A/N: All fixed. This story may have my OC appear, but she's not going to be a major character. Pairings: Inukag, Mirsan, Sessrin. DISCLAIMER: I don't own this, or Sessrin would definitely be canon.

"Ne, Sango?" Higurashi Kagome turned to look at her one of her roommates and best friends. "What would you think if I got a dog?"

Taijiya Sango looked up from the dinner she was currently making for her two roommates and herself. "What?"

"You know, a dog! I've always wanted one, and if Shikon will allow youkai on campus, why not pets?"

Sango rolled her eyes. "Because youkai don't eat homework, or rip apart pillows, or pee on floors, Kagome."

Sudddenly, the door burst open and a 5'2 girl materialized next to the disagreeing girls. "I think a dog would be a great idea!"

Kagome looked at the new arrival suspiciously. "Rin? Were you listening in on our conversation?"

The girl, now identified as Rin, glanced sheepishly at the floor. "I only heard a little bit... but I live here too, you know!" She defended.

Sango sighed. "Alright, but if you guys get in trouble, I was blackmailed into this."

Kagome and Rin highfived.