Chapter 12

At Karakura High School, 3rd Period

Hoshi sat in her usual desk beside in the back of the room, staring out the window beside her. The events of that past weekend were starting to take a toll on Hoshi's body, but she had somehow still managed to put on a happy face and come to school despite the constant ache spread throughout her system and the burning in her chest. She only prayed that her body allowed her to hold out through the rest of the day until she could go home. Hoshi didn't want a her friends worrying about her even more than they already were.

Hoshi was snapped her attention to the front of the room when she heard Ms. Ochi ask, "Ishida!? What happened to you!?" Hoshi gazed at Uryu's bandaged arm and hands. Honestly he looked partially mummified. It was a rather amusing sight, especially after the excuse Uryu had given.

"I fell down the stairs." Hoshi almost fell out of her desk from his lame excuse. 'You couldn't think of anything better? Like, oh I don't know, you got burnt!'

Ms. Ochi blinked, "Hmm...Okay. Sit down and we'll continue."

"Well, okay, then..." Hoshi mumbled to herself while wondering if her teacher really believed Uryu's story or not.

It was a little while later that Hoshi heard Keigo talking about Uryu. "He was at a construction site talking to himself! And in this really dramatic voice!"

"Ishida's always dramatic," Mizuiro replied.

Keigo shrugged, "I bet he's an aspiring actor! There was a guy in weird clothes and a couple of kids dancing around him. And there were explosions. He was probably rehearsing with his theater buddies!" Hoshi sighed at her friend's assumptions. Keigo certainly could come up with interesting theories. Stupid, but interesting. Hoshi zoned out of Keigo and Mizuiro's conversation after that.

Throughout the day, everything seemed tense between the people involved with the hollows attack. Hoshi had already given her advise to Chad and Orihime so she had nothing more to say to them on the subject. She also didn't want to seem like she was pushing them into making a choice so soon. As for Ichigo and Rukia, Hoshi still said nothing. After all, Ichigo had no idea that Hoshi knew about hollows and soul reapers and Rukia...Well, Hoshi had a feeling Rukia knows that she knows but neither girl wanted to bring it up just in case.

At lunch, Hoshi joined Orihime, Tatsuki, and a few other girls to each outside. Hoshi looked at the group and asked, "Maybe we should invite Rukia as well. I think she's already outside somewhere."

The girls agreed and they began their search for Rukia. After a few minutes on of the girls spotted her in a tree. "Hey! There she, up in the tree!" Rukia looked down at the group of girls. "Rukia! Wana eat lunch with us?" Rukia agreed and jumped down from the tree limb she previously sat on. The girls all sat down on the grass in a circle and began to talk.

Mahana, the girl who found Rukia, looked at Rukia, "So...Do you like Ichigo?"

The question caught Rukia off guard, causing her to spit out juice. Hoshi, though she did not necessarly like the question, had known it would come up sooner of later. So, she just sat back trying to grin and bare it. But honestly, it was hard, even for a dying girl like her, to let go of the boy she loves. But, deep inside, Hoshi knew it was the right thing to do and so she would step aside for Orihime and even Rukia if she bore any romantic feelings for him at all.

"Yes?" Rukia answered, though it came out as a question. The poor soul reaper was beginning to sweat bullets.

"Seriously, what's between you two?" Mahana questioned.

"We're just friends," Rukia replied, not liking where this was going.

Michiru scolded Mahana for her question. "Mahana! Gosh, you're tactless!"

Mahana shrugged, "Whatever! You're all dying to know but none of you had the guts to ask!"

"I-I didn't want to know!" Michiru retorted.

"You wouldn't," Chizuru added.

Tatsuki joined in. "You hate Ichigo, Michiru."

Orihime looked at Michiru in surprise. "Really?"

Michiru waved her hands frantically in front of her. "N-no! I don't hate him, Orihime! I just think his face is kinda scary..."

Hoshi smiled softly at Michiru. "He's honestly not as scary as he may appear. Ichigo is more along the lines of a teddy bear."

Michiru blinked, "Really?"

Hoshi nodded, "Yep!"

Chizuru ignored that little bit of Hoshi and Michiru's conversation. "Who cares what you think!?" She grabbed Orihime around the neck and brought her closer to her. "This has nothing to do with you! It's all aout me and Orihime!"

Tatsuki raised an eyebrow at Chizuru. "What do you have to do with it?"

Chizuru let go of Orihime and stood up. "What do you think? Rukia gets Ichigo...I'll have Orihime all to myself!" Chizuru suddenly appeared in front of Rukia, clasping her hands. "So good luck, Rukia! I'm rooting for you! And Orihim will be mine! All mine!"

Mahana ignored Chizuru and went back to questioning Rukia. "Well!? What's going on? You've been clinging to ever since you got here. Are you and Ichigo an item?"

Hoshi watched Rukia carefully. She could see the girl was thinking over her answer. "Ichigo is... just a friend!" Rukia smiled. Hoshi wasn't sure if she believed that or not. Though Rukia may not realize it, Hoshi had a feeling the female soul reaper cared for Ichigo more than she really knew. But then again...Hoshi could just be over thinking things.

Orihime crossed her arms and pouted. "Well! That's disappointing!" Everyone turned to look at Orihime in confusion.

'What in the world was she talking about? Shouldn't she be happy?' Hoshi thought.

"If you liked Ichigo, it would've been two girls against one guy, and we would've won!" Orihime concluded. Hoshi sweat dropped at her friend's logic.

Tatsuki decided to be the one to respond to Orihime's nonsense. "Um...Orihime? Having more than one person works or martial arts team matches and stuff...but that's not how it works in love. You following me?"

