Transformers Prime: Infection

by JupiterJones aka J.A. Franks

Disclaimer: All things Transformers belong to Hasbro and Takara-Tomy. I own nothing but the plot and OCs.

Setting: TF Prime, with G1 bits mixed in, except where it isn't. AU, post final episode, ignoring the Movie that isn't out yet.

Chapter 4: Epidemic

Shockwave scrutinized the various news reports from Earth very carefully. If there was one things he liked about humans, it was that information was quickly made available to most anyone searching for it. It made direct observation of its inhabitants largely unnecessary, save for certain instances. The first wave of unassisted transformations was under way, and the reaction was predictable. Panic, confusion, and fear. All according to plan. Although the potential of humanity uniting against the Decepticon cause was there, it was statistically unlikely to happen anytime soon.

Even now, humanity is still divided and too busy warring amongst themselves to pose a threat. Of course, it helps to make certain that things stay that way until the Autobots could be dealt with. Then they could turn their attention to the people of Earth. So he had contacted Swindle and "encouraged" him to work some arms deals with some of the more volatile factions. This would keep the myriad governments focused inward instead of outward, while providing ample cover for Decepticon operations. The benefit of suddenly boosting the existing population of Cybertronians from the mere thousands to billions, was simply icing on the proverbial cake.

A "scape goat," as the humans called it, would be needed as well. Humans blaming Cybertronians as a whole would be counterproductive. Section E and the Autobots have not revealed that they know who it was to blame for this plague, possibly for the same reasons. The machinations of MECH seemed a likely target. One the US government, and Autobot high command, may choose to blame until the time is right. It was partly true after all. Their own attempts were spearheaded with Cylas, who remains contained in Shockwave's Lab. Who would be to say that he had escaped, and stole illegal weapons technology from a Decepticon outlaw. It isn't like anyone could reach Oil Slick in person. And his ego would insist that he was the one behind the initial virus, which he was. He even signed the virus with his own glyph.

The real problem would be making it seem like Cylas did indeed escape. He was dangerous, even though Shockwave had stopped his ability to spread that disease with every bite. The dark Energon had warped him considerably as well. Even after it was purged from his systems with an influx of raw Energon, it was hard to tell where the biological began and the Cybertronian ended.

A stray image of a news report on some popular puppet show caught Shockwave's attention. Perhaps, he need not escape at all. A facsimile should suffice for a simple statement. His optic brightened at the idea, and he quickly began typing up the report for Lord Soundwave. She would be greatly pleased to hear this concern has been properly addressed. Starscream and Knockout might even stop whining for a a few breems.

June Darby frowned at Ratchet. The Medic was currently in recharge.. on his own worktable. Hardly a dignified position to be sure, she thought. Putting her hands on her hips she cleared her vocal processor loudly. When Ratchet didn't stir, she tapped him on the shoulder plate. "Ratchet?"

Ratchet booted up with a sudden start when he was touched. He sat up and rubbed his face plate u until it registered that he had been addressed. Turning to look at who had woke him, he was a bit surprised to see the red and white helicopter standing before him. "Nurse Darby..?" He asked having trouble connecting the now towering femme with the formally human woman.

"Thats right Ratchet. What were you doing that was so important for you to recharge on your worktable?" She asked.

A helicopter? Ratchet thought to himself. I suppose I can see why. "Nothing." He Paused to consider his words. "I suppose you're here to continue your lessons while we have this momentary respite?"

June crossed her arms. "I would think that it would be incredibly important for me to learn all that I can, especially with what is going on now. And thats an incredibly awkward way to go to recharge for nothing." She replied.

"Don't start with me, nurse Darby. I am not your sparkling. And you are right, we have more important things to do rather than bicker about my recharge habits." Ratchet huffed as he started up the vid screens.

June shook her head. "Rule of triage it is then." She paused a moment and chuckled.

Ratchet looked at her confusedly. "What is so funny?"

"Ah, there that whole question on whether or not I should go with the name change tradition. I just realized that Triage would be a good one." She smiled.

