Hey guys here is my new story! Since I'm almost done with My vampire sequel I wanted to do something else! It mainly focuses on MomokoxBrick...but there will be KaoruxButch and MiyakoxBoomer, TRUST me ^^

A few characters from the actually PPGZ Manga will be included! Which they are not MY characters. Here before you read look at this...


Momoko Akatsutsumi: Birthday: March 17 (oldest) A 16 year old girl, bubble gum pink eyes, flat chested(36 A-cups)but a good butt, skinny and small (5'4), candy loving hyper-active, in love with Natsuki Urawa, boy-crazy. Easily tempered when feeling insulted, is actually HYPER BLOSSOM

Miyako Gotokuji: Birthday: July 2 (youngest) A 16 year old girl, light blue eyes, 38 b-cups, great curves, skinny and smallest (5'3), sweet and polite, always using honorifics and usually ends sentences with desu wa, fashionable and has alot of admirers, dense and clueless, only loves Taka-chan, is actually ROLLING BUBBLES

Kaoru Matsubara: Birthday: May 24, A 16 year old girl, lime green eyes, 34 C-cups, good curves, skinny and athletic build (5'5), stubborn and easily tempered, hates girly things and skirts, has alot of girl admirers and guy friends, never considered any of them love interests, is actually POWERED BUTTERCUP

Natsuki Urawa: Birthday: April 4, 16 year old boy, light brown eyes, muscular (5'6), athletic(Soccer club), admires and loves Blossom, easily annoyed by Momoko, friends with Kaoru...doesn't like any other girl...

Takaaki Ayagai: Birthday: November 26, 17 year old boy, hazel green eyes, slightly muscular (5'7), sickly and transforms (Wolf), considers Miyako a little sister and admires Bubbles, gentle yet easily upset...

Mitch Mitchelson: Birthday: May 7, 16 year old boy, black eyes (considered creepy), only has grandmother like Miyako (parents abandoned him too), lives in a trailor, considered very creepy, athletic (in soccer club), likes both Kaoru and Buttercup, very mean, and is a bully to girls, Natsuki's friend (BASED OFF PPG ;))

Brick Jojo: Birthday: April 19, 16 year old boy, red eyes, only has his brothers and they all live together in a 3 room, 1 bath...apt, he is muscular and strong, tall (5'7), always wears his cap except when he showers or sleeps, actually reads some in spare time, like Momoko easily tempered when he is annoyed or feels insulted, more mature than his brothers so considered leader and oldest, has a straw that he loves to use on girls, loves to prank and make fun off girls, secretly likes Blossom...

Butch Jojo: Birthday: April 19, 16 year old boy, forest green eyes, loves all sports mainly soccer, loves to work out, loves to use his shocks to scare away girls, easily tempered and stubborn but secretly protective of his brothers, secretly likes Buttercup

Boomer Jojo: Birthday: April 19, 16 year old boy (youngest by personality), sapphire eyes, loves animals and art, draws in his spare time and is very good at it, though he is nicer than his brothers he still enjoys annoying girls that approach him with earwax, always trying to prove himself to his brothers so they wont make fun of him...

Kuriko Akatsutsumi: Birthday: Sept 12, 12 year old girl, first year of junior high, loves to annoy Momoko, like Ken and comic books, is a hero maniac like Momoko but loves to write her own, small and skinny (5'1), Momoko is jealous of her because she is developing more than she was at her age, 38 A-cups...

Ken Kitzawa: Birthday: August 30, 12 year old boy, grey eyes home-schooled at the lab, likes Kuriko but doesn't show it, loves inventions and robots, small and nerdy (5'1) loves his robotic dog, Peach and misses his mom

Professor Utonium: Birthday: Dec 1, 33 year old man, greatest inventor in Japan, studies Chemical Z rays, clueless about the new generation and the girls...(5'9) and not muscular but tall, grey eyes, misses his wife...

Miss Keene: Birthday: Jan 14, 25 year old woman, bright blue eyes, big hips and skinny (5'5), loves children and teaching, kind-hearted and senstive, dense to some of the male student's lustful stares...very helpful and understanding...

