Tommy's POV

Of course Goldar couldn't pick a more golden moment to come to earth. I was just sitting with Kim trying to get into her mind and when I was almost there the alarm in the command center went off and I lost my almost connection to her. Here I am now with the gang surrounded by putties and praying that Kim is alright.

Finaly I work my way over to Goldar. I want to give him a piece of my mind for what he has done to the love of my life. However what happens is not what I expect.

"Finally it took you long enough to get over here. I wanted to ask you a question."

"Well maybe if you didn't bring putties down here you could ask all of us your question and we could all try to explain it to that little brain of yours."

"You will pay for that Mr. Oliver another time. However right now I want to know how little kimmie is doing? Have you figured out what is wrong with her yet?"

"Kim she's better, she would actually be here right now but she is helping Alpha."


His outburst made the other rangers and even the putties turn to look at us.

"How would you know?"

"I um I"

"Are you saying you know what happens in our command center?"

"No of course not. I can just read you and your friends really well."

"You want to know what I think I think you are done here either stalling or to taunt us."

"I'm down here because I'm evil and I feel like being down here."

After this Goldar starts to attack.

After about twenty minutes of continuous fighting Goldar disappeared and we all teleported back to the command center. Immediately I rush over to Kim's side with Jason and check to make sure she is alright and if there are any improvements. Then I remember my conversation with Goldar.

"Hey Alpha, is there any way Zed could know what is happening in here?"

"NO that's not possibleā€¦Unlessā€¦."

All of a sudden Alpha is running around the command center trying to get to Kim

"Unless what Alpha" Jason asks


The other rangers and I all just look at each other trying to figure out what is going on. For some reason Alpha is checking Kim from head to toe until he stops at her stomach.


"Aha? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I found it"

"Found what Alpha?"

"The listening device"

"On Kim"

"Yes it's in her stomach. I'm assuming that when she was being kicked one of them had a spike of their shoe that implanted the chip into her stomach which is why we never saw it."

"So will she wake up now that it has been removed?"

"No sadly not. Something else is much more wrong with her that we have not been able to figure out yet. Hopefully with the listening device removed we can get close to figuring it out without Zed knowing and sending down a squad to divert out attention."

"Oh well at least one problem has been solved. Now Kim just has to wake up."