He Is Ours
Genre : Family, Humor
Summary :
The 'Generation of Miracles' were having their summer holidays in a mountain resort, everything went normally like how a holidays should be spent, but who knows when they opened their luggage and find a little red-haired baby inside of it?
Kuroko no Basuke didn't owned by me! And this is my second KnB fic, please tell me if I have done something wrong!
-Chapter 1 : The Six Brothers-
It was summer now, every school has closed and all the students each spent their holidays either with family or friends. In a certain mountain, resided a hotel resort which facilities were quiet comfortable, but most of all the scene there was beautiful and considering how healthy the moutain's air also how cheap the costs are.
It was a great choice for a certain family.
" Yaay yaay yaay, summer~summer~ summer~ssu~", sang a blonde haired kid happily while running down the hotel's stair.
Kise Ryota (10), he is a very enthuastic kid and was now in his primary 5 in Teikou Primary School. He lives with his five brothers and he is the third youngest there.
" Kise-kun, please be careful.", said a light blue-haired boy with his emotionless face yet worried voice, following behind the blonde-haired kid just now.
Kuroko Tetsuya (12), like what described before… He usually keep his emotionless face, but nevertheless he cares for his family. He is a very calm person and almost unnoticeable by the the others except his five brothers. He's now currently a first year in Teikou Middle School. He's the second eldest.
" Aka-chin~ Can I open my snack yet?", asked the rather tall boy with purple-hair, holding his still-untouched-snack with a hungry gaze.
Murasakibara Atsushi (9), he is tall for kids around that ages. He even have the same height as Kuroko, just like what you know, he is a snack-lover. He almost eat the snacks all the time, if it's not for two certain brothers of his that keep stopping him. He's now Primary 4 student in Teikou Primary School and the youngest between their brothers.
" You have hold yourself since we arrived, so I'll give you permission for it. I'll borrow you my scissor.", said a red-haired boy politely, he cut the snack open which made the tall-kid beamed happily.
Akashi Seijuurou (11), as you can see he's a very polite boy and also very smart one, he got scholarship at his school so he almost have no need to pay the school-fee even once. But don't look at the polite smile he always showing, if you anger him. Just be ready for flying-scissor. He's now in Primary 6 in Teikou Primary School. He is the third eldest between his brothers.
" Geez, it's so hot here… Can't we go to a place with air-conditioner?", complained a tanned dark blue-haired boy, holding the back of his head with his two crossed arms.
Aomine Daiki (10), he is the second youngest after Kise. It just like that because Kise's birthday was in June while his in August. He speak what he thought carefreely, almost all in unpoliteness. He also a stubborn kid, always act ignorant but actually care for his brothers. He loves playing basketball, he has been a very good player since primary. He's in the same class as Kise, Primary 5 in Teikou too.
" Stop complaining, Aomine. You know that we didn't have that much money, and also what's wrong with us going here? The air here is more healthy than the other crowdy-place.", said a green haired boy, pushing his glasses up.
Midorima Shintarou (15), he is the eldest between all his brothers and is now currently in his last middle school year in Teikou Middle School. He was in charge of taking care of his five little brothers, they are all not real siblings. They all were adopted by Nijimura family who's now currently living in America, giving them faith to live by themselves as what they have asked.
" Haaah! You're just being stingy! ", said Aomine back, sticking his tongue out and run forward to where Kise is now.
" Waa~ Ao-cchi, look at this! The sun was so beautiful~ssu~…", said Kise while hanging on the wood-balcony outside.
Kuroko stood behind the blonde to make sure he didn't fall himself, while enjoying the sun too.
" Wack! Too shiny! ", shouted Aomine who immediately hid behind Kuroko.
" Waa~ The snack was so delicious.", said Murasakibara happily munching his snacks, while standing beside his brothers.
" Hmm, such a beautiful scene. I must praise your decision to bring us here, Shintarou.", said Akashi politely, enjoying the scene too.
" Of course it is, Oha-Asa said that for summer, the place better for all our signs was mountain.", said Midorima proudly.
" Ah! Mido-cchi, do you bring a camera? Let's take a picture, ssu~ ! ", suggested Kise happily.
Midorima then took out his camera while his other five brothers took their own position readying. Midorima set the camera into five seconds time-delay and immediately run to his brothers. All of them already smiling and each taking their own poses.
5… 4… 3… 2…
" Hey, let's hurry! ", suddenly two persons wearing black coat walked passed in front of the camera while one of them carrying a bundle of white towel.
" Hey! How could they walk passed like that, ssu~?! ", said Kise, poutingly.
" Those stupid old-man.", growled Aomine angrily.
" It's okay, Kise-kun, Aomine-kun. We just need to take it one more time.", said Kuroko calmly. " And Akashi-kun, please put down your scissor.", added Kuroko calmly.
Akashi coughed slowly and lower down the scissor just like what Kuroko has said.
Midorima looked at the all-black blurred picture, ' Hm, it really took the picture of them.', Midorima then moved to press the 'Delete' button, he missed to saw the red blur that came out from the white-blur. He then set the camera back.
" Okay, now get ready quickly before anyone come again.", said Midorima stoicly.
5… 4… Kise and Aomine keep looking right and left warily of people passing.
3… 2 … " There's no one,ssu~ ! ", beamed Kise happily, readying in his position beside Kuroko holding a high 'V'
1… *click*
The two black-coated men sat themselves down on their bed, " Ahhh… I was so awfully tired! ", said one of them tiredly.
