Chapter 11

Falling for a criminal

Hi guys it's been a long time, but it better now than never right? I've been really busy and I will be really busy so I don't know when I'll have another chapter out but enjoy. IT'S A SHORT CHAPTER...SORRY.

I had stopped at a hotel for the night, I went down to the shops and purchased a cheap Nokia phone, I would dare use my old one as Edward would probably locate me by it. When I went bac to my room I decided to call rose and Alice.

On the second ring Rosalie picked up.


"Hey Rose its Bella"

"Bella where are you everyone's going crazy looking for you, are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"We're fine, but Rose don't tell anybody about this call, I just needed to get away. Things aren't good back home and the only way to deal with it was…is too leave, I'm sorry, so sorry but just tell everyone I love them, I love you and Alice, tell her I'm sorry to, but I can't do this anymore."


I hung up before she could say anything else. I then cried myself to sleep.

2 months later

It's been 2 months since I left, I found myself a small 2-bedroom house, I had been living there ever since. I haven't been in contact with anyone, I had found myself a job in a small dinner, even though I didn't need the money it was still good to pass time. I loved interacting with old folks who would talk to me about my baby and touch my stomach every chance they got. I was now 8 months pregnant and I felt like a big whale, I just wanted him out of me. But I have another month to go.

It was now 6 and I had just eaten dinner. I had felt the baby move a little which relaxed me so for the rest of the night I spent reading up on how to be a good mum and the birthing process; I didn't like the sound of it one bit. I was so bored that I tried out some of the recommended positions to see which one I felt more comfortable in but to be honest, I just felt stupid doing them. I know that it was a little too late to do this now but it just what I wanted to do.

I got up to get a glass of water, after a few sips an extremely sharp pain ran through my lower abdomen. It was so unexpected and painful that it made me drop my glass onto the floor and it smashed into pieces. The pain was so unbearable that I dropped to the floor, I was able to squat long enough to brush any glass away from the small area where I had collapsed. I quickly ripped my phone out to call the ambulance, I took deep breaths as the pain subsided. Wait. It was only once, it was probably just Braxton hicks, I read this online, they would probably send me back home anyway. So I put my phone back in my pocket, and relaxed on the floor for five minutes. After I took a deep breath and stood up. I was slightly achy but made my way to the bathroom. After urinating for the second time of the hour, I walked back upstairs to bed.

Later that night I started to feel pains in my back and lower abdomen, they were horrible. After a while I couldn't take it anymore so I went to the hospital.

When I got to the hospital my waters had already broken in the cab and the doctors told me that I was 10 centimetres dilated. I was going to have this a baby so soon. I thought I'd have at least 4 hours to get the idea that I was actually having a baby in my head. But I wouldn't.

After an hour of pushing of excruciating pain, I had a little boy. My little Masen boo. He looked just like his daddy even though he was a month early he was 9 pounds. The doctor said if I carried him to full term he would have done some real damage down there.

I was currently watching my sweet baby in my arms, he was the cutest thing ever and he was all mine, I could wait to get out of this dump so we could be a proper family just the two of us.

The hospital room opened and someone came in I didn't pay attention to whom because I could keep my eyes off my baby.

"He looks like me don't you think?" I knew that voice… it was Edward.

"W…What are you doing here?"

"I've come to collect what's mine."

"Just leave, I'm not going anywhere with you."

"OH sweetheart I wasn't talking about you."

"You're not taking him."

"Who says?" he darkly chuckles

"I say, he's my son."

"You have no say, I've told the hospital you're a crack head, did you really think you could get away with keeping my son away from me. I didn't think you had the guts to leave but I underestimated you, but never again."

I was now sobbing.

"I'll tell the police about everything, about what you do, if you don't leave us alone."

"Babe, my wife can't prosecute against me. And guess what you're my wife."

"Please… Edward…please, I'll do anything, just don't take him away from me"

"I'll be back tomorrow for what is mine, you will have to make the decision if that includes you. And don't try to run away I've got the hospital surrounded." With that he left and I could only weep for myself and my son. I had tried to get way and he had found us and now we would have to go back into the arms of the devil.

Well… well… She didn't leave for that long. What's going to happen next is it happy families or is Bella going to have to fight for her place back at Edwards side and to be Masen's Mum.