Chapter 22

And so, sitting in the bunker's library, the five heroes nursed various drinks. Dean poured himself and Kevin a brandy, Sam held a beer, and the Doctor and Castiel sipped earl grey tea. They exchanged a few more stories that usually to normal crowds, wouldn't have been believable. For hours they sat and chatted and eventually, they began to wear thin. Except for Castiel, who could have listened for days, the heroes began to yawn.

"So Doc," Dean started "what's next for you, huh? More aliens to discover? Planets to rescue? I can't imagine the kinds of damsels in distress you've come across."

The Doctor shrugged indignantly in his chair and leaned back.

"No, but really," Dean said, leaning forward, "what's it like getting' it on with an alien chick?"

Sam choked on his beer, and gave his brother a look.

"Its reasonable question," Dean defended. The Doctor raised his eyebrows as everyone else stared a little too intently, expecting an answer.

"I- I'm sorry, I honestly don't know how to answer that one." The Doctor said. The group looked slightly disappointed. "Well, it's, I guess, it's… captivatingly unusual... Depends on the species of course."

"Uh huh," Dean nodded, "Like what kinds?" Sam shook his head.

"Dean, I think you've had enough of the sauce for tonight, if you know what I mean," the Doctor avoided the question. Dean shrugged, rolled his eyes and downed what was left in his glass.

"What is your plan now, Doctor?" Castiel reiterated Dean's original question.

The Doctor finished his tea and stared into the bottom of his tea cup. "Move on I suppose. I could go any when and anywhere, there's still lots to discover out there. I typically just let the Tardis decide where to go next. I'll leave it up to Fate to decide. You could go anywhere, and do whatever you want to too. Where will you be, Castiel?"

Castiel smiled. "I think I'm just going to help people. Travel place to place and help those who need it. "

"Well, aren't you two just a pile of sunshine?" Dean laughed. "As for me, I'm going back to what I do best, and that's hunting; my own version of helping people."

"Yeah, me too," Sam chimed in. Kevin opened his mouth to say something, but Sam cut him off. "Not you, Kev."

"Hey, give me some credit, man." Kevin said. "I know a lot more now than I ever used to. I could be useful-"

"Don't even think about it!" Dean hollered. "The last thing I need is to know that we're causing yet another young kid to go into hunting and get killed."

"Dean I-" Kevin started.

"No man, don't." Dean cut him off again and kept hollering as Kevin spoke over him.

"If you'd just let me finish-" Kevin tried.

"Do even realize the danger you'd put yourself in?! And not to mention everyone around you would be bait," Dean continued.

"Look, Dean, I'm not-" Kevin tried again.

"You wouldn't be able to have a family of your own, or friends. Only creepy bearded old men who keep a shotgun in the seat next to them will talk to you,"

"Dean, Please!" Kevin shouted.

"Then there's all the scamming and impersonating, I mean, I know you're good with computers, but it's a lot to worry about-"


"And don't even get me started on the gross motel rooms-"


Kevin stood up out of his chair.

"You're not?" Sam asked.

"If you had let me finish, you would have heard that, I could be useful as a hunter, but I'd be more useful doing what I'm meant to be doing." Kevin looked at his friends and they looked at him, "I'm going to finish my education, and one day maybe I'll be able to run this country in some way. Be a good influence. I thought about what you said Sam, and now that I've heard what you've had to say, Dean, I know that hunting really isn't for me. I can help people in my own way, and it's not by talking to creepy old men and staying in rat infested motels… seriously, I have no idea how you guys lived like that."

"Yeah, neither do we," Dean said. "Well that's really good to hear, Kevin. Just don't spill any hunter secrets, got it?"

"You have my word," Kevin agreed.

"Well, this has been quite the adventure. But I think it's time I moved on now," The Doctor stood up and the rest followed. He adjusted his suit and walked over to the Tardis. He opened the doors and turned back to his new mates. He sighed. No one in the room was good at goodbyes.

"Don't be a stranger, okay?" Sam said. "If you need help with anything, just let us know."

"Nah, I'll be fine. If I ever run into any real ghosts, I'll know what to do." The Doctor said and stepped through the doors. "Besides, you'll probably need me one day when you encounter your next alien… Don't over use that button!"

"Will do, Doc," Dean nodded. The Doctor took his one final look, and closed the door behind him.

The four heroes were soon left behind in a loud whirlwind. They soon dispersed from the library and continued their strange lives.

The Doctor sat at his console with his feet up once more, letting the calming whir of the Tardis fill him up and reflected on his recent supernatural experiences. Giving up on the past, he got up to dig through a series of books he had collected over the years. Opening one paperback he stashed away long ago, he opened the book to its middle pages and read a few sentences.

"I thought their names sounded familiar!"

This is the end for now. Thank you so much for reading and making it this far. I know it took forever for me to get to this part, but I really hope you all enjoyed it and found it worth your time.