Everything was quiet as a team of soldiers marched through the forest unaware that they where being watched. One of the soldiers caught a flash of movement in the shadows which were cast down from the cyber-trees that surrounded them."Captain I think we are being followed" The soldier spoke eying the shadows for anymore movement.

"It's just a figment of your imagination soldier so can it!" The captain growled."We need to follow Primes order bye ambushing the cons in the Decepticon city Kaon." He continued on marching through the forest.

"Yes sir..." The soldier mumbled. Though he kept looking around. He spotted blue glowing optics in the shadows of the bushes that they past he blinked and they were gone.

Hmm what are the humanoids doing here? Roadbuster asked himself trying to follow them. He prayed that his greenish grey paint job wasn't noticed by them or shone out through the shadows.

Roadbuster followed the bots all the way to the edge of the cyber-forest staying hidden. As soon as the bots were out of his sights he transformed into his bot form with the same flashing NASCAR symbols and form."Crazy humanoids crossing into the cyber-forest, why don't they just stay in there own territory instead of crossing into ours bringing there stupid war with them!"Roadbuster growled to himself not noticing his apprentice Prowl walk up still in his cyber-wolf form.

"What are you doing here so far away from our territory Roadbuster" The cyber-pup asked.

"Know reason just checking to make sure no Kittycons came near here" Roadbuster replied before converting back into his cyber-wolf form.