Hey guys! I really appreciate your great feed back. You're the best. Sorry it's been so long, I broke my arm and was refined to a cast for a long time. I'm okay; my arm still hurts, especially since I now have tendinitis. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm working on two other fics. I'm not sure when they'll be done, but they're coming along. Okay here you go! This is probably just going to be a short chapter; I promise the next one will be lengthy.

Derek and Stiles

"Derek, are we there yet?" Stiles asks. "Stiles, the answer I gave you ten minutes ago and twenty minutes ago, even an hour ago, still hasn't changed," Derek says through clenched teeth. "We'll be there in about twenty minutes, sweetheart," Audrey tells Stiles.

Stiles sits in the back of the car with a coloring book and a juice box. He bops along to the music playing on the radio, attempting to sing the words even though he doesn't quite have the correct lyrics.

Audrey adjusts her sun hat and checks on Stiles through the review mirror. "Would you like something to eat, Stiles?" She asks. "Animal crackers," Stiles chirps. He repeats the words 'animal crackers' a good fifteen times before Audrey can hand them to him.

Instead of actually eating them, he'd much rather make them fight to the death. The loser gets his head chomped off by Stiles. He makes all kinds of noises from roaring like a lion to trumpeting like an elephant.

Stiles takes a sip of his juice box and kicks Derek's seat, laughing to himself because he can see it's bothering him. "Stiles," Derek grumbles, "If you don't stop I'm going to make you walk the rest of the way." Stiles' eyes go wide and let his legs go limp; there's no way he'd be walking.

Derek pulls into an almost empty parking lot and finds a place in the shade. "We're here!" Stiles yells. He unbuckles himself and practically jumps through the door before he can even get it open. Stiles makes a mad dash for the sand, but Derek jumps in front of him and scoops him up. "You need sun block," Derek states.

Audrey reaches into her giant beach bag and pulls out a tube of SPF 30, "Come here my little sea creature." Stiles makes a fish face, throws his arm towards her and she catches it. She squeezes the tube of lotion onto her hand and slicks up Stiles. "Audrey, can I be done now?" Stiles asks. He pulls on the strap around his chin making the hat tighter. "You don't want to get sun burned, do you?" Audrey asks. "No," Stiles sighs.

Audrey takes out a stick of sun block and glides it over Stiles' cheeks and puts a smooth white line down Stiles' nose. "Alright little man, let's put on your floaties and you can finally be one with the sea," Audrey says. Stiles runs over to his father and asks him to put his floaties on. "Stiles, I think you can put these on yourself," Derek sighs. "Stop being such a sourpuss and help your son," Audrey scolds.

Derek bends down and rolls the neon orange floaties onto his son's skinny arms. "Thank you daddy," Stiles smiles. Derek picks up Stiles and carries him over the hot sand.

Derek and Audrey set up a small spot in the shade; they spread out two towels, an umbrella, and a chair. Audrey sits down in the chair, Derek lies on the towels, and Stiles runs frantically for the water.

Stiles runs in so quick, he falls down when he hits the water; that's all it took for Stiles to decide he no longer liked the beach. "Stiles! Get up!" Derek shouts. Stiles just lays there in the sand waiting for someone to come get him.

Derek gets up and slowly makes his way over to Stiles; he lifts his son up out of the sand and tosses him into the water. Derek follows behind him and waits for Stiles to come up from under the water.

Stiles emerges from behind and pinches Derek's butt with his tiny fingers, "I'm a shark daddy!" Derek lifts Stiles out of the water and throws him a little further out. "Daddy! That isn't fair! It's my turn." Stiles swims over to his father, attempts to throw him, but Derek doesn't move. "Come on dad, let me throw you," Stiles pleads.

The next time Stiles goes for Derek's waist, he brings Stiles into a hug and pulls them both down. Derek doesn't let go of Stiles and floats around; Stiles sits up on Derek's stomach and calls out, "Audrey! Come play with us!" "No thank you Stiles, I'll stay here and read my book," she replies.

Stiles climbs off of Derek, Derek stands up, walks over to Audrey with Stiles not far behind. "Derek, what do you think you're doing?" She asks. "I think you're going to come play with us," he winks. He lifts Audrey out of her chair and carries her over to where the water meets the land.

"Derek, if you don't put me down, you can walk home," She threatens. "Haa haa, daddy's got you," Stiles chirps. "Derek, Derek, please put me down," Audrey begs. Derek ignores her cries. Derek walks knee deep into the water; he just stands there prolonging the torture. Stiles bobs in the water beside his father, waiting for him to make a move. "Derek this is your last cha-," Derek drops Audrey into the water, she quickly stands up. "Don't be mad, Audrey, we just wanted you to play," Stiles whines.

Audrey splashes Derek and laughs at his un-amused face. "I want to splash daddy!" Stiles giggles. Stiles isn't tall enough to get near his face, so he just ends up flinging the water at Derek's stomach. Derek pulls his arm back and creates a small wave splashing the both of them.

The three of them spend the next hour just playing in the water, "I like when we all play together. It's really fun when mommy plays with us," Stiles smiles. Derek and Audrey give each other a look, choosing to brush off what Stiles had called Derek's girlfriend.

They all lock hands and every time Stiles counts to three, Audrey and Derek lift Stiles up in the air and swing him along. Audrey wraps Stiles in a towel and gives him a PB&J sandwich. He sits in the sand watching the seagulls dive in and out of the water.

Audrey pulls out a shovel, pail, and a few sand molding toys in the shape of a starfish, dolphin, and a seashell. "Here Stiles, these are for you," Audrey smiles, handing Stiles the toys. Stiles smiled from ear to ear, "Thanks mommy." Derek shoots Stiles a look, Stiles blushes, I'm sorry, Audrey. I-I didn't mean to call you mommy. It was an accident, I swear." "Don't be sorry Stiles, it's okay," she smoothes his hair down, "Come here and let me apply more sun block. Your shoulders are getting red."

Stiles stands up and admires his "sand castle." It looks more like a few small piles of smooshed sand with a few twigs and seashells. Stiles doesn't care though, he's very proud of his castle. "Daddy! Look!" Stiles beams.

"Very nice Stiles, why don't you add some windows and a door?"

Stiles sits on his knees and carefully pokes holes in his sand castle; he leans back and looks at his uneven windows. He smiles, "Audrey can you take a picture?" He asks. Audrey pulls her camera out, "Stiles, sit next to your beautiful architecture." Stiles sits next to the castle and folds his legs; he smiles wide and holds still for the picture. Audrey pushes the button and snaps the picture, "Done," she says. "Thank you," Stiles replies.

Stiles throws his towel next to the sand castle so he can sit next to it to protect it. He digs a moat around the castle; he grabs the pail and runs to get more water. He adds a small amount of water to the bucket and runs back; he pours the water into the moat, placing small objects in it to float around.

Stiles sits in the back of the car trying to stay awake, but he can't fight it forever. "I think he had a nice time," Derek says while looking through the rearview mirror. "Yeah, he really enjoyed himself," Audrey states, "thanks for inviting me too, I also enjoyed myself." "Of course, we had a lot of fun today, I'm sorry he called you mommy, he didn't mean anything by it," Derek mumbles. "Oh, no, don't even worry about it. It's cute, but, maybe you should take him to see his mother," Audrey suggests.

"Yeah, maybe," Derek sighs.

Sorry guys, that wasn't that good, but I'll make up for it I promise! I'd love to hear from you! I miss you guys! :)