Me: Hello minna-chan! Hope you've had a good school year so far! I'm about to graduate this thursday! *anime tears of happiness*

Brick: Lucky you C:

Blossom: Someone asked if Tsuki-chan was bell. Well she isn't but I can see where you think so ^_^"

Me: Anyways there were no dares or anything. This is the last chapie so I hope you enjoy!

I did my very best! It took alot of time and I typed up some good pages. Hopefully you like!

The Professor shot confetti while Boomer danced like crazy. Miyako and Kaoru were laughing at him. Tsuki took a picture of him and he blushed. We all laughed.

"I bought drinks!" The Professor announced bringing out Sprite, Mt. Dew, and Pepsi. We all sweat dropped at his preparations.

"You were really certain we'd win huh?" I asked smiling. He nodded. Ken laughed.

"Of course, since were talking about the smart couple." He teased and I turned red. Brick blushed a little too.

"Don't s-say it like that!" I yelled and stomped over to Tsuki who was admiring the drinks. She smiled at me with a small giggle. "Oh, I want the Dr. Pepper!" My eyes sparkled and she sweat dropped in surprise.

"I like Sprite!" She smiled at me and fixed herself some. I smiled back at her.

I went to grab the bottle and touched Brick's hand instead. We both pulled back in surprise and turned red.

"Uh, you first." He said shoving the bottle my way. I giggled pouring it in a cup. I handed him the bottle. He nodded.

"Say, uh, Brick...I wanted to talk to you.." I stammered. He looked up surprise and spilt his drink. He looked so embarrassed that I giggled again. Even the 'Great Brick' can have these moments.

"Yea, what is it?" He asked after cleaning up the mess. I found myself shaking. Did every girl or guy who confessed feel this way? Oh crap, he's staring at me.

"Oh, well you know I-" Butch accidentally bumped into Brick who bumped into me and we landed on the ground with him on top. My whole body turned red. I bet I'm blotchy! Ohh nooo!

"WAH!" Kaoru looked surprised and threw Brick off me. "You pervert!"

"It snot how it seems!" Brick yelled very red. I looked at Kaoru and couldn't help but smile. She really is protective of us girls.

"It's okay Kaoru, its Butch's fault." I smiled with malicious intent and everyone sweat dropped. Butch held up innocent hands.

"Ah..gomen." He backed up while Kaoru laughed. She looked at me.

"Have you confessed yet?" She whispered and I blew up with steam. "I take that as a no.."

"Kaoru what am I going to do?!" I yelled with swirly eyes. She sweat dropped.

"Aren't you used to confessing to guys by now?" She commented putting her drink down. I blushed.

"This is different." I pouted and she stopped. She rubbed my head annoyingly.

"Yea, sorry. That was kinda mean." Kaoru apologized and I sighed. I seen Miyako with Boomer and had an idea.

"Miyakoo!" I yelled and glomped her. I glared at Boomer who sweat dropped twice. "I'm borrowing her for a second."

"Ohh...o-okay." He said looking scared. I rushed Miyako back over to Kaoru.

"Miyako-chan, please tell me what to do!" I pleaded and she sweat dropped. I was hugging her waist. "You're really good with guys!"

" doesn't matter what I would do Momoko-chan. Brick likes you not me." She said smiling. Why is she so wise at the weirdest times? I blushed with a smile.

"Okay, I'll give it another go!" I said suddenly filled with determination. Kaoru and Miyako sighed as I walked away. I am the Goddess of Love after all, I can do anything love related! I love hearts, my symbols are hearts and I love relationships!

"Um, Momoko-chan?" I opened my eyes and seen I was right at Brick. Well, that's an understatement. I'm practically hugging the guy. He was blushing while Butch sneaked away.

"S-Sorry!" I yelled running 10 feet away. He sweat dropped.

"Did you need something?" He asked looking at me. I paused and looked up.

"Actually I-I just wanted to talk?" I said and slapped my self inwardly. I sound so retarded. Brick laughed and walked closer to me with that cute smile of his.

"Alright, let's talk then." He snickered. I felt myself becoming less nervous. He led me to one of the couches and we both sat down.

"So-" We both began at the same time. We laughed nervously while blushing. I never noticed but Brick is almost the same as me. Well, we are counterparts after all.