Ratchet blinked and gave a rueful chuckle. "Not a bad choice, if I say so myself. How is Agent Fowler doing?" Ratchet asked as he started pulling up the files he wanted to start with.

"He is.. thrilled." June shook her head. "I suppose there is something about being in prime condition again that makes him happy. That or the fact he turns into his favorite jet."

"Soldiers, in my experience, always seem happy to be at peak fighting condition." Ratchet confirmed as he readied the presentation. "Considering what is going on now, and what details have been covered in Prowl's lecture. I'm going to skip over to the Spark Chamber, and consequently sparks in particular. As well as some common peculiarities. If only because once it has formed, so long as we can keep Energon flowing to it, we can preserve that bot's life."

June nodded. "I've gathered as much. The spark is like a combination of mind and soul. Physical memory is for short term memory and mental acuity, while the spark is responsible for long term memory and personality, right?"

"That is correct." Ratchet replied. "Although shell programs can affect personality drastically, even permanently. It is also the main indicator of Cybertronian gender, which we'll discuss later. However it is also important to note that a Spark cannot exist outside it chamber for very long."

June nodded. "Right. And without a spark, a Cybertronian is as good as dead."

"More or less. There is a brief window of time where the personality is preserved in the memory circuits, and special equipment can be used to extend that time. But the result is merely temporary, and a pale echo of existence. Eventually the memory circuits will degrade and fail, they weren't meant to contain such information." Ratchet supplied.

"Is it possible to save the memories of a dead bot?" June asked after mulling over Ratchet's statement.

"Recent memories that haven't transitioned to long term? So long as they have power, yes. Without question. In fact some bots get a backup memory mod that has its own power source. A sort of Black box like in human aircraft. Long term memories on the other hand... I would put in the realm of possible but extraordinarily difficult. It would take someone who specializes in data recovery to even begin to have a chance." Ratchet looked up suddenly as a message pinged his comm. "Speaking of, I've just been informed that Perceptor, along with Springer and Sandstorm, have just entered atmosphere and are headed this way. I need to go out and greet them. Please feel free to look over the information I have for yourself, I may not have much time to personally teach you much outside of practical experience in the near future.

June nodded as she walked over to the console. "Just like college was. Majority of it was teach thyself anyways." She looked over to Ratchet as he headed out. "Oh..I think I'm going to go ahead and go for the name change."

Ratchet chuckled. "We'll talk more when I return, Triage."

Perceptor braced himself against the bulkhead as Springer and Sandstorm's ship shuddered roughly in Earth's atmosphere. "Surely you can fly with more care than a meteor?"

Springer snorted as he steered the ship. "We don't have the time to fiddle with a nice and easy entry, Perceptor. With the situation on Earth as it is, both Prime AND Ratchet want us down there as soon as possible."

"Its not like Springer has much choice either. The Wildfire wasn't really built for atmosphere.. well not atmosphere this thick. Plus she's a little behind in some... critical maintenance. Be happy she hasn't exploded yet." Sandstorm grinned a little.. even as a horrid groan echoed throughout the craft.

Perceptor cringed. "I suspect you two share a distinct lack of self preservation coding that rivals Wheeljack in nature."

"Aww, come on Percy... nobody quite matches up to Wheeljack." Sandstorm complained.

"We'll be landing in just under a breem." Springer announced. "I suggest you brace yourselves. That groan was the right landing strut tearing free of its mooring."

"Again? Didn't I weld that thing back into place just before we headed back?" Sandstorm frowned.

"No. That was the left one." Springer replied as the craft shook again.

"What is that whining sound?" Perceptor asked suddenly, causing Sandstorm to crane his helm to try and hear it.

"I envy your sensor net sometimes." Sandstorm replied. "It sounds like the inner turbines have been nicked. Probably from when we flew through that dust cloud. Likely harmless at this stage." The ship shuddered and alarm bells sounded. "Usually its harmless.." The Wildfire started to tilt to the right side. "Ugh.. Springer?"

"I'm handling it." Springer replied as he forced the craft to right itself. "Brace yourselves."

