A/N Sorry about not updating this sooner, again, but I've been having writers block lately. So yeah, this chapter isn't that good, but I managed to write it so that's something.

Wade In Wonderland.
Chapter 6 : Awaking Of Wonderland.

Once Upon A Time...

Wonderland is a place of peace, or more like, had been a place of peace. Wonderland was ruled over by King Hunter, proud father of two sons; John and Punk. The King was kind, but was still able to kick ass when he was needed. He loved his sons very much, they had all grown close after Hunter's wife passed away. John was the eldest, he was next to rule over Wonderland, but Punk, his younger brother wasn't willing to wait for his chance at becoming King. He hated his fathers ways, all Punk wanted was Wonderland to be his and to have all the gold he could image at his feet. But John stood in his way, he knew his father would not allow him to be first in line with the throne.

So one day, after meeting with the Red Witch named Vickie, they came up with a plan. A plan to make Wonderland's Punks, *cough, cough,* theirs. It was the perfect plan indeed. Vickie and her mindless minions attack the Kingdom that held the King and his eldest son. Red mist covered the land and the attack was made, all of Wonderland's greatest fighters were called upon to fight the Witch and her mindless minions back. But as they fought, John in the front line, they left their beloved King protected by his young son, Punk. It was there that the King fall, a sword in his heart as he's last breath drew only darkness to follow.

Darkness surrounded Punk as he grew more powerful than ever before. The golden throne of Wonderland turned into black steel. Punk took a seat as he watched from a black mist of what was happening outside. With the King dead, Wonderland and its White Army stood no chance. The Red Witch held most of the White Army in red chains, laughing all the time as her mindless minions beat Prince John almost to death. Punk smiled, finally he had won against his older brother; Punk was the ruler of Wonderland now. And no one was going to stop that. Vickie got a bit carried away with her red mist trick and somehow John ended up disappearing with his body guard and best friend; Sheamus.

But it didn't matter. Wonderland was under new ruling. Punk and Vickie decided to remake Wonderland, colouring the kingdom Black and Red; no one who dared looked at them the wrong way was to be beheaded in front of everyone else. People feared the new rulers, to scared to make a stand against them. There was truly no hope for Wonderland... Or prehaps not. Maybe, just maybe, there was someone who would rise up against them? A boy who held the heart of the lion, the hair of the raven and skin as soft as snow. A boy although young, still able to hold the sword of light and fight back the darkness that had fallen over Wonderland.

Though not many of the people believed there would be such a hero to come, some waited and waited and waited - and one night, when all seemed lost - a shooting star came down. It somehow landed in a room full of doors, the shell of the star crumbling away into nothingness - leaving a small body in its place. The body moved slowly, looking up at the plain, white window. Green eyes flickered over the room, no panick in his eyes as he seemed to have been there before. The boy stood up tall dusting himself off. He was young, extremely so; but seemed to know just where to go.

The boy wondered about once he was outside. Seeing the black and red mist which frightened him soon, he shook it off and continued on his way. Meeting a dwarf named Daniel, twins, a red dragon named Kane and finally - one of the Viper clan. The Viper was quiet, though it seemed that this boy could bring him out of his shell, even though it was only for a short while. Together they walked through the Valley of the Dead, making their way to the White Kingdom. But before they reached the White Kingdom, they met Prince John and his guard, Sheamus. Everyone there knew that the boy who fall from the sky was the key to everything; he was the only chance that Wonderland had of being free once more.

The boy knew what he had to do. He stood tall, the member of the Viper clan by his side all the way as they challenged Punk's kingdom. Many men and women found themselves joining the small group of warriors, knowing now that there was still some hope. The boy held in his arms the sword of light as he and Punk battled it out - all the others fighting off the Red Witch. However, Punk had grew more strong than ever before, as the battle continued, the boy began to weaken. His strength fading as he fought as hard as he could. Before Punk could strike him down though, vemon was spat out towards him, Punk moved back before it hit him in the face. The vemon landing on the tip of the boy's sword.

The Viper stood by the boys side, his face that of human covered in snake scales and his tongue was forked. Punk let out a roar in anger as he turned into black mist, dashing to his victims. The Viper, though having his power, knew not where Punk had disappeared too. The boy didn't know either, that was until he saw from the corner of his eyes - a metal blade about to enter the Viper. Yelling the Viper's name, the boy pushed him away as the blade entered him instead. Right through his stomach, coming out his back. he coughed out blood, pain clearly seen in his eyes as Punk lift his sword up - still inside the boy's body. Punk sneered at his opponent, glad he had won the fight.

