And now for the second chapter! Been ages, I know, but I've 1) lack inspiration and 2) been getting heavy nutshots by life. God I hate life and it's backhanded ways... Anyway, hope you enjoy it. As stated before, I am REALLY not good with action, so I hope this is dramatic enough to be good for you all to read. Now on to the concluding part of the second part of my triology!

" - Speech

' - Thought

...And Ever After: Chapter 2

Having killed several dozen more troops on the way to the roof, Garrus and Shepard finally met up with James, who appeared to have had an easier time then they with only a few corpses around him.

"What took you so long, Lola?"

With a growl, a blood soaked Shepard glared at her comrad.

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not in the fucking mood!"

Vega shook his head, smirking.

"Oh come on now. Commander Shepard not enjoying the violence?"

"Not today I'm not! Close to my due date and I'm fighting these assholes. When am I ever gonna get a break?"

Garrus patted her shoulder, giving a soft grin.

"Give it time. You're not exactly one to believe in 'karma' anyway."

The trio gathered, ready for battle as always.

"So... What's the plan, Shepard?"

"The plan?"

She turned, readying her gun as she spotted several more commandos approaching in the distance. Garrus aimed his rifle as Vega prepped his machine gun.

"Kill every mother fucker who comes at us."

They grinned and in unison, said aloud.

"Just like old times."

And so began the firefight. The turian landed a few pot shots at distance soldiers as James handled a rear guard, Shepard killing any who dare get close. Blood painted the floors, flesh was rendered from bone and bodies rained down on the floor between the apartment buildings, noticeable clangs of bone against steel from some as they struck balconies on their way down. For a woman who was heavily pregnant, Shepard hadn't missed a beat, his shields rarely having to regenerate. Clip after clip was emptied into the enemies, some wasted, most well used. Phantoms came, threating to cut the three open, but where put down with brutal force. It was just as Jane slammed one of these backflipping ninja wannabes into the floor, shotgun blowing her arm clean off, losing blood by the pint, that she noticed her current problem.

"Er, guys? Running low on clips here!"

Garrus backed against his beloved, panting from the prolonged battle.

"Same here. Vega! How's your clip situation?"

Vega tossed a grenade, taking out a corner of the roof in the process.

"Not good. That was the last pineapple I was holding too."

Jane gritted her teeth.

"Shit, shit, SHIT! What the fuck are we going to do!?"

Suddenly, the turian's omni-tool burst to life.

"GARRUS! Are you there?"

It was his dextro-amino buddy, Tali.

"Tali!? Kinda in the middle of something here!"

"I know! That's why I'm calling!"

Shepard threw up a biotic wall, kneeling in an attempt to hold it for a while longer.

"Hurry the fuck up Tali and get to the point!"

"I am! Kee'lah! We got in contact with Kaiden and he's sent out help. You just need to hold on till they get there. You can do that right, Shepard?"

She grunted, the battle taking it's stain on her.

"Oh, yeah. Low on clips, no armour, pregnant and facing off against a fucking army of dicks who want my blood... No problem!"

Shepard sarcasm was bitter, growling to her team.

"Every fucking time..."

"They're nearly there, just hold out ok?"

The comm shut off, leaving Shepard to her team, her barrier being struck hard.

"Fuck, fuck and fuck again... Alright, ready for round two?"

The two males nodded. With a roar, Jane released a shockwave with her barrier, taking out a few soldiers in the process, resting as the two men covered her. Slugs tore into their shields but not into flesh, the battle now turning against them.

"How the hell do they have so many soldiers!? I thought you wiped most of them out!"

Shepard rose, firing her Carniflex at the enemy, abandoning her empty shotgun on the floor.

"It's not the same group! It's the extremists ever the Illusive man didn't want!"

Garrus was forced to use his omni-blade as a Guardian got close, slicing through his body easily.

"Make sense. We only ever fought these guys once, they must've be bolstering their ranks behind the scenes."

Shepard's gun clicked, causing her to release a flurry of curses from her depleted ammo. Not soon after, Vega's followed. Then Vakarian's. Forcing up yet another Barrier, her body barely able to take anymore stress, she fell to her knees, nose bleeding heavily and running down her lips.

"Fuck... This isn't how I thought I'd die..."

Garrus knelt besides her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"We're NOT going to die! We've made it through worse! YOU'VE made it through worse! Don't give up on me yet, Jane!"

Vega knelt infront of her.

"He's right, Lola. You're commandor frickin' Shepard. The hardest, most badass soldier Earth ever saw! You're not gonna fall, not here, not now."

Shepard gritted her teeth, her barrier slowly shrinking in size. She was in pain, but enduring.

"Garrus... I... Fuck, you're the best thing to ever happen to me..."

She gave a weak smile, unable to see or open her eyes in her state. Garrus gripped her shoulder firmly.

"Shepard, don't-"

"No... I love you... I'm sorry I never saw before, that it took a damn suicide mission to bring us together, that you had to wait for me. Truth is..."

