Chapter one : Perseus Jackson

Hey guys I know you are thinking "what the hell are you doing, go back to your story." But I couldn't help but write this idea. In this story Percy is the grandson of Dumbledore and Sally is his daughter. There will be twists of cource, never expect anything less with me. The stories will be quite similar to the books until it starts and with Percy Jackson series it there will be very few changes as it mostly focuses on Percy's wizarding life and war with Voldemort and stuff. Also Percy is one year older than Harry and he is very smart in this story.

Third person's pov – Albus Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts – Around a year before Harry is born

Albus Dumbledore ,the man whom everyone had their hopes in war riding on, sat at his office in Hogwarts thinking. He was very worried about his world and the muggle world. The results of their war was already devastating. But it would be far worse if this war was lost. Voldemort would take over the britain part of the wizarding world. Then he would start destroying muggle born wizards and muggles comletely. This would get reactions from the rest of the world, first from Europe then the rest. Wizards couldn't risk being exposed or voldemort destroying muggles and muggle born wizards. More wars would start. Dozens or hundreds dying now would become thousands and millions even.

But he was brought out of his thoughts when he felt pain hit his mind. He quickly found the location as he left the school grounds and apperated there. He was in a hospital room of a muggle hospital in America. He insinctively recognised the woman in the bed as his daughter. The he never knew about, never spent time with. The daughter of Vivian Jackson the witch he fell in love with all those years ago. Back then he didn't look like he did now. Younger and much more handsome with short blonde hair and no beard unlike the long silvery hair he had now.

" Her name was Sally Jackson and she died giving in case you are wondering." A voice he haven't heard in years nor expected to hear it again.

" What are you doing here Lady Trivia, if you don't mind me asking,?" He asked as politely as he could in such a frusterating moment. He had only met the goddess once when she visited him to inform she blessed him a long, long time ago. She was holding a baby boy in her arms now.

"First let's go to Hogwarts." She said before transporting them to his office.

" I'm here to introduce you to your grandson and inform you of a few important matters. This is Perseus Albus Jackson. He gave him my blessing too and of my greek form Hecate blessed him as well. He is a demigod. A son of Neptune and Poseidon." She said quickly not letting him interrupt her.

" What does this mean for him?" He asked fearfully.

" You will have to chose a life for him, a greek life or a roman life. If he is on the greek side he can always come to for the year, if he is on the roman side you won't see him often. He will become a member of the legion, like a year round camper. Also because he is a demigod his magic can't be monitored by the ministery. Teach him everything you can the moment he can learn. He will need it in both worlds."

"Anything else?" He asked hoping there isn't anything else.

" He is the heir of Gryfindor and his( Gryfindor's) wand which he will be using and Gryfindor's sword is to be given to him when it's found. He will have The Jackson's vaults and spot at wizengamot when he is seventeen as he is the last Jackson. And Albus he will be very important to bring Voldemort's final end. By the way he also inherited the Neptune vault in Gringotts. The Olympians each made a very rich and secure vault in Gringotts in case they ever had a magical child. Not that they even remember these vaults. " She added giving him keys, documents and pittying looks in the appropiate places. She waved her hand. " Sally's crib is in your room for his use. Goodby." Then she handed him Perseus and dissapeared.

Dumbledore looked at the child in his arms. He was tiny with black hair and tan skin. Then he opened his eyes which were luminous blue like his. Perseus seemed to look through him like he was staring into his soul. He briefly wondered if his eyes made people feel like that.

Time Skip- the day Potters died

Once again Albus Dumbledore felt a failure. Potters were dead and their son Harry was left alone. He would love to take Harry in. He would be like a brother to Perseus but he didn't trust himself to look after another child. Even with his own grandson he got a lot of help from Minerva, one of his most trusted friends, and Fawks , his phonix who seemed to understand Perseus better than him. And he also knew the protection Harry had from his mother would only work with one Lily's relatives. He would have prefered his grandparents but they were dead. He didn't like the idea of leaving Harry with Dursleys.

They litterally reek of mortality, he could almost hear Trivia say. Speaking of her his grandson was probably the most powerfull wizard to ever live thanks to her blessing. It was very rare and Perseus already had it through his blood and he had both Hecate's and Trivia's blessing. Unheard of. Both his grandparents are full blooded wizards and his father is a god too. He didn't even want to think of the dangers that came with this power.

But now some things were clearer. Like what Trivia ment by " Voldemort's final end". He was very worried about both boys. He remembered to visit Gryfindor's vault and found the wand that was ment for Perseus. It's was phonix feather and was made of elder, which was very strange for most people as it was common for dark wizards to have wands made of elder it made sense to him. Back then there weren't Auror's (I don't know if it's true or not) so some of the powerfull and brave wizards did a similar work. One of the most famous of them was Godric Gryfindor.( Totaly made it up.) It was an extraordinary but powerfull wand like Perseus. He just knew it was ideal for him.

This chapter is down but look for my next update. I'm looking forward to see your reviews. BTW I'm having trouble finding the next chapter for Reading the Lightning Thief for those who know or don't know I'm writing one. Guys I would appreciate it if you could send me a link or even e mail me the chapters. Just let me know if you can mail me I will send you my e mail. If you can review or PM me the link it would be even better. Catch ya later guys.