"I get it! It's a love triangle, right!?" Chizuri gasped. "Only in this case, it's the side with the fewest that wins! So if it's two girls, and one guy, the guy wins!"

Tatsuki looked at Chizuru in disbelief. "Do you hear what you're saying!?"

"Oh! But if that happens what should I do!? I could dress up like a boy and team up with Ichigo! Maybe get a fake mustache?"

"Shut up!" Tatsuki demanded.

"No!" Chizuru cried out. "I should just stab Ichigo and take his place!"

That's when Tatsuki started to stomp Chizuru into the ground repeatedly. "Die! Die! Die again! You're like a rapid animal!"

Hoshi glanced over at Rukia who was watching the scene with a small smile. There was something in her eyes that contradicted that smile though. Jealousy. But what was she jealous of exactly? "Their something else, aren't they?"

Rukia jumped at Hoshi's voice. "Oh...uh...yeah, they are." Hoshi heard a bit of sadness in her voice. It made her wonder what was going on in that head of hers, though Hoshi did have a small idea.

"You know...Rukia..." Hoshi started, but stopped, unsure if she should continue speaking.

Rukia glanced at Hoshi in wonder. "What is it, Hoshi?"

Hoshi sighed and shook her head. "Hmmm...never mind...I'm not sure if now is the right time to say anything..."

Rukia continued to look at Hoshi for a second longer. "If you say so..."

Later that night

Hoshi ran down the dark streets of Karakura town looking for a certain Rukia Kuchiki. She had been feeling the presense of two more soul reapers in town, and these two were much stronger than Rukia or Ichigo, especially one of them, which worried Hoshi greatly. Inside the recesses of her mind, she heard her guardian beasts tell her that she needed to hurry if she wanted to catch up to Rukia. Hoshi sped up at their warning.

In the middle of one street, Hoshi saw the familiar figure of Rukia standing with two men dressed in black. On the ground were two more figures. One of which had bright orange hair. Panic raised up inside of Hoshi when she saw Ichigo bleeding on the ground, but she had to swallow it back down.

Hoshi noticed that Rukia was about to leave with the two unfamiliar soul reapers. "W-Wait! Please, wait a moment!" The soul reapers stopped along with Rukia when they heard Hoshi call after them. Hoshi raced towards them, her body screaming for her to stop running and rest.

"H-Hoshi!?" Rukia and Ichigo shouted in surprise. Neither one had expected the sickly, white haired girl to show up so randomly. The one of the two soul reapers pulled out his sword and was aout to attack Hoshi when Rukia stepped in front of him. "Stop! Don't hurt her!"

"H-hoshi! You have to get outta here!" Ichigo cried out to her. He didn't want to see her get hurt. It would kill him, knowing he couldn't protect her.

Hoshi smiled as she took in ragged breathes while ignoring Ichigo's plea. "I..I don't I just...needed to say...something important to...Rukia...before she left..." The oldest sould reaper studied Hoshi for a moment before nodding, giving her permission to continue. Hoshi gave him a gratefull smile. "Thank you..." Hoshi turned her attention back to Rukia. "I should have told you this...earlier today...but I'll have to settle for now..." Hoshi stepped closer to Rukia and pulled her into a hug, shocking the black haired girl. "I know that when you leave...people will forget that you were even there...but you should know...even though they may forget you here," Hoshi placed a hand on top of Rukia's head, indicating to her mind. "But they won't forget you here, "Hoshi then moved her hand over Rukia's heart. Hoshi smiled once more. "Memories leave more than just an impression on the mind...but also the heart. The heart never forgets...So no matter'll always have people who care about you here." Hoshi bent down slightly so her mouth would be beside Rukia's ear. "Don't lose hope to quickly."

Hoshi pulled away from Rukia and pulled out something from the small bag she was carrying. It was a small stuffed white bunny. "What's this for?"

"I always see you drawing these little bunny figures, so I assumed you liked bunnies." Hoshi looked down at the little stuffed animal. "I made it myself. I always give my friends a gift to comimerate our friendship." Hoshi pushed the little bunny in Rukia's hands. "Something to remember me by... You've been a great friend, Rukia. I'm very glad I met you. And maybe one day, we'll see each other again."

The soul reaper standing behind Rukia grabbed her by the arm and began to pull her away from Hoshi. "It's time to go."

Hoshi smiled sadly with a single tear rolling down her cheek. Rukia returned the smile. "Thank you." Hoshi continued to watch as Rukia dissappeared from sight with the two unknown soul reapers. When they were gone, Hoshi peered over at the second body to see it was Uryu. She frowned, knowing that two of her friends were hurt.

"Hello, Miss Namikaze," a voice broke the silence in the air.

Hoshi turned to see Kisuke Urahara standing behind her in front of Ichigo's body. Hoshi gave him a small smile. "Hello, Mr. Urahara. Have you come to help Ichigo and Uryu?"

Kisuke nodded, "Yes, I have."

"I see..." Hoshi sighed. "Please take good care of them..." Hoshi began to walk away but collapsed in a fit of coughs. Kisuke rushed to Hoshi's side, asking if she was okay. Hoshi nodded with a smile. "I'll be fine...It'll pass soon. Please tend to Ichigo and Uryu, though. If you don't help Ichigo soon, he'll bleed to death..."

Kisuke frowned but agreed. "Of course...Please take care of yourself, Miss Namikaze." With those words, Kisuke took Ichigo and Uryu away, leaving Hoshi on the empty street alone in the rain.

Hoshi looked up at the sky. "I just have to hold on for a little bit longer..."