Until now…

1.A simple letter

(Third person P.O.V.)

It wasn't exactly a letter, just a… note. Looking like it was written very fast, for nobody to notice. And for only one person to find…


If you're reading this, that means I'm probably… dead. I'm sorry, for all this things I didn't have time to told you; but I bet that you've already known them… I love you, with all my heart. That's the one thing I can say for sure.

There's one other person I want to be informed about my death. Her name is Baylee, she's sixteen and student in the National Academy of Alderaan. I can't tell you why I need her to know, it's just too complicated, but please do it for me, as my last wish. She's very important to me… Always yours,


It was her handwriting, Obi-wan was sure about that. But who was this girl for her, and why she wanted to tell her so bad?

,,Maybe if they had been close, she shouldn't get to know about it?'', he thought, but mentally kicked himself. ,,No. If Satine, wanted that, I have to respect her last wish…''

And he headed to the Council chambers.

-So Duchess wanted you to inform this girl about her death?- Mace Windu eyed Obi-wan curiously.

-Yes, and I'm asking you to let me go there…- Obi-wan tried to act as modest as possible, even if he was at the same state as the other members.

-But you know that you are needed here for another assignment- it didn't even sound like a question, Obi-wan knew that.- besides, you don't even know her!

-But Satine knew her!... Please, it was her last wish…

-If it was her last wish, respect it, we must- said Master Yoda, who hadn't said a word on this meeting- go, you can, Obi-wan…

Mace sighed.

-If you say so, Master…- he couldn't argue with the Grand Master. But when Obi-wan walked out, he exploded- Master ,how could you let him? You know that he's needed to…

-Important, she was to him, Master Windu. Ignore it, we can't.

And before the younger man could say another world, the Grand Master left him in the room, alone with his thoughts.

-Aaah, I'm bored!- cried Ahsoka, after she flopped on the couch in the living room. Anakin looked at her with amusement.

-What, wanna to come back on the battlefield so bad?- he joked.

-No, it's just…- Ahsoka sighed- I want to do something, but different from fighting…

-You have to be patient, Snips- reminded her Anakin. 'Like you ever are…', she looked at him- the adventure won't just pop out from the corner…

Oh, he was so wrong.

They heard a knock on the door.

-Go open it- murmured Anakin, keeping his gaze on his datapad.

-Alright… it's open!- shouted Ahsoka loudly, and smirked, when she saw him jumping with shock.

Anakin sent her a disapproving look.

-What?- she asked innocently.

The person who knocked appeared to be Obi-wan himself, as he walked through the front door.

-Oh, you're all here… that's good- he seemed happy, and sat on the couch.

-What brings you here?- asked Anakin finally lifting his gaze from the screen. Ahsoka just


-I've heard that you're free of any assignments, so I wondered if you would like to go with me to Alderaan?

-And what brings you to Alderaan, master? As I heard there weren't any complications, or maybe you wanna get some vacation, huh?- Anakin as usual didn't treat the whole situation seriously.

-No- Obi-wan stayed serious, which made him wondering what's going on.- as you've probably heard… Duchess Satine is dead- it was hard for him to say it out loud, so they kept silent- however, she left me a note… she wanted me to inform someone about her death.

-And you want to do this so bad because…- began Anakin.

-…because- Obi-wan continued- she meant a lot to Satine…

-So it's she?- asked Ahsoka.

-Yes. Do anyone of you want to go with me?

-I'm in!- shouted Ahsoka- it's so boring in here!...- she complained.

-Well, actually, Snips, we should train a little bit- started Anakin, but she cut him off.

-What? So while ago you were just staring at your datapad, and now, when adventure is waiting, you suddenly seem to remember about our training session?- snapped Ahsoka.

-Wait… you remember about that? And you didn't tell me earlier?- asked Anakin. Ahsoka send him a glare saying 'you seriously thought I would do that?', and then grinned.

Obi-wan coughed, reminding them that he was still in the room.

-If you're finished… well, Anakin, I guess that you're defeated, so… we'll see each others tomorrow on the landing platform!- he smiled and walked out of the dorm. Satisfied, Ahsoka leaned back on the couch.

Anakin groaned.

OK, I know it's pretty short, but that's only the beginning… It'll get better, I promise! Now, about the story, next chapter will be mostly, if not all, about Baylee, and who she is *mystery…* Also, I know that Anakin and Ahsoka shouldn't exactly be in this story, but I SOOOO love them, and their brother/sister father/daughter relationship, that I needed to post them here *smiles sheepishly* PLEEEEEEEASE REEEEEWIEV!

See ya, guys!