She coughed up blood, causing her love to hold her tightly.


"...I couldn't be happier to have your child inside of me... To be with you... You're so perfect..."

The commandor's barrier flicked under the heavy assault of slugs, almost ready to fail.

"Lola, don't give up now! Don't you dare give up on us now!"

"Shepard! SHEPARD!"

With Vakarian's roar, the skies seemed to part with the sound of thunder. Only, it wasn't thunder. It was Alliance military crafts raining hell down on the enemy, leveling the vast majority of the remaining Cereberus soldiers. Shepard's barrier died as she rested against her lover, barely awake. With a craft landing close to the trio, Kaiden stepped out. He ran up to Shepard, looking over her, before turning to his old friend.

"Vakarian, status report!"

"Shepard held off the last of the hostiles. She's took a beating."

"Biotics overuse. I understand."

As Kaiden reached down to lift Shepard's head, intent on making sure she's fine, he felt a hand grip his.

"You... Even dare to touch me..."

Shepard's eyes focused lazily on Kaiden's face, a dark and bloody grin crossing her lips.

"I'm breaking your arm."

There was a soft chuckle as they helped her to her feet, Shepard insisting she doesn't need any help.

"Fuck, Lola, you're one hell of an actor. Thought you were done for."

Shepard shrugged as she began to wipe her bloody face clean, her forearms soaked in blood as a result.

"Almost was. You can kinda see..."

Vega patted her back, walking with Alenko as they all made their way to the landing craft.

"Well, you may look like shit, but you're alive. That's what matters."

"Fuck you, Vega."

"I don't know..."

Garrus piped up, giving his lover a soft hug.

"At least then we'd have a matching look."

Shepard laid her head against his shoulder as they walked. Reaching the cargo hold door, Garrus stopped with Shepard.

"So... You meant everything you said back there... Right? It's not just some spur of the moment thing you humans do."

Jane held his talons, shaking her head.

"No, I meant it all. Seriously, Garrus... I never want to think of a life without you."

The turian smiled and kissed his girl softly.

"That, I think I can do."

Shepard watched as her lover walked onto the craft, smiling. Sure, she'd spent the last few minutes at death's door trying to protect him and he'd never be as good as she was when it comes to gunfights, but he was literally the best thing to happen to her. Her life had been chaos and violence, blood and war. She'd never experienced peace as she'd always considered someone longing for a peaceful life to be a pussy. But, after she had a taste, she understood why people wanted that life. She wanted to have a family with Garrus. She wanted to have a normal, non-Reaper infested life. He had given that to her and, disregarding today, she would always have that normal life. But when she truely thought about it, it wasn't just a normal life she had been given. He was her life.

However, her content contempation on her life and happiness was ruined as pain tore into her body, her body falling numb. She gasped for air as she looked down, the familar scent of blood filling the air. There, just below her ribs, was a katana's point, dripping with blood. Garrus looked back, his heart shattering as he spotted a Banshee behind her, holding the blade within her. He screamed her name and ran to her, Kaiden and Vega following in hot pursuit, unable to fire lest they risk hitting Shepard. But to Shepard, she didn't hear them. To her, they were running to slow. All she heard was the murderous bitch behind her.

"Game Over, Alien whore."

She clenched her fist, pushing back on the katana, forcing it deeper through her. Bringing back her elbow, she slammed it hard into the woman's face, more pain shooting through her body. As she faced her enemy, she grabbed her and hugged her tight to her body, slamming armour against flesh, the katana in Shepard's body forced into the Banshee. However, unlike Shepard, the katana slipped into her heart, leaving her with mere seconds of life.

"Game Over... Indeed..."

The two slumped to the ground, Shepard coughing up blood, trembling as her vision began to fade. As Vega kicked the body of the banshee away, Garrus craddled her in his arms.

"NO! Shepard, please god, no!"

She hated seeing him cry. She tried to compair it to the pain she was in now but she couldn't feel anything anymore. Kaiden was knelt beside her but facing his men.


"Garrus... Don't worry..."

Jane patted his chest softly, smearing blood on his body.

"I'm not... Not..."

'Going anywhere... Oh, fuck...'

"Shepard!? SHEPARD!"

As light faded from her view and as her ears fell deaf to the world, she felt one last stab of pain and an unusual warmth. With just a few seconds left to think, Shepard saw in perfect clarity what it was.

'Oh shit... My water broke...'

I love cliffhangers at times. This is one of those times. You'll find out if she survived in the concluding part of the triology and what happened to the baby as well. I realize this is a little short, but you gotta understand I can't stretch genres I'm not good at out very well. Hope you enjoyed this, R&R and I will hopefully be back soon with yet another story for you to enjoy. Think I might upload multi-chaptered stories all together in the future, less pressure on me that way. Anyway, thanks to all of you who have been reading my stuff, it's great knowing my stuff is liked.