" The same here, haah... They were really so persistent, after we rest one night here, we'll move again.", said the other one.
They then looked up at the white bundle that laid on the next bed from theirs, " But remembering that we've successfully got the baby, I felt all of this was worthy! ", shouted the man laughing evilly.
" Hahha, hell right! With this baby, we could sell it and earn much money from it! ", said the other one with the same evil laugh.
" Hey, I'll get us a food and also his, you stay put. We couldn't lose our last money, 'kay?", one of them got up and went out from the small room.
The man there got up and walked to where the small bundle was laying, he opened the towel slightly to revealed the red-haired of a baby who's now sleeping soundly, " I'm sorry for doing this. We don't have another way, we need money, 'kay? When you grow up, you'll understand it.", said the man, smirked.
The baby just stirred and continued his soundly sleep.
-The next morning-
" Aomine, get up! We must get ready! The service will come and cleanse the room later, nanodayo!', shouted Midorima at the early of the morning.
" Ouu, geez…", the tanned boy glanced at the owl clock that hangs around the wall. " It just 5 o'clock, Midorima. Can't you let me sleep more?", asked Aomine lazily.
" Don't be lazy, quick and get up! The service will come at 6! ", Midorima harshly pulled the blanket away. " Get up now! "
" Okay okay okay…", answered Aomine lazily.
The other four brothers of his already in the middle of putting their things back, while Midorima himself? Already finished first before them.
If they just stayed before 6, then the fee will be count as one night. But if they stay more than 6, then they will need to pay for each hours that passed. That's why Midorima chose to leave this room before 6, for saving money.
Meanwhile, at the next door…
Both men were trying to have more sleep, but thanks to the noisy in the next door. They couldn't continue their sleep. So, one of them got up to take a bath, while one of them opened the window door and looked outside, enjoying the cold air coming from outside.
" Haahh, after today I'll be free from those poor-days.", said the man in relief. He then took a look at the cause of the said freedom, " Hmm… He's really a heavy-sleeper.", murmured the man slowly. He then decide to grabbed a food outside while waiting for his turn to take a bath.
Meanwhile, back to the Generation of Miracles…
They're now putting their bags in their car's luggage one by one. By the way, for your information… They drove here by a mini-bus rented by Midorima with a driver too. Another reason why Midorima want to go back early in the morning.
Everyone have put their bags in the car, while Kise being the last one. He put the bag in and tried to reach the luggage's door.
" Rrggh. Rrggh.", Kise jumped and jumped again to reach it, but the door was still too high for him. " Ah, I'll find Mido-cchi or Mura-cchi.", said Kise happily, walking inside the wooden-hotel again.
At the same time as the idea came out from Kise's mind, a certain baby woke up from his soundly sleep. He blinked his red eyes once and again before he whimpered to let himself free from the bundle of towel.
At the last, he freed himself from the towel and sat quietly on the bed. His red eyes looked at his surrounding quietly and then his eyes caught the sunshine that came in from the opened-window.
The baby crawled toward the window and by climbing at whatever he could climb on there, he sat himself on the window-frame and looked outside.
The birds were chirping passed the baby, then the baby looked at the foreign-environment he was in quietly. His eyes then caught a rectangular thing with many different colours on it. The colors somehow remind himself with a thing he has seen before after the water falling from the blue thing above himself.
The baby then crawled forward, only to find himself falling from the window, and luckily that was many unused plastics below himself which acted as his mattress. He then crawled out from the plastic toward the colouring-thing. He stopped and looked up at the many bags inside it that were colourful and tried to crawled up to it.
Because the car was not really high, it's not hard for him to successfully got inside. But uncareful, he fell down when he finally get inside.
At the same time, Kise came back with Midorima behind him. Midorima reached the door easily and closed it down without even checked the luggage first.
The little baby suddenly find himself in the darkness again, thinking it's already time to sleep. He went back to his sleep.
" Come on, all. Get inside the car, we don't want to be late.", said Midorima, calling for his little brothers.
All of them went inside the car one by one with Midorima on the seat in front, with the male driver.
" Everything's ready?", asked the driver when he sat himself down.
" Yes, you can start the car.", said Midorima stoicly, using the belt on himself.
" Okay, then here we go…", said the driver, starting the car.
" Yeey~ Yeey~ Yeey~ Going back home~ssu~ Home~ ssu~ ", sang Kise happily.
Meanwhile, back to the two men inside…
One of them has finished his bath and went outside, " Uh? Where's Jyu? ", he then saw the white towel that's now laying straight on the bed, there's nothing in it. " U-Uh?! ", the man immediately took the white towel and looked below the bed.
At this time, the other men opened the locked-door by key and went inside with two meals and one milk. " Hey, already finished your bath? I brought you and baby the meal.", said the man, putting the tray on the wooden table.
" Jyu?! Where's the baby?! ", asked the man, standing up.
" Uh? He's there?", Jyu pointed to the bed and found it empty?
" W-Where did he goooooo?! ", they two panicked and immediately searched the room completely. Jyu glanced through the window and find nothing.
" Haah, my freedom~~ Where did you goo, baby?! ", shouted Jyu loudly.
-To be continued-
I'll end it here first, sorry if it was short. Well~ How do you think of this? I'll try to update the next one sooner as possible.
Thank you for reading, minna! ^o^