael.

"Hello Wendy, mind if we spend the evening tonight together?" Michael asks and he grabs a wooden chair and sits next to Wendy at the desk.

"Of course not little brother, you shall help me with my novel." Wendy states as she taps her delicate fingers on the desk.

"My delight Wendy. I have yet another dream of the island that shall not be named." Michael looked over at the closed door.

"Why shouldn't it be named Michael?" Wendy curiously asks. She had not spoken to anyone in her family about Neverland ever since her disappearance.

"You see, Tootles- I mean Timothy and I were talking about your novel , and father came in and punished us with THREE tablespoons of that toxic medicine. He said it was all poppycock and he declared no more mentioning of the dream."

"That is perfectly horrid! And there goes another disapproval of my magnificent dream." Wendy crumpled up her paper and threw it in the bin that was almost over flown with paper balls.

"Wendy, don't give up." Michael pleaded, he was the most humble of the mischievous brothers.

"It's just that it seems as if everyone and everything is against me writing my novel." Wendy sighs and walks over to her window seat. She leans again the window and stares out at the sky.

"My little Wendy." Michael teases and walks up to his sister.

"Was it really just a dream Michael?" Wendy asks, her eyes not following the boy.

"I believe it was Wendy, I bet there isn't an island with a mystical boy and creatures that do not grow up." Michael reasons and sits beside Wendy.

"Promise you shall not speak a word of what I will tell you dear brother?"

"I promise dear sister."

"Well, last night, I dreamt of kissing that mystical boy to save his life."

"That's absurd Wendy!"

"Oh it is isn't it? But it was too realistic to be a dream."

"Why don't we talk about something else Wendy?" Michael softly spoke as he stared at his depressed sister.

"What is there to talk about? Just of me growing up and being expected to be the perfect house wife. I am supposed to be courted or engaged by now Michael. I cannot bare the thought of marrying someone that I do not love."

"And who do you love Wendy?"

"That is the mystery. I don't know anyone whom I am in love with. No young man seems to be right to me, they're all elbow-brained boys." Wendy bitterly said as she played with Michael's hair.

"What about Edward Montgomery?" Michael asked.

"Oh , well , he is the best of all the suitors."

"So why don't you marry him?"

"Because I do not love him. I do not wish to kiss him. I do not wish to bare his children. And I do not wish to marry anyone one else but that boy from-"

"Poppycock this! And poppycock that!" Mr. Darling and Mrs. Darling came into the room arguing about Wendy's suitors.

"George, she mustn't be married to someone who she not loves."

"Oh mother, father please do knock next time, I was having a very private conversation with my little brother."

"Wendy, we must talk immediately , Michael why don't you go to your room? Brandon and Mason have arrived from their party."

Michael flashed Wendy a charming smile before running to his room to talk to his twin brothers.

"What do you wish to talk about dearest parents?" Wendy sat up and laid her small hands on her lap.

"Oh Wendy! It is the most wonderful of all news!" Mrs. Darling smiled wide.

"Please do tell me. Please do not kill me with the suspense much longer!" Wendy replied sarcastically as she played with the hem of her nightgown.

"Is that sarcasm, Wendy? I do not appreciate it." Mr. Darling scorned.

"Oh my sincere apologies father, please do go on mother." Wendy's hand was taken by her mothers who smiled wide.

"Wendy, Edward Montgomery has asked your father for permission to escort you to your father's work party. You must accept it, Wendy!" Mrs. Darling waited for the reply of a confused Wendy.

"He asked m-me?"

"Well, why shouldn't he? You are a beautiful thing, Wendy." Mr. Darling gave her one of his rare big shiner smile.

"Oh well, I certainly decline his offer."

"Wendy! Why? He is perfect and noble." Mrs. Darling asked surprised by the lack of interest her daughter showed of Edward.

"That is the thing mother. Perfect men do not exist only in my dreams. Edward is not the one for me and I am certainly not for him."

"Wendy, I shall give you more time. Perhaps sleep on it. Edward wants your response by tomorrow morning. Think wisely, Wendy. Not only on account for you, but for your family. Think of what Edward and his family can grant us." Mr. Darling grabbed Mrs. Darling and led them out of her room.

"That's selfish of you, father." Wendy muttered to herself. She leaned against her window frame and fell into slumber. She dreamt of escape and freedom. She found that in the island which seems so far of reach, yet so close.

He sat in his beloved throne. A throne made of the strongest tree in Neverland with long and smooth leaves every here and there.

"Dearest king, the fairy queen has requested you to join them tomorrow night for supper." Forest, a tall boy with green ever eyes and black short hair.

"Very well, Forest. Now leave." He dismissed the lost boy and turned back to being fed grapes.

"Yes king." Forest nodded and bowed briefly before making his way out of the throne room.

The sandy blonde boy turned to the mermaid feeding him grapes.

"Coral, tell Victoria to meet me outside in the gardens by the waterfall."

"Yes, Peter." Coral quickly slapped her hand over her mouth when realized the name that had slipped.

"You dare call me Peter?" He rose and stood at an intimidating height. His voice cold and venomous.

"I greatly apologize dearest king. It just slipped out, I-"

"I shall let this pass only for I am in a good mood. Now go get Victoria and now."

"Y-Yes dearest king." She bowed quickly and scurried off to fetch the maiden.

Peter flew out of his throne window and made his way down to the waterfall. He perched himself on his favorite rock and awaited for the arrival of Victoria.

After a few minutes, a damsel spoke out, "Peter, I was told to come here."

"Yes Victoria, I called for your presence."

"And why is that , Peter?"

"Well you've asked me for permission to go swimming and well here we are now. You are sure not the brightest English girl here."

"My apologies Peter, but I do not wish to go swimming now."

"And why is that?" His voice was clear with annoyance.

"You are here."

"Does my presence bother you? Must I remind you that I am the king here and I can do anything I please."

"I do not question your authority, Peter. I am truly deeply sorry."

"Stop calling me Peter! And stop apologizing. You're getting me annoyed."

"Why do you not wish for me to call you out by your name."

"Because you are not her."

"I knew it, Peter. I knew it!" Her voice was on the edge of cracking and tears threatened to spill salty tears.

"Knew what?"

"I know that the only reason you wish for me to be here is because I remind you of her."

"You know nothing. Shut up before I behead you!" He shouted full of anger. His knuckles were clenched so tight they were turning white.

"Oh but I know so much, Peter. If you could just forget Wendy-"

"Shut up!"


"Go away, I do not want to see you now."

"Peter, I am your wife, I have the right to do whatever I want!"

"You are my fiancé and you are to follow my orders. I am the king of Neverland and I forbid you to say that cursed name."

"Peter, can you at least try to forget about her?"

"You know nothing. You do not know what I am thinking. I regret even picking you up as a lost girl."


"I cannot say I feel sorrow because I do not."

"Oh Peter." Her voice cracked and tears were rolling down her rosy cheeks.

"Leave now!"


"Then I will!" He angrily flew up to the sky and zoomed out of the gardens. He flew and flew to his favorite place in the whole island besides his palace. He arrived at the fairy lands and rested upon a tree. His fingers ran down the bark as memories flashed back. A stubborn tear strolled down his cheek. He closed his eyes and waited for slumber to welcome him.

Hi , new story here. Please do check out this story and leave a positive or negative review. Have a lovely day!

- Candice x