So, been a while, thanks to graduate school applications *fingers crossed*. Slowly, I'm starting to branch out into other Marvel media/lore, though nothing too heavy. Mostly just some jokes here and there. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the forms you see in this story. They belong to the Formal Notices: From The Bureau of Communication by Joshua and David Keay. I also don't own The Avengers, who of course belong to Marvel. I think that's it.

Warning: Obviously, the original formatting of these forms won't hold up in Fanfiction dot Net court, so I've tried my best to make it understandable. Since the forms are fill-in-the-blank originally, any part that is underlined is something that was 'filled in' by the character or characters mentioned. Anything that is bolded and underlined is one of the options chosen by the person or persons filling out the form when applicable. Anything in (parenthesis) is instructions given by the form for options to choose when filling in the blank. I left these in because they are hilarious.

Because, after all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still a bureaucratic organization.

Bureau of Communication
Est. 1860
A Bona Fide Declaration
A Grant of

Let It Be Known

Regarding the matter of (Offense Committed) breaking into the Wakandan embassy and attempting to steal precious documents pertaining to national security, We are pleased to report that after (Little/Cautious/Tedious) deliberation, we have decided to approve your request. As of (Date of Grant) REDACTED, you are granted Full Forgiveness for the matter listed above, along with all the rights and benefits the privilege bears. Congratulations, please use this newfound freedom wisely!


The Forgiveness granted by this document is nontransferable. It is valid for only the offense explicitly listed above, and its effects only apply to events that took place before the date of issue. This document does not grant the right to repeated offense, either intentional or accidental. Future transgressions will require the bearer to file an additional apology application form, which may require a separate repeat-offense filing fee. They will also be subject to a probationary period wherein matters which hitherto now were considered permissible will be treated with greater prejudice. The decision to great forgiveness was based on numerous factors, including the weather and emotional variance, thus, any future forgiveness cannot be guaranteed. While attempts will be made to remove this event from your permanent record, some evidence may remain. All attempts to nurture a feeling of trust will be pursued, contingent on a reciprocal outreach of trustworthy behaviors. Despite the assured attempt to remedy the situation, due to the volatile nature of the human condition, it is possible that the relationship may not be restored to its previous state. Let it be known that in such an event, it's due to extenuating circumstances rather than the specifics of the matter at hand. Let it also be said that your act of contrition does not go overlooked, and serves as an example of exemplary behavior for an American. Forgiveness not valid in Alaska or Hawaii.

Scott walked into the Avengers living room, slumping on the nearest couch tiredly. He rubbed a heavy hand across his face, sighing heavily. Dr. Banner, who was sitting on a nearby arm chair perusing over the latest medical journal he'd ordered, looked up with a raised brow. It wasn't like the normally even tempered man to look so…defeated. Even that description didn't seem quite right. He definitely looked tired, though, and worn out. Drained. With a frown, Bruce addressed his friend.

"Is something wrong?" He hadn't heard of any recent villains attacking, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. With so many new members and other heroes running around both the city and the world it seemed like an attack was finished right after it began. New groups of heroes would rise to the occasion stopping an attack before the Avengers even had a chance to assemble. In order to raise the team's response time they had eventually decided to split the team into shifts. It was about the only way to effectively respond to the world's newest threats. Tony wasn't quite so happy with all the unchecked power, and neither were the United Nations, but there wasn't much they could do about those that weren't affiliated with any particular group. And, Bruce had to acknowledge, these unaffiliated heroes were at least very effective at keeping their own sections of the world clear of major crimes and super criminals.

Almost everyone in the city knew better than to try anything in Hell's Kitchen. The team steadfastly ignored that part of the city, knowing it was well covered. Despite how much some of them may want to, they couldn't respond to every little problem in the city, though various groups of vigilantes could.

Scott sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Not—not really?" He looked over at Bruce with a slight hint of confusion. "I mean; I received this Form…"

"Say no more," Bruce chuckled, shaking his head. "Those are starting to become the bane of the world. Which one did you get?"