Mojo Jojo: age and birthday...idk..lol, arrogant and mean, kinda stupid and dense,though he can easily make robots, easily angered and irratated, and almost alwaysends his sentences with 'mojo', hates Blossom the most because of her leadership and because she steals his candy LOL

Himeko Shirogane: Birthday: July 18, 16 year old girl, rich and mean, snobby and always has to be center of attention, for some reason she always goes after Miyako, Momoko, and Kaoru to get their attention because they never really care, hates the PPGZ because they get more attention than her, loves her cat Sapphire and transforms into Princess Morbucks

Alpha&Beta: Birthday: June 6, andriod twins, thinks they were abandoned by their creators because of rumors, hit with black Z light, loves to cause mischief to everyone no matter who it is (kinda like the rowdies)

Those are all the main..MAIN characters hehe...Most based off the MANGA and Mitch from PPG...I think you will enjoy nonetheless..

"Hey Momoko-chan you better hurry or you'll be late for school!" Momoko's Mom yelled from downstairs. Momoko stuck her tongue out and ruffled through her drawers. 'What should I wear today?! I have to look perfect for Natsuki-sempai!' She thought already getting heart eyes.

Natsuki Urawa was her crush since junior high and she knows they are perfect for each other! Momoko has been getting jealous lately. Although her and her classmates are 16 year olds, she still hasn't developed like she wanted. Kaoru and Miyako have and now they get alot more male attention than before! Especially Miyako, who is totally oblivious to all the flirting! If only she could be like them! Momoko sighs looking in the mirror. I'm not as pretty as Miyako or as athletic as Kaoru...I'm just weird o'l me.

"MOMOKO!" Kurkio's voice sounded into the thin walls. She was banging on the wall to her room. "MOM SAYS HURRY, AND I MIGHT JUST STEAL YOUR LUNCH!" Momoko gasped at this and quickly threw on a tight pink tank top that goes to her hips with a single red heart on her chest, a blue jean jacket, blue jean skirt, and pink flip-flops, not to mention her signature pink bow in her hair. Momoko quickly applies a little pink eyeshadow and eyeliner, not being one to wear too much.

She grabs her pink bag that has hearts and swirly designs on it which she bought from JUSTICE. She quickly made sure she had everything in it for her first day as a Sophmore, yes SOPHMORE! Only 2 more years to go! Still Momoko found it very depressing that she has gotten no where, no dates..no loves...natta..but this year was her lucky year!

"COMING!" Momoko yelled happily with thought in mind. She stops and kisses her Mom on the cheek, grabbing her lunch. Her mom had the same hair as Momoko with pink eyes too, Momoko being the spitting image of her mom. Kuriko however got their Dad's trait. Speaking of her dad he was reading a newspaper.

"Hehe got you lunch Momoko!" Kuriko winks with her tongue sticking out as she fled their small house. Momoko fumed.

"Bye girls!" Their mom giggled after them as Momoko ran after Kuriko and put her in a choke hold. Soon she finally got her lunch back, it being her favorite, little hot dogs in sauce.

"You annoying for a 12-year-old" Momoko muttered adjusting her clothes and walking away. Kuriko yelling after her. Momoko soon felt her pocket vibrate. She sighed, knowing for a fact it was Kaoru texting her. Grabbing her touch screen she got from her dad for Christmas she found 2 unopened messages and pressed on them.



Momoko sighed and sent a reply 'I'm almost there, got hung up!'. With that she ran only stopping for a few hot guys or to catch her breath. DING. She opened the message again.

~Good, oh and did you get my message about our schedules? Miyako's should be there too!~ Kaoru

Starting to walk now she concentrated on her phone. It was only 7:12 and first classes start at 7:38. She began to start her conversation with Kaoru, simply because Miyako doesn't have a cell phone.

~Yea, me and you have 5/8 classes together! Me and Miyako have 6/8!~ Momoko


~ Yea thats cool, I have 5/8 classes with Miyako, where are you? And Miyako says hi~ Kaoru

Momoko smiled and bumped into someone, her phone landing in her lap somehow as she landed on her butt. Momoko winced at the contact and looked up at the guy she bumped into. He was readjusting himself and staring at her annoyed. Momoko felt her eyes widened knowing his red eyes and red cap anywhere. Standing in front of her was none other than BRICK! She couldn't believe her eyes at handsome he looked now. 'NO! NO! I like Natuski-sempai!' She scolded herself. She grabbed her phone and got up looking at Brick.

