Katie's POV

"Katie. Kates. Katie-Kat. Katie. Wake up. Katie. Kates," a voice whispered outside of the window that was level with my bed. I turned toward it, ready to yell at someone for shortening my already short sleep.

"What?" I hissed at the window. I was too groggy to identify the person by their voice or to look out the window. Plus, it was dark.

"Katie. It's Carlos. Come meet me out on your porch." As I heard the crunch of footsteps walking away, I ninja-rolled out of my bed and stealthy crept to the door. After only a soft creak of protest from the wooden door, I lightly stepped out onto the dark porch. As soon as the door was shut, I felt warm muscular arms wrap around my back, pulling me into an embrace. I felt Carlos inhale against my back.

"Hey babe," a husky voice breathed into my ear. My spine shivered.

"What are you doing out here? It's like one a.m. The harpies could kill us if they found us." I tilted my head back. I could see a splash of stars dotting the night sky.

One of his curly locks of hair brushed against my cheek as he leaned his head down to whisper in my ear. "2:12 actually. But I needed to ask you a question Katie-Kat."

I turned around to look him in the face and ask him what question he had. But when I glimpsed blue eyes instead of hazel, that's when I realized something was terribly wrong. Carlos doesn't call me nicknames. Carlos is a strict rule follower. There was no way he would sneak out to ask me a question.

Blue eyes, breaking rules, nicknames... There could only be one person who fits that description. And I was in his arms.

"You-you creepy idiotic imposter!" I whisper-yelled at Travis as I elbowed him in the gut. he coughed and released me. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Well, I believe I am pretending to be your boyfriend so that you would sneak out of your cabin to meet me so I could ask you a question at 2:14 a.m."

"B-but why?!" I was still pretty appalled at the fact that a few moments before, I was wrapped up in Travis's arms. And I was more comfortable than I ever was in Carlos's arms.

Travis shrugged. "I couldn't sleep and I was bored and I remembered I had to ask you a question. So I got dressed and came to your cabin."

"No, you know what. I'm not going to answer your question. Tell me it tomorrow." I really needed to get away from him before I did something I would regret later.

"Kates, you can't just write me off like that. You have to answer my question now."

"No Travis, I don't. No sane person needs to have a question answered at 2:30 in the morning!"

"2:19. And when have you ever thought I was sane? Also, you must answer my question now because it deals with Greek myths and Chiron said you have to answer any and all questions I have on the matter at any time."

"Fine," I sighed. "What's your question."

Travis grinned. "Tell me about Orion and the stars. Earlier, you told me to remind you. So here I am. Start the story." Travis looked at me expectancy, but I just shook my head.

"Nope. I do not have to tell you that right now. Chiron said one myth per day, and I already told you about Artemis and Orion today. So, see you tomorrow Stoll," I said as I made my way across the porch to the cabin door. I placed my hand on the doorknob, getting ready to turn it and open the door.

"Hey, not so fast Katie-Kat. You haven't told me a myth today. I thought I already told you this. It is 2:21 a.m., which last I checked was after midnight. That means that you told me the Artemis and Orion myth yesterday." he caught up to me and placed his hand over my hand that was on the doorknob.

I was so, so close to freedom from Travis and my traitorous thoughts. It would be so easy to quickly turn the handle and slip inside the cabin. However, whether it was from my will to be a good citizen or from Travis touching my hand, I turned back toward him.

"Fine. I'll tell you the myth. But you have to promise not to annoy me." Or make me have a crush on you any more than I already do.

"Deal!" Travis exclaimed gleefully as he continued to hold my hand. he then dragged over to the back of the Hermes cabin where a rusty ladder led up to the roof. Travis's hand was warm and slightly sweaty. Or maybe that was my hand.

"Okay Kates, climb that ladder and walk around to the front," Travis instructed. I let go of his hand and started climbing, Travis right behind me. I tried not to think about how Travis's hands would catch me if I fell. Once I reached the top, I walked around on the roof until I spotted a flowery beach blanket spread across a part of the roof.

"You had this all planned!" I accused Travis as he came up behind me.

"Guilty as charged," he smiled, not looking at all sheepish. "I figured the harpies couldn't see us on a roof, and I'm sure you're tired of hanging out on your roof. So, I decided the Hermes roof was the perfect place for our nighttime history lesson." Travis flopped down onto the beach blanket and patted the place beside him. I sighed and stretched out beside him.

"What do you want to know about Orion and the stars?"

"I dunno," he looked up at the star-dotted sky. "You're the expert."

"Okay." I tried not to think about how some of my hair touched some of his hair. "Well, remember how Artemis shot and killed Orion, her love?"

"How could I forget?"

"Yeah, so she was so sad at losing Orion that she decided to honor him. Artemis asked Zeus to put Orion in the sky. Zeus said sure, and then Orion appeared in the sky as the constellation we know today. The end."

"Seriously?" Travis turned his head to look at me. "That's it?

"Yeah." I shrugged. "It's a short myth."

"Of course," Travis muttered as he turned to look at the sky again. he ran a hand though his curly brown locks. "Of course you would tell me the shortest myth right now."

"Right now?" I repeated. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Travis blushed and made a conscious effort to avoid looking at me. "Nothing. Nothing at all. Okay, you can go back to your cabin and beauty sleep now. Travis sat up and started to stand. My hand on his arm made him completely freeze.

"Travis, wait," What the heck am I doing?! "I guess I could show you the Orion constellation." NO! I need to get out of here! Now!

Travis smiled softly as he reclined back down on the beach blanket. "Okay Katie-Kat. If you insist. So, where is this dude?"

"See those three stars together in a line?" I pointed up at the night sky. "Now, see the four stars that form a sorta box around the line? That's Orion's body." As I explained how to see the rest of the constellation, I noticed Travis looking at me.

"Thanks Katie. I can see him. You're a wonderful teacher," he said, never taking his eyes off me.

"Thanks Travis." I paused for a moment before whispering. "Why do you keep looking at me like that. Don't you think the stars look beautiful?"

"But not as beautiful as the girl sitting in front of me."

My world completely stopped.

No, no, no. This can't be happening. The universe must be off. There is no way that immature Travis Stoll would say that to me. No way. This isn't happening. No no no. I have a boyfriend. No. I can't. No. It would be wrong to kiss Travis right now. Definitely wrong. But, oh my goodness, he was so close and intoxicating. No. No I can't. This is wrong. So, so wrong. I have to leave. Now. Quickly, before I-

Travis must have realized his mistake because he looked extremely uncomfortable. "Yeah, I'm just gonna go so um yeah sorry but I um yeah I didn't mean to sorry bye." With that lovely speech, Travis quickly got up and climbed down the ladder. Below me, I heard the Hermes door slam shut.

After a few minutes, I got up and traveled back to my cabin, still stunned about the events that had just played out. It was a long time before sleep enveloped me. And when it did, I dreamt that I was still up on the Hermes cabin roof, still in the arms of a certain Stoll boy.

Travis's POV

I've officially blown my chance with Katie. she'll never look at me the same way again after this. What did I do?! After tonight, I think it's time I start to get over my Katie crush and move on. After all, she'll never love me.