Both Sandstorm and Perceptor quickly grabbed onto something solid as the craft lurrched as the belly came in contact with the ground.. skipping off it twice before settling in to, what Springer would consider a controlled slide. When the ship ground to a halt Springer stood up from his chair. "We've arrived safe and sound, no need to thank me." Just as the rear hatch fell open and all the internal power gutted out.

"I think I shall refrain." Perceptor replied as the sirens of emergency vehicles reached their audio sensors.

"Now that is what I call a prompt response!" Sandstorm laughed as he stepped outside into the night air. Just in time for their comms to crackle to life.

::This is Ratchet, are any of you fraggers hurt?::

::Nope, not even a scratch on Perceptor. Though I think his processor is a little rattled.:: Sandstorm replied

::Thats good. Because that means I wont reformat you both into toasters for doing something so reckless and stupid!:: Ratchet yelled. ::If your ship was that bad off, you could of said something and we would of used our ground bridge to pick you up out of orbit, you misbegotten thrice spawned slag sucking glitches!::

::Glad to see you too Ratch':: Sandstorm replied, trying his best not to chuckle.

There was a cry of frustration heard across the desert, heard even above the sirens, that could only belong to one overworked medic. ::Springer, take your smart aft wrecker buddy and head to the base. I'm showing up with Perceptor's new alt mode for scanning then we'll bridge back. You two will go there the old fashioned way. Got it?::

"I guess Ratch' doesn't want t see us for a bit longer... eh, its a good idea anyways, lets us get adjusted to the atmosphere and get a good look at this dustball." Sandstorm grinned.

"Now isn't the time for gabbing." Springer replied as he transformed into his helicopter mode. ::Besides we got a newbie to train.::

"Oh and a new junior Wrecker to meet! Ravelight I think is her name?" Sandstorm smiled as he transformed into his VTOL Craft mode and took off after Springer, leaving Perceptor behind in the resulting cloud of dust. ::I heard she was cute too.. Made quite an impression on Jackie and Bulkhead.::

::You think every femme is cute, Sandstorm.:: Springer intoned.

::Every femme is beautiful in some way, Springer. You just got to take the time to see it.::

::Even Stryka?:: Springer asked.

Sandstorm nearly stalled at the thought of the Decepticon femme who was, somewhat distinct, in Sandstorm's own words. ::Uhm.. Beauty is subjective? I mean.. Lugnut sees something in her?::

::Lugnut doesn't have the processing power to realize he has a choice in the matter.:: Springer supplied.

::C'mon man. Don't be shallow. That Mech is smarter than we give him credit for, even if he's a 'Con. He's just fanatical. He's managed to escape our attempts to offline him how many times now?::

Springer revved his turbines in annoyance. ::Thirty two times. But only because he sticks near Stryka and Blitzwing.::

::See? Not all that stupid.:: Sandstorm smugly replied.

::Shut up and fly.:: Springer retorted.

"Seriousely Jack? Even your mom decided to go with the new name." Ravelight complained.

"Well it isn't like he has to do it." Compiler replied, chuckling as he typed away at his new computer.

"Besides, the names you've been suggesting for the past hour have kinda sucked." Nitrospark grinned.

"Yeeaah, none of those suggestions were really 'me' anyways." Jack chuckled, trying to hide his annoyance. "I mean.. come on.. Skyblast? You forget I'm not just a jet."

Ravelight groaned. "You're being sooo picky."

"..Maybe we're going about this wrong. You got jet boosters in your arms and back in robot mode.. and they work in your truck mode. So.. Boost or Booster?" Nitrospark suggested.

Jack made a face. "Thats better.. but not quite right..."

"Well Jetboost sounds less like a little kids name.. though it still points more toward him having a jet mode." Compiler added.

"Knightboost? With a K? Or Boostknight?" Ravelight suggested. "Cause you do got the whole "Lets be responsible and do the right thing." vibe down to a T."

Jack groaned again. "Jetboost is the best one I've heard so far. And said together it could go either way.. so it actually works. I'm still not sold on doing the name change thing yet though."

"Maybe we should ask your girlfriend and see what she thinks." Ravelight grinned.

Jack felt hot and embarrassed. He cycled his vents as he tried to hide his embarrassment. "I still can't believe Jazz sent that to everyone."