Suddenly though; the boy's blade pierced Punk's side - it was small, and wouldn't have hurt Punk much..hadn't it been for the venom from the Viper that lingered on the boy's sword. Punk cried out, feeling the effect straight away. All of his power draining thanks to the vemon, his skin turning black already. Tossing his sword, he held his side in pain. Vickie stopped what she was doing and came running over as she heard Punk scream for some sort of cure. The black mist around the kingdom and all of Wonderland faded into nothing as Punk's body shook with pain. Vickie took hold of him, glaring at the others as she swore they'd be back before disappearing with what remain of her mindless minions and Punk into her red mist.

The people of Wonderland cheered loudly at their victory. Though there was two who weren't cheering, the Viper was on his knees, holding onto the Boy who had saved Wonderland. Both knew the boy was dying. Leaning down, the Viper listened to the boy's words; the boy's body disappearing as he spoke. Tears slipped from the Vipers eyes, as unsure as he was about his emotions, he couldn't help but weep as the 15 year old boy slowly faded knowing that Wonderland was safe...

Prince John took control of the kingdom. He asked the Viper what the boy had said, the Viper didn't reply; he left that day and was never seen again by anyone in the white Kingdom. Though the words the boys had uttered that day was still fresh in his mind.

'Whenever you need me most, I'll be there...always, my Viper...'

Randy Orton snapped awake as he heard those words he could never forget. Shaking his head, he stopped up, looking back into the dark forest where he had been not long ago, the teen he had traveled with was still in there. Blue eyes scanned the area again, not picking up any heat again. He stood there, wondering what to do. That teenager...he didn't remember, he didn't remember none of it. Randy growled before hitting the tree next to him so hard that it broke in two.

"Why didn't he remember?" Randy said through clenched teeth, only to regret it when a slimmy voice was heard coming from behind him.

"Who remember what?" The voice said and Randy turned around to see Paul Heyman, the fat grey cat that he was grinned with mischief. "Do you mean the boy who saved Wonderland?" He smirked as Randy hissed slightly at him. "Now, now Viper. Stay calm. I'm only here to tell you something, but if you don't want to hear me out..." He trailed off, disappearing then reappearing again at the side of Randy.

"What do you want Heyman?!" Randy snapped, his teeth turning sharp.

"Oh, nothing really. It's more like who you want, that boy has landed himself in some trouble, you know. Just thought you'd want to know that your cousin's have him."

"What?!" Randy's eyes widened at the information he just gained about Wade.

Paul nodded his head, looking at his claws the entire time. "I'm telling the truth, the poor boy was in some sort of trance, I couldn't wake him up in time before...well, the cabin door opened and he walked straight in..." Paul replied as if it wasn't any big deal. Though Randy knew better, the reason that Wade was here was because Wonderland needed him. Randy maybe cold heartless, but still, he knew Wade was the only chance of Wonderland getting back to normal...whether he remembered him or not.

"The cabin?" Randy asked, knowing now that he had to go and save Wade before in was too late, he knew what his cousins were like.

"The cabin." Paul responded, purring slightly before he continued. "Better be quick, I hear that they had quite the collection of Still-dolls...that boy's all they needed now...or so I hear..." Before the fat, grey cat could keep going, Randy was already gone; heading back into the dark forest. Paul shrugged his shoulders before turning to continue on his way, only to hear the sound of galloping horses coming his way...

Wade didn't know what happened. One minute he was in the woods, the next he was in some sort of cabin. Looking around quickly, he saw three rooms ahead, one being a side room, the other being a kitchen and the thrid being a living room. Stepping forwards, Wade looked down as the floorboards creaked under his weight. Looking up again, Wade jumped back, his back hitting the door as he came face to face with three men. The one wearing a sheep mask. The big one in the middle looked him up and down before taking off his hat smiling like he won the lottery.

"Welcome home, my still-doll..."

Review Or Pm. Sorry there's barely any Wade or Randy in it, but I thought we needed to have that bit at the beginning. Plus now I've got a good idea where I'm going next with this story *thanks god,* hope that those of you who are still reading this enjoy it. Cheers for reading :)