If your new to this story I'm going to have to ask you to really give it a chance, things look kinda bad on these first few chapters with my spelling and all but it gets WAAAY better, I have improved beyond what I thought possible through this story. Positive Negative is my baby, I work very hard every day to update every week. Pleas enjoy and please comment and review. Thank you for reading, I DON'T own soul eater. Oh and John if your reading, thanks, Ill never forget when times were their darkest you totally stepped up and killed those bikers for me.

Oh how the professor loved the internet, how free it was, how it made him feel to have all the mortal knowledge at his fingertips. in his dark office his face absorbed the glow of the monitor as he surfed at the speed of light in the information highway. This would be how he spent his night alone to his thoughts and the knowledge of the world at large. "Hmm simply astounding. This data will assist me greatly" he said watching a YouTube clip of a cat trying to attack a printer. Suddenly came a sound, "wumph!" That's what it sounded like, like the rubber of a tire exploding on the highway it was dephening. Had Stien been struck? It was dark pitch black even, Stien couldn't see a hand in front of his face. he felt around with his hands scooting around with his legs in his busted up office chair. After knocking many things from his neat organized piles he found his window with the shade pulled closed. He raised the shade and the opened the window and felt the air of the midsummer night hit him with the smells of Death City. The power was out for the whole block and in the distance he herd a dog barking, this would not do...




Crona said repeatedly rocking back and forth in her cell witch was now pitch black, She could have gone out to her living quarters to find the candles that Stien had given her but she was to paralysed with fear to move from her bed. She held a pillow to her chest rocking back and forth waiting for rescue from the suffocating darkness, Some months after removing Ragnarok from her body Stien had decided to take the young girl in, her wicked mother had been slain but her abuse still showed in Crona who was on the best day a bit of a neurotic train wreck. "It-its so dark why is it so dark? Am I being punished did i do something wrong?!" her eyes shrank in memory of being subject to her mothers cruel punishments, Only now she no longer had Ragnarok to beet her senseless but he was also no longer their to keep her from slipping into a complete fear coma. She began to suffocate "BREATH" Stien had told her that "Breath. you have to breath that's the first step" Stien would tell her, Crona took long sperratic breaths which eventually calmed "I just need the candles" she edged to the side of her bed and tryd to stand but buckled under the wait of her fear. "Okay..." she took a breath. "Ill just crawl. I can deal with this...I..I can deal with this" she made a week smile

"Now wares that...No...Why is it such a mess in hear?" Stien searched threw a drawer in his kitchen for a flashlight which he had not seen since the last time the power had gone out and that he may have robed the battery's out of the last time his TV remote stopped working. "Curse you Stien, your lack of foresight will be your undoing!" He said giving himself a piece of his own mind. finely he did as many of us for a last resort pulling out his phone putting it to the brightest setting and using it as a flashlight. However he had completely forgotten about the drawer being open and thus walked into it breaking it loos from the cabinet thus loudly snapping and spilling the contents all over his kitchen floor, he sighed and stepped over the mess. only to look over his shoulder a second later, and their lay the flashlight poking out from the inside of an oven mitten Stien groaned rubbing his forehead.

The basement, His wayward daughter would be behind this door, That's what they called her the likes of Maka and Kid and the rest, They said that she was like some sort of long lost daughter. both being what most would consider mad they were a good match of personality Crona living in Stien's basement under his watchful but caring eye she grew fond of him assisting him in research and being trusted to run simple tasks, She still wasn't ready to collect supplys for him as an indecent with formaldehyde and freeonic-acid-sulfate which created one hell of a lab fire had clearly stated. He dug the key from his lab coat no bothering to knock as she would likely be asleep at this time of night. Stien was afraid for Crona and so he saw no choice but to keep her locked behind a strong door, He new that she wasn't evil and that her condition was becoming more manageable but it was to risky to everyone at the DWMA to let her stray to far from his sight or that of her trusted friends, afraid she may accidentally hurt someone or herself she still was infected with black blood after all, but she was free to come out whenever she asked, he even gave her an allowance for aiding his research. he unlocked the door with the heavy iron key, The tumblers fell into place with a clanking noise. He pulled the key out and stuck it back in his pocket and the door allowed him entry. Cronas living quarters were comfy but Crona didn't have the taste of most girls her age, She was what some may call a history buff, the room was full of vintage furniture and odds and ends. she like to watch black and quite TV so Stien had created a conversion kit for her TV, Her computer was a bit dated it was stiens old computer but it still worked for her.

The emergency generator was in the back near the basement bathroom. Careful not to make allot of noise he crept along the carpeted floor, Then like the howl of a wild beast he herd a sniveling moan so loud it made him jump with fright, he turned to the spot on the floor ware the moaning came from. Crona lay in the fetal position on the floor with her eyes completely shrunken. He lightly stepped over her thinking she was in some sort of trance and that it would be unwise to disturb her. "wait!" she called out to Stien as he passed "pleas don't leave its so dark and i just cant deal with that!" Stien spun on his heals with a startle "Crona you scared the hell outa me!" "I'm sorry.. I didn't know it was you..I thought you were someone else..." she said looking at the blackness of the floor on which she sat on her knees. Stien sighed "Well you made it this far in the dark on your own. hear" he handed her the flashlight and she griped it with her shaking hands "now hold the light on me so i don't trip" he said smiling and stood. The light trembled around him as he found his way to a panel on the back wall, He opend it knocking a cob web out of the way and pressed the ignition button which fired up the engine with a loud hum concealed by the wall, lights began to slowly flick to life and Crona turned off the flashlight with relief.

Stein and Crona sat at her kitchen after making tea on a portable Bunsen-burner because the generator wasn't strong enough to power the stove. Crona found that amusing that Stien would think to boil tea in a beaker instead of a normal pot. "Well I'm guna have to send you to get some wood glue. Maby some flashlights and battery's. This house wont hold up much longer if this happens to many more times." Stien laughed, Crona nodded smiling looking into her tea, "Uh by the way" Stien finished his tea. "When I first came in you mentioned you thought I was someone else." Crona looked up as if she had suddenly been accused. "Who did you think I was?" Stien asked with his prodding curiosity. Crona was quite and Stien was ready to leave it at that. "I thought you were my mother"

From the diary of Crona Gorgon

Maka and Soul took me out today after my errands and we had lunch, we had a good time, Maka held my hand aghen this time in front of soul that made me nervous but he didn't look or say anything.

Their was a man walking around talking on his phone, he acted strange and then i relised he had no soul, I wonder'd why...Iv seen others like him, I think when people don't use them their souls die, He seemed so unhappy, it made me glad to have Maka just seeing him.

I saw Justin law he was called by Lord Death and was occupying his time with the local church, He asked me for a donation and I gave him a couple of dollars, He thanked me and then told me if Id go to mass tomorrow god would save my soul but I didn't understand him I told him Maka saved me already, he seemed put off "oh child don't be be daft, a soul must me saved by god to truly be guarded from the path of the kishen" he spoke with a smile like I said something funny. I didn't know what to say but Maka and Soul told him that we weren't interested and the truth is I didn't care, Maka saved me and I think that's enough. In the end I think I scared him away. I think the way I moved unnerved him, it scares allot of people but I cant control it, my movements are so erratic and people don't want to deal with it, I'm better when Maka's around, she said its my nerves.

She kissed my forhead befor she left me at home, I watched her walk across the grave yard to the city as the sun set untill she disappeard from sight.