"Jazz is lucky Prowl was there to save his aft and send Arcee back to her post on Cybertron, along with you to get your upgrades." Compiler chuckled.

"Yeah, he heard about Soundwave's little portal trick and used on us both... Just as we cornered him.." Jack snorted.

"I wish I had taken a picture of Jack's face when he found out Triage had seen the picture." Nitrospark snickered.

"I remember what she said though. "It's about time!" Jack looked like he was about to faint! Or crash.. or whatever." Ravelight added.

"Crash would be the proper term." Compiler noted as he looked off to the hangar. "Ratchet just messaged me, letting em know Perceptor is here. Apparently he's my mentor."

"Speaking of learning.. can you believe that the school still expects us to show up Monday? I mean Jeeze, what are we going to do? Park in the parking lot?" Ravelight whined.

Jack shook his head. "I think its more of a "Prove you're still alive and not pulling a fast one on us. We're not the only kids who'll be sitting outside. Or teachers for that mater. Just be glad we got set up with mentors at all. Most of them are basically going to be held back a year until they figure out what they're going to do with them."

"Laaaame!" Ravelight proclaimed. "So, any idea yet why Ratchet has you on base lockdown, 'Spark?"

"No. Most I got from him was that he needed to have a lengthy chat with me at some point. I'm guessing its the whole.. going from being a guy to becoming a femme thing..? I don't know what he's planning." Nitrospark frowned.

"You'll probably find out in a few minutes." Compiler stated as he started to head to one of the hangars. "Ratchet just let Perceptor go, and I need to go meet him to discuss the mentor thing."

"You have fun with that!" Jack smiled and waved.

Nitrospark was about to speak when she got the Comm from ratchet to see him in the medbay. "Guess he was right.. I'll see you later." She smiled and waved as she headed off in the opposite direction of Compiler.

Even halfway across the base,s he could still hear Ravelight's voice egging Jack on. When she got inside the med bay, she saw Ratchet and Triage both standing beside a screen. "Close the door and grab a seat, 'Spark. We need to have a long overdue talk." Ratchet spoke glumly.

Nitrospark nodded and closed the door behind her, before meandering over to a berth to sit on. "okay.. is this.. about the whole.. transgender thing?"

"Not so much, no." Ratchet shook his head. "Though we will get to that afterward. First of all. I want to know how you're feeling, how you're handling the change."

Nitrospark frowned. She hadn't really given it much thought. In fact she's simply been rolling with it.. letting herself be swept along with Ravelight's enthusiasm. "I suppose.. I'm okay. I mean physically I feel better than I have in years." Ratchet's snort caused her to feel worry. Triage simply remained silent, her lips a thin line. "Why do you ask?"

"We've done some checking.. your hospital records were far more extensive than I was privy to as a nurse." Triage explained.

"Victims of long term systematic abuse tend to be highly at risk for suicide. Both human and Cybertronian." Ratchet added solemnly. "Which is why we've kept you close on hand. You don't seem suicidal, thankfully, but we still need to have this discussion with you."

A flash of shock gripped Nitrospark's spark. "I.. never really thought of it that way.. I guess I was just.. looking forward to graduating and getting as far away from them as possible."

"I see." Ratchet nodded. "Which explains why you all but jumped at the notion of going to Cybertron then."

"Its probably for the best you do go. Getting away from the source of the problem might help you emotionally. Though you will have to face the problem eventually. The distance will give you time to heal." Triage supplied.

"But on your own terms, and only when you are ready." Ratchet insisted. "Wheeljack will be your mentor, though you don't have to be a Wrecker, you wanting to invent things right? We'll he's good for that. I also want you to talk to Rung on a weekly basis. He's a bit odd, but he does a good job as a therapist."

Nitrospark nodded and frowned. "Okay... I guess thats.. reasonable."

"As for your... transgender.. status... I think Triage has better advice than I do." Ratchet frowned. "Its not an issue we normally experience on Cybertron.. though that could just be a fact of statistics.. our numbers were never as great as humanity's."