"Watch where you walk next time HAG!" Brick yelled after her while walking in the direction she was. Her mouth dropped open and she fumed. 'WHO WAS HE CALLING A HAG?!' She fumed inwardly. 'I can see he hasn't changed in the four years' But this wasn't good, that means his brothers are here too! They haven't seen them since they destroyed the black particles in them in Egypt.

~Momoko? We are seriously about to leave you!~ Kaoru

Momoko imagined her friend, Kaoru stomping and cursing under her breath, Miyako sweat dropping with a smile as usual. Momoko broke out in a run and seen her friends and they sighed in relief.

"Finally! What took you so long!" Kaoru asked impatiently. Momoko frowned at Kaoru. Miyako smiled at Momoko and hugged her.

Kaoru was wearing her famous green cap with a skull on the side, blue jean shorts that were mid-thigh, green skull tennis shoes, and a green t-shirt that said, 'WHO CARES'. Kaoru had changed much to Momoko's slight jealousy. She had wider hips and the biggest breasts outta them. Her hairstyle changed too, she currently has it down and over her shoulders it stopping at her collarbone During a dare with Mitch, she was dared to stop spiking her hair and layer it down.

"Sorry girls, got caught up in something" Momoko smiled apologetically hugging Miyako back.

Miyako hasn't changed that much, she still has her curly ringlet pigtails that reach her neck. She has the best body out of them, only having 38 b-cups and corresponding hips. Miyako was wearing a light blue spaghetti strap tank top that goes to her hip with a white sleeveless thin jacket over it, with a matching blue skirt making it look connected, she also had blue RUE 21 flats and loose blue bracelets. Miyako is insanely popular especially towards guys which she fails to realize being dense hasn't changed for her. To Momoko's surprise hardly any girls are that jealous of her simply because she is so nice to them and she doesn't flaunt herself over guys like most girls.

"Well we aren't late" Miyako said smiling at her friends. Momoko sighed as they sat at their favorite bench under a maple tree. She knew she wasn't as pretty, but she knew she wasn't ugly either. She just freaks out the guys...She was flat chested...being a 36 A-cup but had the widest hips out of the three. Maybe she was just a late bloomer? "Are you okay Momoko-chan?"

"Yes! Oh you know what?! What if Natsuki-kun is in some of my classes!" Momoko said with heart eyes and squealing. Kaoru groaned and Miyako smiled with closed eyes.

"Well we have 8 classes, it's a possibility" Miyako said cheerfully.

"I don't know why you like that guy, they way he treats you" Kaoru groaned again shaking her head. She closed her eyes to fall asleep like she always does before school. Hearts continued to roam around her until Brick came into her mind the hearts fell and she frowned. 'That Brick...he wouldn't know love if it slapped him across the face!' Momoko thought. But she knew she should warn Miyako and Kaoru.

"Hey girls...I bumped into someone which is why I was so late" Momoko started while biting her lips nervously. Miyako looked at her and Kaoru opened one eye. "It was Brick...I'm certain of it" Kaoru's full attention was now on Momoko.

"But Momoko we took care of those brats a LONG time ago! 4 years ago!" Kaoru shouted in the air. "Are you sure?!" She nodded her head while getting annoyed.

"This isn't good...I wonder what brings them back.." Miyako worries while staring off into space. Momoko continued to explain what happened and how she thought he didn't change.

"Wow..what a jerk!" Kaoru said angrily. "Calling you a hag! That guy!"

"Hey Kaoru!" A voice they recognized came towards them. It was Mitch Mitchelson...Kaoru's old crush and best friend since junior high. And with him was none other than Natsuki Urawa. Momoko squealed with heart eyes and Miyako sweat dropped.

"Would you stop squealing?!" Natsuki said holding his ears and narrowing his eyes at her. "God your annoying" Momoko fell to the ground anime style while Miyako comforted her.

