"Kyuubi Talking/Jutsu"
'Kyuubi thinking"
Chapter 1
The Tenant
If one were to look out on the street on October 10th every year in the village of Konohagakure, they would be met with a very unpleasent sight. At least to the more kind hearted people. More of the population would cheer it on, or, if a certain blonde was unlucky, join in. Unfortunetly for the 8 year old Uzumaki Naruto, he was never the lucky type.
Every year on this date, the people of Konoha would celebrate and rejoice the killing of the strongest demon to walk the Earth, the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Their leader at the time 8 years ago fought the powerful creature and defeated it, killing it in a glorious battle and saving his village at the cost of his own life. Or, at least that what parents told their childeren. What really happened was that their leader, the Yondaime Hokage, did defeat the great beast. But, he didn't kill it. No he was far from that. He made a contract with Shinigami to seal the Kyuubi inside a newborn child. Said child is now running for his life once more on this fated day, his birthday.
Naruto ran as fast and as long as he could. He had been avoiding the crowed of angry villagers and even some shinobi for ten minutes now, fatigue clearly showing on his face. Shouts of, "Get the demon brat!" and, "Die scum!" were thrown at him, along with physical objects as well. He regained some of his streangth through pure instinc as several kunai wizzed past his head, making a few blonde hairs flutter to the ground. Fear filled him as he felt them getting closer. He quickly looked for a way out. Bingo. He turned sharply to his right and ran into the forest towards the unaccupied training grounds. He figured that no one would be there because of the festival going on back in the village. He lost sight of the crowed for a moment, allowing him to slip into some nearby bushes and hide himself.
Luckily for Naruto, the crowed chasing him consisted of civilians. The few ninja in the mob were of low rank and did not have sufficient traking skills. The crowed quickly gave up looking for the boy and dispered, mumbling about ways to get him to eachother on the way out.
Naruto waited a good ten minutes before he allowed himself to get out from behind his cover and slowly make his way further into the forest. 'Why do they hate me? It's not fair, I didn't do anything this time! Not even a little prank!' he thought as he grew increasingly sad. He arrived in a small clearing and observed his surroundings. He saw a large tree to his left and decided to rest there until tomorrow when it would be 'safe' to go back to the village. He sat down with a light thump and brought his knees up to his chest, resting his arms on them and burying his face in his arms.
If you remained quiet, you could hear the shuddering breath of an 8 year old boy as he quietly cried himself to sleep for the night.
Inside Naruto's Mindscape
Naruto opened his eyes after crying himself to sleep -again- only to find himself in a large sewer like corridor. Blue and red pipes ran along the walls and cieling of the strange enviroment as a very shallow flow of water, not even reaching to his ankles, ran under him. 'What is this place? Did those guys get me while I was asleep?' He thought in fear as his legs began to shake. He took steady breaths as he steeled himself to find a way out. He looked down and saw the water flow in a certain direction. Deciding to find out where it was going, he followed it in hopes of finding an exit into some river or lake.
Naruto followed the water underneath him for some time until he finally came across a large open room. Upon closer inspection he say large iron bars in what looked to be a cage of some sort. In the middle of the cage where 2 bars met was the kanji for 'Seal' on a piece of paper. That piece of paper, for a reason Naruto did not know, seemed to be holding the bars in place.
"Oi! Anyone in there?" Naruto yelled through cupped hands into the cage. He something large stir behind the bars, leaning in he strained himself to make out the shape of whatever was behind the bars. That is, until it spoke.
"Uzumaki Naruto. So you did come when I called.." the voice belonging to whatever was behind the cage rang out. It carried over with a sense of power and wisdom, but also with a sense of bloodlust.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Naruto crossed his arms, demanding an answer from the creature. He heard an amused chuckle ring out from the cage as lights seemed to come on. The sight Naruto saw was not what he was expecting. Before him stood a large fox. OK, large was an understatement. That fox huge! At least 20 stories by Naruto's guess. The strangest, and coolest, part about thefox was that it had nine long furry tails swishing hypnoticly behind it's resting form.
" I know your name because I have been with you your whole life. You just never answered my calls. Until now that is. Tell me Naruto, what do you know about the Kyuubi no Yoko?"
"I know that it was killed by the Yondaime Hokage 8 years ago after attacking the village." Naruto said with confidence, abviously proud for know that.
"The Kyuubi is a demon, an immortal being, it cannot be killed. Your Yondaime did defeat it I'll admit, but it still lives. Yondaime sealed the Kyuubi inside a newborn child exactly 8 years ago today. Now Naruto, what day were you born?"
"I was born exactly 8 years... ago..." Naruto'd eyes widened in realisation as he stared up at the giant fox. His features suddenly downcast as he looked to the floor. "I was the child wasn't I..."
"Yes Naruto, I am the Kyuubi no Yoko, sealed within you by the Yondaime Hokage. I am the reason for your suffering..." The Kyuubi's voice trailed off as it looked down at the sad young boy with regret. "Naruto, I need you to undo the seal binding me to you. It is time I became the blessing I was suppose to be rather than the burden this damned village made me."
"Why the hell would I let you out!? You'd level the whole village if I did that!" Naruto cried, tears streaming down his face.
"I have no gain from destroying this puny village. I will train you for two years inside your mindscape while we travle. If you are not satisfied with my training or my trusworthyness, then you may keep me imprisoned in the damned cell. If, however, I have gained your trust, you must undo the seal so I can be of further benifit to you."
Naruto didn't like the idea of letting the fox out, but he was offered probably the best deal in the world. He wasn't a genius but he wasn't stupid. Turning down training from the strongest demon in existance? Out of the question! He had to get stronger if he wanted to become Hokage! "Alright fox you go-"
"My name is Kurama."
"Ooookaay. You got a deal, Kurama!" Naruto gave one of his signiture grins and a thumbs up.
Kurama snorted and bowed in acceptance. "You have an hour to pack your things. We must leave here before sunrise less we attract too much attention."
Naruto nodded and left his mindscape.
Back in the Real World
Naruto awoke with a slight headache. He got up and rubbed his temples, but stopped as he remembered what his new sensei had told him. He made a bee line straight for his appartment, making sure to avoid any angry mobs that might be out looking for him.
After packing, he ran to the front gates and slipped pass the gate gaurds. An easy thing to do considering they were drunk to high hell and not paying attention with the festival going on.
Naruto ran into the night to begin his training with the soon to be found out sadistic and twisted demon sensei.
Kami help that boy. He'll be lucky to survive what lays ahead.