Triage nodded. "Mostly, I don't think you should share that information too openly with those who don't understand. Some humans and former humans react poorly to such things.."

"However, most Cybertronians wouldn't know where to begin." Ratchet added. "Which is both good and bad. It wasn't too unknown for our kind to conceal our real gender for whatever reason, however, our Sparks generally reflect what we feel we are. Your situation would only confuse most, though you seem to be settling in just fine in that regard as well... so it may be a non-issue."

Triage nodded again. "In this.. I don't think you should rush things any more than they already have been rushed. You seem to not be having any extensive issues with the gender change, but I want to hear from you how you're handling it."

Nitrospark shifted on the berth as discomfort started to well up inside her. "I've mostly been doing a lot of not thinking about it. Heck, most of the time I'm just grateful I'm taller than Ravelight or Arcee. Other than that.. near as I can tell, its not like I have to face the same issues a human woman would face.. physically I mean."

"Hmm." Ratchet frowned. "I suppose that is fair enough. But there will come a time where you will have to start thinking about it. If you have any sort of problems.. do not hesitate to call us or talk to Rung. Now that this.. unpleasantness is done. I release you to go be with your new friends. However, come Monday you are not going to report at school with the others, you're going to Cybertron. I don't think any good would come from sending you back to Jasper.

A sigh of relief escaped my vocalizer that I didn't realize I was holding. "And start with Wheeljack?"

Ratchet nodded. "Thats right, now.. get out of my med bay. I got things to do and no room for perfectly healthy bots without a good reason to be here."

Nitrospark didn't have to be told twice as she practically skipped out of the med bay.

Knockout frowned as he approached Starscream. He had been wondering how best to approach the normally flighty seeker. The most direct route seemed to be the best option. "Starscream? I've been going through my records, after having processed the last few batches of newly minted Decepticons, and I've come to realize something."

Starscream turned, looking ever so annoyed at knockout. "Well? What is it? Spit it out already."

"When exactly did you have your last full system check? It occurred to me that many of the incoming cons are already long overdue, and Soundwave needs us to be in top fighting condition. And I'm sure you would rather I take care of it before Hook arrives with the other Constructicons." Knockout asked, letting the not quite so empty threat of the other medic's return hang in the air.

Starscream grimaced. He, like most Decepticons, hated full system checks with a burning passion. They always required a reboot. And a reboot meant some period of being offline while some other bot was inside your systems. Hook was notorious for doing things to other bots while they were unable to resist. Planting experimental parts inside bots, just to see how they handle stress was just one of the milder things he was known to do. With and pained sigh, he relented. "I suppose its best get this done and over with sooner rather than later."

"Right this way then. With luck there wont be anything in dire need of repair." Knockout smiled. "Maybe we should go ahead with that upgrade to the new null lasers while I'm at it?"

Starscream's turbines hitched. He liked his missiles. Still, there were benefits to upgrading that he sadly needed at this point in time. "Fine, if it will keep you from pushing more upgrades on me."

"Say no more!" Knockout chuckled, this would make things even easier, for he could justify the longer examination time as part of the software install. It wasn't until after he got Starscream herded onto a berth and offline did he breath a sigh of relief prior to his examination. Soundwave wanted to know just how it was that Starscream was, largely unaffected by the Dark Energon spike. He sent her a quick message to indicate he has begun the examination just before opening up Starscream's chest compartment, to get a good look at the spark chamber itself.

It wasn't the lack of scorching from the Dark Energon spike that surprised him, it was the size of the chamber. Knockout estimated it was a good twenty percent larger than normal. Even his clones didn't have spark chambers like this. After plugging in his instruments to get readings on its status, it occurred to him that the readings were off by a significant degree. Though no one would ever have suspected it, the spark itself was far denser than any spark he had ever seen. Few medics examine the spark so carefully, so they may have dismissed the chamber's size as additional shielding.

A pang of worry crossed knockout's spark and he quickly closed the chamber back up, before going on with the more standard maintenance he promised, while forwarding the data to Soundwave and Shockwave. There was no way he was going to try and do anything else to that unusual spark of his. And he had hoped that Shockwave would already know about what he had just seen.

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