Ok, so it was 10:45 at night and I came up with this idea, I don't know why. Don't judge me either because you're the one reading it. Here we go then.
The Titans were sitting in the living room on Friday night doing what they normally did, watch a movie. This time it was Starfire's turn to pick out the movie, so it was a chick flick. The boy's and Raven had absolutely no interest in the movie, but Star seemed to be absolutely engrossed in it. She shouted at the cheating boyfriend, wept with the grief stricken girl, and laughed at the gay best friends attempts to make her feel better.
Robin was probably the most unlucky one out of the group because Star was constantly asking him questions about the movie, whether it was things she didn't understand or things she wanted his opinion on; so he actually had to pay attention; but around the end of the movie both Beast Boy and Cyborg suddenly got interested in the movie, mostly because it was a sex scene. When the credit's started rolling both BB and Robin were trying to hide a slight stiff one while Starfire flew up into the air exclaiming
"Oh what a glorious flic of the chics, I especially enjoyed the end of the movie. Do you think we might do that sometime boyfriend Robin?" At this both BB and Cyborg busted out laughing while Robin turned red as a tomato with embarrassment.
"Well, uh, Star, you see, on earth, most people don't, um…" he really had no way of explaining it to her without making her sad, and he hated making Star sad. Lucky for him, Raven came to his rescue.
"Robin's not going to have sex with you unless you two get married Starfire, isn't that right Robin." While she had saved him from Star's question, she had also threatened him. Because behind Starfire Cyborg was pointing his sonic cannon at him and BB was in the shape of a tiger.
"Exactly Star, I don't want to do that until I'm married." He grinned bashfully, hoping someone would say something to break the tension. Luckily for him, Beast Boy did just that.
"Cyborg won't be doing that ever," he murmured. Cyborg heard this, and turned to face the changeling; his cannon still activated.
"Excuse me, how exactly do you know that?" Cyborg was getting tired of BB always saying he had no dick.
"Well, you're mostly robot, so…"
"So I don't have a penis. You would be wrong. Sarah and I have had sex loads of times, because I do have a dick." Cyborg was now seething with anger, it was about time he shut the grass stain up. "I tell you I have a dick, because when my dad put this robot stuff on me," a small opening appeared at his crotch area and a penis began to spring out of it, part metal, and part human. "He made sure I was still a man!" He said the last part with gusto. It was now about eight inches and the rest of the Titan's were captivated by the incredibly unbelievable sight. When Cyborg's system said "Blood to penis level 80% complete" when it was at ten inches, the rest of the Titans had only one thing to say.
"DAMN!" With his point made, Cyborg walked off, dick standing a proud twelve inches tall. Starfire looked at Robin and asked
"Is your reproductive organ as impressive as friend Cyborg's?" At this Raven face palmed, BB burst out into laughter, and Robin fainted.
Ok, that's it. I don't know where it came from, but it is now out here and reeking havoc. In case some of you are wondering, Sarah is Cyborg's girlfriend in the comic books. So have fun with it and remember Cyborg is a MAN!
Reaper of Heroes out.