A/N So this is it. The final chapter I will be posting for this story! I'm quite pleased with how this has turned out when months ago I didn't even know what my ending was going to be. I hope you enjoy and please review, I love to hear your feedback. Have fun :D


Harley POV

Four Months Later

Things had been ridiculously boring since Batman made his departure. The only thing that gave the Joker any pleasure for weeks after we returned home was managing to convince himself that he was still alive somewhere. We'd made it back to Gotham with such ease that it was hardly worth sneaking around, only it added to the fun of it.

"Harley." The Joker moaned, letting his head hang off the arm of the chair he was lying across. "I'm so bored!"

"I know Puddin'" I say absent-mindedly.

"Let's make a little Harley or J, baby. It'll give me something to do."

"Ha ha, no, Puddin'. Do you really think you're going to be bored for the next eighteen years, if not more? I certainly don't think I will be." I say, returning to my knitting — a pastime I never thought I'd see myself doing. "Just you wait, baby, something will come."

"That something should be us two." He growls, making me laugh. I only stop when my cell phone starts buzzing. I sigh and put down my freshly finished purple and green scarf, clearing my throat.

"Hello?" I say, trying not sound too excited, despite this being the first proper conversation I'd had in days,

"Harley? Have you seen it?" Ivy says on the other line.


"Turn on the news!" She starts laughing, I turn on the TV and put the volume up. I change onto the news channel and watch intently. Images of a masked man appear.

"What is this, Ivy?" I ask,

"They call him Robin, apparently he's Batman's protégée. He looks like an easy target to me." She laughs again.

"Let me see what he has to say about all this. Hang on." I place the phone down for a second. "Puddin'? What do you make of this?" I nearly stab myself with my knitting needles as he leaps from the chair in joy.

"This is exactly what I need, Harl. A nice little project to keep me occupied. I can't believe you suggested a child!"

"I didn't." I hiss, picking up the phone again,

"I don't know about you Ivy, but he seems to be pleased." We laugh,

"Alright, I have to go Harl. I'll talk later." She signs off,

"See you later, Red." I say and hang up. I heave a massive sigh of relief. Jeez, it feels so good to have a purpose again. This Robin is going to create a whole load of fun for us.

The Joker races around the apartment, pulling on clothes and grabbing an apple.

"Honey, I'm off, don't know when I'll be back." He says between giant mouthfuls of apple.

"Ok, J. Let me know if you're home for dinner, I'll get some take-out in, all right?" I smile. He goes to run out of the door. "Hey, don't forget this!" He stops and turns to me. I meet him at the door, slipping the soft woollen scarf around his neck, "It's still cold outside y'know."

"Thanks, Sugar." He gives me a soft kiss. "I'll see you later." He says, and then he whooshes down the stairs, his coat flapping behind him.

I sit back down in my chair, feeling my muscles relax. I still feel the ache from the abuse and fights I endured all those months ago, and they probably won't go away anytime soon, however, the nightmares are slowly getting better. Don't get me wrong, some nights I wake up with the fresh and immediate fear of a nightly horror, but once I know that I'm safe, and in the arms of The Joker, I can easily put it out of mind. On some occasions, he is awake, too, and he talks me back to sleep, telling me about all the fun things I have to look forward to, or reminding me of things that had slipped my mind from years ago, stories from when we first met, our first few dates and when I fell in love with him all over again, and before I know it I am asleep.

His words are always there to remind me, that despite the bad things there are events that make you stronger, some moments that make you wonder why you even had faith, but above all, he reminds me that there are some things that are well worth remembering.

The End