"Um," he replied, shifting slightly in his seat. The former thief actually looked a little embarrassed as he answered. "It's actually one I was kind of, um, wanting?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, furrowing his brow. Bruce could only think of a handful of Forms he'd actually want to receive, and even then he'd still be happy to go without. Nine times out of ten, they were more hassle than actual help.

Scott shifted in his seat once more. Sometimes, Bruce couldn't quite believe that the young man had been a successful thief; he had the worst poker face. Though, to be fair, Bruce was used to playing poker with Natasha, Clint, Wanda and Vision so perhaps he wasn't a fair judge. "I may have…broken into the Wakandan embassy."


"And I may have been caught red-handed by T'Challa himself." Scott's words were hurried now, obviously wanting to get this matter off his chest. Bruce could only stare at him in disbelief and slight horror.

"You what?!"

"And I may have had sensitive documents in my hands when I was found," Scott continued, either not noticing Bruce's outburst or ignoring it completely. "Which may have been about Wakandan national security. That I may have been just about to accidentally sell to Latverian government officials. Because Doom and T'Challa may have been fighting over a woman…?" The second Antman shook his head, staring at his hands in his lap in confused disbelief. "Let's just say, I had a really interesting weekend."

Bruce breathed in deeply. His vision was starting to be tinted green, and the last thing he needed was for the Other Guy to appear in the middle of the Tower, raging around confused. Something told him that would be a bad idea. Nor would it be appreciated by anyone.

"Scott. Breathe." The younger man did as told, taking in steadying breaths. Bruce walked him through some of his own breathing techniques he used to calm down."Now. Can you explain to me, from the beginning, what exactly happened?"

Scott took another breath. "So, my friend Luis told me that our friend Dave was having problems with some shady guys who were blackmailing him. Something about Dave supposedly owing them money, or owing them for something he did to their cars, or…I don't really know. Just that Dave owed them. The shady guys said that they'd leave our friend alone if I broke into a building for them and took back some documents that were stolen from them in the first place. I figured, what the hell, right?" Scott shook his head, clenching his fist. "I should have known that would be a bad idea. I mean, hello, I've seen the first episode of Leverage."

Bruce tried to keep any judgments to himself. He had to keep reminding himself that Scott was still new to the team and thus wasn't used to relying on a team to help solve problems—particularly what were clearly personal problems. Instead, he merely nodded along, encouraging Scott to continue.

"So, I get to the location and don't realize until I'm halfway to the door and facing a really irritated Black Panther that I'm actually in the Wakandan embassy and the documents I have are actually Wakandan property. It's not until later, after T'Challa rips me a new one and we're both looking into the super shady guys that we find out that the drop off location is at the Latverian embassy. Then T'Challa starts going off on a tangent about how Doom just can't let some things go, that 'she' had made her choice, and then he storms into the embassy. I'm really confused and embarrassed by then, so I head back to my friends to tell them that it's done.

"T'Challa, on the other hand, was still upset and holding a grudge at me. So, I start looking around for ways to make it up, when I find out about those Forms everyone's talking about. I give him one of those Formal Apology ones, and I only just got a Grant of Forgiveness." Scott stops his explanation to slump in his seat and let out another sigh. He holds up a piece of paper that Bruce hadn't noticed earlier, no doubt the recently received Form. "I'm done for the week. I'm not sure I can handle anything else right now." He looked over at Bruce with beseeching eyes. Idly, Bruce wonders if he picked that up from his daughter. "Can you please tell the others that I'm…just not even here this week? I think I'll try taking Cassie to the circus or something." With that, the young 'former thief' managed to stand and head towards the elevator.

Bruce can't help but idly think with some fondness that his team is pure insanity mixed with recklessness and good intentions. He's not sure he would change a thing, since it somehow works out. Doubtless, though, their team would probably be causing more problems for the world governments…but until then, Bruce figures he'll just take the wins as he can.