"Uh, your is it?" Brick asked turning to me. I blushed.

"Uh, yeah its okay now. Thanks. And you?" I asked smiling. He smiled back.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." He answered taking a sip of his Dr. Pepper. I tilted my head. Wait...did he say now? I pretended to not hear it and did the same as him. "Back then, I did something to you right?"

I spit out the drink in my mouth and he looked surprised. I can't do it! I just can't tell him he acted like an obsessed lover towards me! It's too embarrassing. Plus it'd be more trouble to him.

"N-Nothing happened!" I lied through my teeth. He rose an eyebrow. I stood up. "I s-should go tot he bathroom-eek!" He pulled me back on the couch with him.

"You're not escaping me! I tried asking the others but they said to ask you." He said looking at me. "What did I do?" I was seriously red. Has his grip always been this tight?

"You were just..uh..scary." I told him while struggling in his grip. "B-Brick that tickles!" He started to laugh with me . "It's not funny!"

"I was scary huh? I think you're lying to me." He examined my face. We both suddenly paused when everyone was staring at us and our position.

"Brick, you perve-" Butch held Kaoru back and gave us a wink. Miyako and Boomer were blushing at our position. Tsuki was also red but giving me happy signals.

Suddenly Brick pulled me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"We're going outside for some air!" He chirped while dragging me with him. I was speechless as the girls gave me good luck calls, except Kaoru.

Brick stepped outside and set me down. Then he just sat down. I looked down at him and then the gate. You know, I could make a dash for it. Probably not a good idea.

"Are you going to sit?" He asked looking up at me. I blinked and just sat down. "Why so quiet?"

'Cause I can't tell you!' I thought while getting a tick mark. This was all useless efforts. I can't confess this way. "No reason."

"There's always a reason. C'mon Momoko, what's wrong?" He asked me serious. He leaned in. I blushed and backed up. "Hmm?"

"N-Nothing, really!" I said backing up a bit. That surprised me. He blinked. "Just let it go."

"I can't now." He smirked and I blew out a breath. "I know...I'm impossible!"

"Definitely." I smiled to myself, hiding it with my arm. He laughed. "If you really want to know-"

"I do!" He said with a gleam in his eyes. I sweat dropped.

"You seen Alpha punch me in the gut, then you kinda broke the chains." I explained blushing. i hid my face in my arms more. Brick looked a bit annoyed.

"That bastard. But I already knew that. Oh! What did he say to you before he did that?" he asked narrowing his eyes. My eyes turned to swirls.

"N-N-Nothing!" I yelled scooting away and waving my hands like crazy. He only followed me.

"Definitely something then. Why won't you tell me?" He asked frowning. "You used to tell me everything." I blinked in surprise as he looked away. He stopped trying to get closer to me.

"Uh...its kinda embarrassing." I looked away too while blushing. He smirked.

"Try me." He said and I got a tick mark. His nonchalant attitude is a bit annoying at the moment.

"He said that if you broke the chains when he hurt me, then that meant you loved me." I blurted. My eyes widened once I realized what I said. Brick's eyes were wide too and he started blushing. He waved his hands like crazy now.

"W-What a ridiculous thing t-to s-say!" He yelled while turning away. I paused and then smiled.

"But it made me happy." I thought out loud. I gasped in surprise. He turned around also surprised. Our faces were both red.

"O-Oh yea?" He said awkwardly. "Then o-okay." We both sat there in silence. Take the initiative Momoko! You don't want him to be taken right?! You can do this!

"I!" I blurted again and he jolted in surprise.

" too." He nodded a lot. It was quiet again and I was silently hitting myself.

"Momoko." I froze but turned to meet his gaze.

"Yea?" I asked hesitantly. I was fiddling with my hands. He was rubbing the back of his head.

"Sorry Alpha made you feel uncomfortable." He said hiding his eyes. I felt my breath hitch. What to say...

"It was nothing." Is all I said. He nodded. I thought of something and smiled. "Hey Brick! I bet I can guess the name of your crush."

"Hah?! Really, again?!" He said back to his normal self. I giggled.

"Yup!" I cheered and he sighed. He looked away. "First I wanna guess traits! It will help me!" He shook his head.

"You really are the impossible one but okay. Give it a go." He smirked turning towards me.