"Hey Mitch, Natsuki leave my friend alone or I'll kick your ass" Kaoru said casually while glaring at Natsuki. Momoko smiled that Kaoru was sticking up for her, but didn't think she should be so mean to Natsuki. Natsuki shrugged with a casual face. If only he would notice me... Momoko thought bitterly.

"We were wondering if you were gonna come to the Soccer party after school?" Mitch said smiling at Kaoru. Kaoru grinned.

"Duh! We are all part of the soccer team, so why wouldn't I be there?" Kaoru laughed while Mitch's smile brightened.

"Good then we can walk together" He said smiling and Kaoru nodded causally, not seeing it like he was. Even though Mitch understood this though.

"Hey" Miyako smiled at them. Mitch just looked at her and ignored her. That was the one thing that confused most people. As mean as he was to everyone but Kaoru, he wasn't mean to Miyako...Nobody knew why either. At first they thought it was because her fan boys would be all over his ass but that wasn't the case with Mitch.

"Hey Miyako" Natsuki greeted casually. "Did you know we are having new students?" Momoko's eyes lit up. Here is her chance to talk to Natsuki-kun!

"No we didn't!" Momoko cheered while going beside him. He stares at her and turns around facing Kaoru. Momoko's face fell and Miyako sweat dropped.

"Well see ya in class Kaoru!" Mitch called as he and Natsuki left, Natsuki only glancing back once at the hyper girl. Momoko sighed with a smile.

"We should go to our first class" Miyako smiled. "We all have Miss Keene again for English 10 right?" Kaoru nodded and Momoko sighed again. They began to walk, Momoko noticing the lustful stares Miyako got and the admiring stares and giggling Kaoru got. Momoko sighed feeling a bit sad. 'No one likes me...and its because I'm weird...how can I change the way I am?' Momoko thought.

Brick Jojo and his brothers where sitting at a round table near the school wall. No one wanted to sit anywhere near them, which didn't bother the boys at all. Boomer was drawing something in his notebook, Butch was rocking his head to something he was listening too on his MP3 and Brick? Brick was staring off in space while chewing bubble gum.

'Who was that hag I bumped into earlier?' He thought while popping the gum. He was wearing his red cap, red hoodie, black pants with ripped holes, black belt with chains hanging off it, and red shoes.

Boomer's hair was the same only cuter and goes to his neck. He was wearing a short-sleeved blue shirt with blue jeans and blue shoes.

Butch's hair was spiked upwards giving him the successful bad boy look that made girls swoon. He was wearing a custom-made green T-shirt that said 'WE STEAL SO DEAL' with baggy blue jeans and green shoes.

'Why did the girl look familiar...? Have I seen her somewhere else?' Brick thought still thinking about the strange orange haired girl. At least she didn't run screaming when she first saw him. Him and his brothers just got into town a month ago and managed to get an apartment with 3 bedrooms, one bathroom. Managed to scared them into giving it. Brick smirked at the memory.

"HEY BOOMER, WHAT ARE YOU DRAWING?!" Butch asked through a song causing people to stare. He didn't realize he was shouting. Brick face palmed and Boomer sweat dropped. Boomer shrugged and continued to draw.

Suddenly something caught Brick's attention..it was that girl. Brick's gum popped with his mouth wide open as he watched the girl with two others walk into the school. 'Soo she goes here? Perfect..she will be my newest victim' Brick grinned thinking of ways to tease the girl. Suddenly the bell rang out signaling it was time for them to go to their classes.

"Yo boys" Brick said getting their attention. Boomer sighed and put his drawing stuff away and nodded. Butch looked at Brick and frowned, taking out his ear plugs. "Time to go...we have..umm English 10 first"

"This is lame...why did we come here?" Butch asked shoving the MP3 in his pockets. Brick smirked at pointed to a bunch of girls.

"New victims...and hey we need the space once and awhile" He said and Boomer grinned at Brick.

"At least I agree with you there" He said continuing to grin as they began to walk to school everyone gasping and squealing.

By the way...here are their schedules! Oh and its in order from 1 to 8 class periods..

Momoko: English, Math, Cooking, P.E, Lunch, Science, Free Class, History

Miyako: English, Math, Art, P.E, Lunch, Science, Free Class, History

Kaoru: English, Math, Martial Arts, P.E, Lunch, History, Free class, Science