Ok...I sorta lied...I realized that last wasn't QUITE the end of part 4...so here's a bit more, kind of the epilogue. Followed by a prologue of sorts, with a but of a hint for what's to come in part 5 :D

Proofread by Nance, flow help from IcarusLSU, all remaining mistakes are mine, sadly Gwaine...er Merlin, still isn't.

Thank you for all the reviews! You guys are awesome and help to feed my starving tortured muses!

The trip through the smaller wormhole didn't hold the same fascination as his first, and only, other time through had...not after having witnessed the Supergate come to life. Upon arrival, Merlin was taken directly to the infirmary, where Dr. Lam made him a personal priority.

Arthur was grateful that Merlin would be under her direct care, and not one of the other doctors or medical personnel.

"I'm going to be taking him for some tests...CT scans and MRIs. It'll be a rather long and boring process, until the results come back." She told him, while making notations on a clipboard.

"That's alright. I'm not leaving his side." Arthur stated in a determined voice.

Carolyn sighed and dropped the clipboard to her side. "Listen...I know you want to stay with him, but you've been through a lot this last week. He's not going to disappear if you take your eyes off of him...at least, I don't think he will."

The former king's blue eyes shot up at the doctor. Her face appeared serious, save for a small twitch at the corner of her mouth and the twinkle in her dark eyes. "A joke...ha, ha...funny." Arthur deadpanned.

"Alright, just trying to get you to relax. Although, there are a couple things you should do, while he's being assessed."

"What would those things be?"

"Take a shower, get yourself something to eat...and call your wife. I'm sure she's a bit worried about you. I'll call Dr. Jones in a few minutes, in order to update her about Colonel Emyrs, once we get him settled into the MRI machine."

"What am I going to tell Guinevere...?"

"Just that you're perfectly safe. Remember, you signed a confidentiality agreement. Unfortunately, that means you can't tell her the full situation"

"I understand." He did understand. He didn't have to like it, and while he was here, and Merlin was under the care of the SGC, he would adhere to the agreement of that document. Once they were all safely back home, he planned to tell her more...but, how much more? He couldn't say. How did you tell the woman you loved, the mother of your child...soon to be children...that there was an alien race out there with the power and ability to kill off every living thing, human or otherwise, who refused to bow down to them?

He was grateful that Guinevere had always understood. As king, there had been occasions he wasn't able to share things with her. However, Dr. Lam was right about at least one thing...he should call her and let her know he was still alive. The ability to simply pick up a device and speak with someone halfway around the world was still utterly fascinating. His heart clenched with a sudden longing to hear her voice.

"Airman Barrett will be assigned to you. He'll show you to the locker rooms and the cafeteria. I'll contact you through him, once the tests are completed and you can return."

Nodding reluctantly, he watched, as his friend was wheeled out of the main room.

"Hello? Arthur?"

"Hello, Guinevere." He smiled, and felt moisture stinging his eyes.

"Oh, Arthur. We've been getting worried, since we hadn't heard from any of you!" It was a breath of fresh air through the phone.

"I know. We're all safe." He kept his answers as simple as he could, hoping she wouldn't delve into any serious questions over the phone, especially while the Airman assigned to babysit him was sitting nearby. The man was polite enough to maintain a bit of distance, and allow Arthur his privacy, but he still appeared to be keeping a watchful eye.

He heard mumbling in the background, as if Gwen had covered the mouthpiece on the phone for a moment. When the sound became clear again, Gwen was giggling, "Martha said to tell her husband if he ever wants to drive his new car again, he better damn well call her ASAP."

Clenching his jaw, his mind rushed for a response. "He's, uh...a bit...He can't right now, but I will pass on the message. How is everyone there? Is Aurelianus missing his father?"

Gwen's voice hesitated. "Yes...he is. Arthur, what's going on? What happened?"

He gulped audibly. "I can't explain it, just yet. I just wanted to call and...I needed to hear your voice."

Once again, there was a muffled dialogue taking place in the background. Instead of Gwen, he heard Martha's voice come on the line. "Arthur, where's my husband?"

He sighed and his heart sank. "Martha...Dr. Lam will be calling you soon to explain."

She took on a professional tone. He could sense that she wanted to press him for more details, but being a trained medical doctor herself, she understood Arthur's information might not be the most accurate assessment. "I see." She said reluctantly, "Well, I'll let you speak with Gwen, then."

"Arthur, are you alright? Really?" Gwen asked.

He could envision her chewing on her lower lip. "Physically...yes."

"...And otherwise?" She inquired softly.

He shook his head, but then realized she couldn't see it. "I don't think any of us will be for a while."

The air so free

calms the wave of pain

carries another away on it's tide

and you ride it home.

~Jean Mann, "Tide"

Part 5: The Fifth Tide, Prologue

7500 years ago...

"Are you certain it will work, Merlin?" The old man asked. His aged hand trembled, as he reached out and caressed one of the nearby crystals, like a long lost friend. He felt the hum of energy pulse through him. It still amazed him that they were able to find a world that had accepted the crystals from the Dragon Nebula in his home galaxy. The few he had managed to bring with him, were seeded in this cave and they grew, until they covered nearly every surface.

It reminded him of home in Celestis...a home he would never see again...not that he wanted to. The Ori had grown so thirsty for power, they were willing to sacrifice anyone who stood in their way, just to harness it for themselves. The energy from the crystals in the nebula had already been either destroyed, or corrupted beyond recognition, by the Ori's evil.

"Why wouldn't I be? You and your kind will be safe here, and no one will be able to get to this cave without your permission." The Alteran said, briefly glancing at his companion.

Moros had given up his position as the High Councilor of Atlantis, to help save Taliesin's people, when they had fled from the Celestis Galaxy. He had even put off his own personal Ascension to take care of this one last detail. "Taliesin, my friend, it will be a precautionary measure for your kind, if it is ever needed. Nothing more."

Taliesin's shoulders heaved, with a heavy sigh. He was the last of the Dragon Lords who had come from Celestis. His dragon companion had already passed on a few years earlier, and he knew his own time was short. His mate, a petite, green-haired Nox, whom he'd met when the Great Alliance formed, was also gone now. She had passed on her knowledge and the teachings of her people to some of the humans. Some were children born of the Dragon Lords and their human mates. A few rare others simply had a talent for what many of the people on this planet thought of as magic. They had begun to call themselves druids.

Taliesin sat back in a chair made of natural stone, carved inside the cave and surrounded by the crystals. He wished he could be around to see what was to become of his people in the future.

"Are you ready?" Moros asked.

Taliesin nodded and the process began. He would never be able to leave the area surrounding the cave again. His physical body would die once the transfer was completed...but, if it worked...some or all of his memories would be embedded into one of the crystals, for future generations of Furlings to access and learn from. If Moros' plan worked, it would also be guarded for eternity against anyone who didn't possess the gifts of the Dragon Lords. Taliesin hoped that it would be enough.