Your name is John Egburt and this is getting ridiculous.

Today has been your fourth day home alone. With your dad missing your the only one who can take care of yourself, with your mothers death and lack of family you were on your own. you never paid attention in cooking class so for four days straight you've pretty much just had Mr. Noodles and cereal. To make matters worse you were still new to the school and not everyone accepted the new kids. unfortunately for you, you were stuck with a gang of bullies on your ass day in and day out weekends weren't safe anymore, the bullies roamed around on Facebook littering your inbox with death threats and messages telling you to kill yourself. You would kill to be back in Chicago.

You were strong though right? you could get through this only three more years. You convinced yourself that the beatings during lunch and after school wouldn't get much worse and you could take it, Right? You could hear your alarm in the distance ringing and the waves rebounding off the walls you had gotten up before your alarm you must have not turned it off. You shrug off the chair you were sitting on while eating breakfast and saunter into your room. After you turn off your pesky alarm you notice your phone has been blown up with notifications. "Not again" you say to yourself in distress you don't want your morning to go sour already because of Eridan. Taking a closer look you realize it's just Dave blowing up your pester-chum most likely with one of his "sick" rhymes, you open the application and wait for it to load the messages

turntechGodhead Began pestering ectoBiologist at 5:33 am

TG: JHON TG: fuck i mean john

TG: god dammit you there?

TG: LOOK I need to ask you something important okay?

TG: fuck whatever man

TG: imma pick your ass up for school so don't fucking leave

TG: i swear to god if you don't respond soon your gonna have me and bro on your ass

TG: see if you can fight both of us

TG: hah I'd like to see that

TG: fuck john hurry up JEGUS

EB: Fuck Dave can't a guy have breakfast?

EB: besides my phone was charging you inconsiderate ass

TG: oh wow your alive

TG: don't get your panties in a twist

EB: whatever, what was so important that you woke up at 5:30 to tell me hmmm?

TG: never mind now it's done

EB: what is ?

TG: you took to long and i don't wanna talk about it anymore

EB: wow Dave really?

EB: just tell me i'm starting to worry here

TG: man just leave it ok? I'll be there to pick you up in 5 okay?

EB: fine i guess c ya

turntechGodhead ceased pestering ectoBiologist at 6:20 am

What was that all about? you question. Dave has never been the one to keep secrets of be afraid to speak his mind ever. You wonder what could have possibly happen to make him so off, and the ride to school gave you no clues. The entire way there Dave just blasted his music and ignored your attempts at conversation. This really put you in a bad mood, you did not need your best friend to be a melodramatic freak while there were bullies already looking at you like you were a meal and you had just walked in. God how can they do this at 6 in the morning your barley even awake. You arrived at school with half an hour to kill Dave always liked showing up early to school but always showed up late to class. You never understand that guy sometimes. As soon as you walked through the door you headed in the opposite direction Dave was going, you couldn't out up with his moody attitude any longer you were about to snap.

"Woah hey john where do you think your going? You have English first period with me ?" Dave half shouted across the hall "OH it finally talks!" you exclaim throwing up your hands "What do you mean?" Dave said no emotion crossing his face it was hard to tell what that guy was feeling even without the shades you assumed. You had never seen his eyes which really made you wonder. "You know what I mean Dave! the whole car ride you ignored me I don't need that not when-" "Not when what?" Dave asked crossing his arms. Shit you almost let it slip "Nothing never mind I have to go to my locker see you in class" you said trying to sound more cheerful. "Wait!" Dave exclaimed but you were already running to your locker.

By the time you had gotten to your locker you could barley breathe, although your locker isn't that far away from the entrance your asthma clung so your lungs. You felt like you were being smothered by an invisible pillow. "Hey Broski" You heard a familiar sinister voice beckon as you were slammed from behind into your locker letting out an awkward yelp. "Eww you like that don't you faggot" A strong hand grabbed the back of your head and started smashing your face into the lockers. After you lost count of how many times your face had been bashed into the cool metal doors the hand released you. " Your lucky I could do much worse you know?" he said smirking at his comment "Your lucky I actually have friends to go see, Later fag." And with that Eridan left sauntering down the hall. You began to gently poke your face to asses the damage, Your glasses had fallen off during the attack, thank God they were only slightly crocked nothing you couldn't fix. It took you a while to notice the blood on the floor that had begun to seep out of a large gash on your head, looking up you could see blood smeared on the lockers. Better clean that up before someone laughs at you and say's "Egburta got her period." You finished cleaning the area double checking for no blood marks you had completely forgotten about where the blood was coming from until you looked up and saw a startled Rose, she must have been on her way to the washroom when she saw you.

"John w-what happened?" Her deep violet eyes cut into you, you searched for a lie but you knew it was no use, Rose was the queen of psychology. "Eridan doesn't like me that much and he saw me up here when no one was around and-" Rose already knew what had happened without your full explanation "That douche! When i see him next I going to tear him a new one because no one treats my friends like that NEVER!" Rose was seething with anger. "f-f-friends?" you thought to yourself I'm her friend? Shaking yourself out of your trance you realise she proposed something that you'd rather not take place. Eridan wasn't one to take kindly to someone backing their friend up and you knew he wouldn't hesitate to hit Rose, All in all it would end badly for the both of you. "Rose, really I'm OK. Don't confront Eridan please it would make it bad for the both of us I understand your worried but please rose just drop it." Rose looked at you for what felt like forever and nodded " Fine but I want to ask you something." "Yes Rose?" "It's just I want you to know that we are friends okay?" With that she smiled brightening her face that was usually gloomy and covered in black lipstick and dark eye shadow. You smiled an nodded as she lead you to the bathroom were she began to assess your head wound.

After some needed rest in the nurses office you finally made it to English, late. this was going to be awkward to explain especially with the bandage on your forehead. You took a deep breath and opened he class room door. "Hey sorry I'm late Mrs. Frost." Her face went from a smile to a horrified expression when her eyes caught sight of you. "Oh-my John, Uhm Alright take your seat. We were just reading chapter 13 So if you'd like to begin catching up that would be fantastic." You nodded trying to look somewhat happy and took your seat beside Dave who was laying his face down on the table. Of course when did this guy do work how had he made it to grade 11? Mr. Strider here was sure something. You sighed and sat down digging through your bag for your copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" and hoped to god Dave was actually asleep you didn't feel like explaining what had happened you your face. It was going to be a long day.

A/N hey guys this is my first time writing fan fic of any kind so some words of advice would be greatly welcomed also please no hate this may or may not turn into a john/ dave ship or maybe just a bro ship for now anyway anyway hoped you liked it. thanks -sarah