"Leave us" the Empress said to the guards posted in front of the prisoner.

"B-But ma'am we-" all it took was one sharp look to shut the troll up, "yes of course" he mumbled, walking off swiftly with the other guard in tow. She waited a moment, making sure there was no one else in the clearing, then she flung herself towards the Signless, cupping his face in her hands, resting her head upon his chest, trying not to cry.

"Let me take these off" she moved her hands towards the shackles.

"Don't!" he snapped, but she paid no heed. She let out a slight screech as the burning metal scorched her hands. "Are you ok?" the words were automatic from the worry that instantly plagued him. She shot him a look of pure rage,

"How can you ask me if I'm alright when you're the one bleeding out!" she couldn't keep her voice from cracking this time.

"Because I love you" he chuckled, finding how funny it was that in his final moments he was still pissing her off.

"I told you we could have just ran away" she murmured, pressing her body against his.

"Yeah, guess we could'a" he sighed, feeling numb from the lack of blood. "You need to go"


"Please, you can't be here any l-longer" she ran a hand up to his face and brushed aside his hair to see her lovers eyes, the ones that were able to light up a dark room only shared by the two.

"I'll find you again" she promised, he smirked as his only response. With heavy feet she stepped away, becoming who the world expected her to be once more. She didn't say goodbye as she walked away, to her, it would never be a goodbye.