"Okay but you can't lie to me!" I smirked back and he nodded. " she cute?"

"Y-Yea." Brick said surprised and looked away blushing. I smiled.

"Is she fat?"

"Surprisingly no." I felt myself get a tick mark. Surprisingly? What does that mean?!

"Does she like music?"


"Is she stupid?"


"Is she popular?"


"Is she taken?"

"Again, no." He looks pretty annoyed. I smirked. He'll fall straight for my game though.

"Oh, is she an athlete?"


"Is she a good singer?"


"Is she me?"

"Yea-" He turned around surprised as I turned away with my hand to my mouth, trying not to laugh. "Hey are you joking?!"

"W-Wahh I'm not-" He jumped up and hugged me. My eyes widened and I blushed. He looked very happy.

"I seriously thought you were stupid!" He laughed and I sweat dropped.

"Of course not!" I yelled blushing red. I pushed him away but he held on. He smiled. "What a relief it isn't any of your fan-girls."

"Why?" He asked me tilting his head.

"Obviously...cause...I like you!" I yelled closing my eyes. My face was BURNING. He laughs and I looked at him confused.

"I like you too!" He was smiling so cute I thought I'd die. He hugged me again. He paused and looked at me. "What was it I did earlier?" I steamed up.

"Y-You..tried to hurt anyone that was near me. You even cuddled me." I commented while smiling. He looked so embarrassed.

"I-I can't believe that!" He wailed. "That's so embarrassing!"

"I thought it was cute!" I laughed and he looked at me. He blushed and looked down.

"Hey, um..since we like each other...can you be my girlfriend?" He looked very red. My heart started racing at the idea.

"Y-Yea." I replied and he smiled. He held out his hand and I took it. He leaned in to kiss me and I closed my eyes.

"BOOMER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" The Professor wailed and a bunch of crashing was heard. We both sweat dropped in our mid way kiss. He backs up and I feel disappointment.

"Next time." He winks and pulls me along with him inside. I will not ever get used to him.

Me and Brick's eyes were twitching. Boomer had a broom and was sweeping up the broken glass. Miyako was holding the dust pan.

"Oh there you guys are!" Butch pointed. We both sighed. They all paused noticing our holding hands.

"Finally?!" They yelled and we both sweat dropped. They began laughing. "Who confessed to who?!"

"I did." I said proudly. Kaoru and Miyako yelled and grabbed me into a hug. We forced Tsuki in it and we all smiled.

"Nice going Brick." Boomer said happily. Brick smacked him upside the head. "Ow!"

"What did you break baka?" He demanded and Boomer sweat dropped.

"Just the pitcher." He shrugged and went back to cleaning it up.

"Oh Momoko-chan, I'm so happy for you!" Miyako cheered earning my attention again. I smiled.

"Thanks girls!" I said happily. Tsuki hugged me again.

"I was hoping it would happen!" She giggled. "Congrats!"

"Arigato!" I bubbled while blushing. Everyone suddenly sweat dropped when the Professor came back out with a depressed aura.

"I-I'm sorry Professor." Boomer smiled with his hands up. He put the broom up. Ken came in with a case.

"What'ya got there Ken?" Kaoru asked about to grab it. Ken ran so fast. The Professor seemed to perk up.

"Is it done Ken?!"


"Awesome!" The Professor cried. I lifted an eyebrow. He opened the case to show 4 watches. All of them were black but the rims were different. One was red, blue, green, and the last one was covered in diamonds around the rim.

"Are those for us?" Butch pointed at him and his brothers.

"Yea. I programmed these through Peach. With this, you should all know when the girls transform and need help!" The Professor smiled, giving them out. The RRBZ smiled while checking out there new watches.

"Arigato Professor! I can't believe it!" Tsuki smiled while blushing. "I love it!" The Professor blushed while rubbing the back of his head.

"Tsuki, you shouldn't flatter him too much. Everything that man makes is an accident." Kaoru smirked while Tsuki sweat dropped and the Professor fell anime style.

"Awesome!" Butch cried while pressing buttons on his watch.

"Careful stupid! You might break it!" Brick hissed while hitting his arm.

" me Brick!" Butch yelled and a they began bickering. We all sweat dropped. Boomer slowly came over to us.

"Anyways, arigato Professor!" Boomer cheered while showing Miyako his watch.

"Neat, isn't it?" I smiled while looking at Tsuki's watch. She nodded.

"Now I can help you guys whenever!" She smiled. i smiled back.

"Ow! Momoko your boyfriend's hitting me!" Butch said in his high falsetto. We laughed. Brick glared and got a tick mark.

"Shut up Butch!"


"Eh...?" The Professor ran out to answer the door. We all paused what we're doing and looked at each other.

"Who could that be?" Miyako asked looking confused. I shrugged. I nearly choked on my drink when I heard Natsuki's voice.

"Shit!" Brick cursed and grabbed his brothers, hiding behind the couch. Natsuki came in and looked very happy to see me.

Brick's P.O.V

That really scared me. But after I was taken, it'd be weird to be around Momoko when I was supposedly kidnapped with Blossom.

"Hey girls, how's it going?" Natsuki asked in a happy tone. I really don't like that guy. He better not try anything with Momoko!

"Everything's fine." Tsuki said sweetly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I wanted to asked Miyako or Kaoru is Blossom and Brick were ever saved?"

"Yea they were." Kaoru answered carefully. "They are both okay now. Everything's solved."

"That's great!" He said. I heard a long pause. "Momoko, can I talk to you?" I got a tick mark. Aww jeez..I'm getting jealous. Boomer and Butch were smirking at me. I glared at them.

"Sure Natsuki-san. What is it?" She asked, her voice beautiful. I smiled. I can't believe I'm finally dating her. I'm super lucky.

"I meant alone, if you don't mind." My eyes widened. She did used to like the guy. But I wish I could tell her that I don't want her to go alone.

"You can tell me if front of the girls." Momoko said, her voice sounding a bit tight. I sighed in relief.

"Oh..well you see. I was wondering if you would like to go out? I was thinking we could try an-"

I was steaming at this point until...

"Sorry Natsuki-san, I'm not someone you can blow off cause I'm unpopular then use as your last option. Plus, I'm in love with Brick, my boyfriend." She sounded pissed. I smirked. My brother's looked amazed and pride swelled in my chest.

"Hear that Natsuki? I've been waiting for this!" Kaoru laughed. "You don't deserve Momoko, so suck it!" The girls gasped.

"Hold on a second-"

"Furthermore, I'd hate to have my fanboys run you over if you ever hurt Momoko-chan's feelings again." Miyako threatened and I sweat dropped. Even I'M scared of that threat. Butch had to hold Boomer's mouth to keep him from laughing.

"I-I see...I-I'll just leave t-then." Natsuki said as I heard him go out of the door. I let out a sigh and we came out of hiding. I immediately went o Momoko.

"Thanks for sticking up for me." I blushed and she did too. She nodded. Boomer hugged Miyako.

"That threat though..." Tsuki laughed. "Miyako and Kaoru were too funny!" We all laughed. Everyone began talking to each other at once. I looked down at Momoko.

"What..?" She asked still blushing. I smiled and kissed her temple.

"I'm just happy you chose me...that's all." I blushed a little. She seemed frozen from the kiss.

"Well you know...Natsuki never knew how I felt at all." She smiled sadly. She looked up at me.

"I don't wanna talk about him.." I said looking away. "He hurt you a lot."

"And I hurt you a lot. I'm sorry for being all gushy around him when you liked me." She looked down. I sighed with a smile.

"It's not your fault." I commented while looking at my stupid brothers. They were hanging all over their girlfriends while Tsuki made them laugh. "Why'd you like him anyways?" She flushed.

"H-He...was hot and athletic so..I..just liked him." She stuttered and I felt myself getting jealous.

"We'll he's an egghead." I scoffed and she giggled. "I can't believe he still wanted to get with you."

"If you were would you feel?" I blinked.

"Like I just lost the answer to the world." I said blushing at the corniness. She smiled.

"Good answer." She whispered while we shared our first kiss. I love her so much. And I always will.


Brick: Yea! We're together! *glomps Momoko*

Blossom: Wah! Brick! *blushes*

Me: Awww so cute! Thank you all for reading and reviewing! You're all such beautiful readers! :D LOVE YOU ALL THAT TAKE THE TIME TO REVIEW!