Hey readers! Thank you so much for checking out the sequel and second season to my A Teen Wolf Story! If you haven't read the first one, do, and tell me what you think. To all you returning guys, thanks so much for the constant support and amazing reviews! You guys keep me going with this story.
I have a proposal for any of my tech savy readers. I was wondering if any of you guys would want to or like to make a video about my A Teen Wolf Story, since I am in no way techy enough to do that. I was thinking maybe for however does, I can make you a character for cameo appearances in the story, or maybe write you a one shot of your liking.
If anyone would like to, I imagine Kristie as brown hair, twin of Scott, 16. Maybe someone like Nina Dobrev or anyone else you can think of. Also review and tell me you are doing it, so I can acknowledge you and put the video link up for everyone else.
One last thank you, and now I am gonna stop so we can get to Season 2, Episode 1! :)
Kristie sat on her bed, reading her English assignment in nothing but an over sized T-shirt. It had been a couple days since everything with Peter, and things were started to get back to normal. She started seeing Derek a little more, sneaking out to meet up with him. Scott hadn't really figured out they were going out, but Kristie could tell he was getting more and more suspicious.
She was about to highlight a quote, when a cough made her look up. It was Derek. "Hey!" she said, closing the book. "I didn't here you come in."
"I was just admiring the view." Derek said.
Kristie sat up on her knees and pulled Derek over to her. She stood on the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. They began to kiss, their mouths molding into each other with perfect rhythm. Derek slammed them against the bed. God, he is powerful! Kristie thought. She was so turned on by him.
He began to kiss up and down her neck, leaving little nips here and there, causing her to moan. She wrapped her legs around him, drawing him closer. "You have on to many clothes." Kristie said, removing his jacket, then his T-shirt. She smiled as she drew her finger across his abs. He smirked at her.
"You do to." he said. Kristie sat up enough for him to pull off her shirt, leaving her in just her black lace bra and panties. Derek marveled at how amazing she looked. Her hair tossed about, her body tan and toned. He rubbed his hands up and down her thighs, as he kissed her lips, her neck, each of her breast, and then all the way down to her stomach. It took all he had not to rip off her remaining covers. He didn't know how far she wanted to go.
He moved back up to her lips, as she rolled over, getting on top of him. She smiled at his shock. Kristie reached down to his pants, ready to unbutton them and slide them off herself. "Are you sure?" Derek asked.
"I'm very sure." And she undid the button and unzipped the zipper. She slid off his pants. Derek moaned as he was free from this tight denim of his pants. He sat up and Kristie straddled him again, the two the closest they had been since being together. Kristie ran her fingers through his hair and was about to tell him to rip her undergarments off, when her phone started ringing.
Kristie groaned angrily. She reached over to her bed side table and looked at her phone. Scott's picture and name appeared. She groaned again and answered, her and Derek still straddled together. "Scott, not the best time." She said angrily.
"Lydia's missing." Scott said on the other end.
"We think she is transitioning, or running around somewhere as a wolf."
"Well, if she is out looking for her pack, shouldn't she just come to you." She looked at Derek, and his lips met her neck as he began to kiss her again.
"I don't know. But that's not that worst part."
"What's the worst part?"
"It's freezing...And she's running around naked."
"And Allison said her father is out looking for her. We are on our way to get you. Be ready in five." And he hung up the phone.
"Guess this will have to wait. My brother killed the mood." Kristie got off of Derek and went over to her closet, pulling on a pair of black skinny jeans, boots, and grabbing a jacket.
"Can't you just tell them your busy?" Derek asked, pulling her back to him.
"And tell them what? Hey guys, I can't come help you because I really wanna have hot crazy sex with my amazing hot Alpha mate."
"That's one way to put it."
"You know if you showed me where you live now, we could go there. At least we could get some privacy and not have to worry about my mom or brother walking in."
"I'm not ready to show you where I live now."
"Then no complaining." Kristie pulled on Derek's T-shirt and her jacket before going over to her dresser to brush her hair.
"Why are you wearing my shirt?" Derek asked as he began to put his clothes back on. "I need that to get home.
"Won't you be here when I get back."
Derek smiled. "Of course I will. But what do you expect me to do?"
"I don't know. My mom is on a late shift. Watch a movie, read a book. Do my English homework for me."
"Hey, I already graduated. It's your turn." Kristie smiled and kissed him again, when a honk came from downstairs.
"I'll be back in a little bit. Have fun." And Kristie ran downstairs and out the door.
"If she's turning would they actually kill her?" Kristie asked Allison, as she, Stiles, and Scott filled her in on the events of the night.
"I don't know." Allison said. "They don't tell me anything. All they say is we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the others get here."
"What others?" Stiles asked.
"They won't tell me that either."
"Okay, you're family's got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?!" Stiles yelled to Scott, who had his head out the window.
"Take the next right." Scott yelled and Stiles did as he was told.
"She came here?" Stiles asked, as the four walked up to the burnt shell of Derek's old house.
"This is where the sent leads." Scott said.
"Alright, but has Lydia ever been here?"
"Not with me." Allison said.
"Me either." Kristie seconded. "Maybe she was using instinct...to look for Derek."
"You mean looking for an Alpha." Scott said.
"Wolves need a pack, right?" Allison asked.
"Not all of them."
"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?"
"Yeah, we're-we're stronger in packs."
"Like strength in numbers." Kristie said.
"No." Scott said. "Like literally stronger. Faster, better in every way."
"That the same for an Alpha?" Allison asked. Kristie looked up, waiting for a reply.
"It'll make Derek stronger too."
"Look at this." Stiles said. He was kneeling on the ground, holding up a wire. "I think it's a trip wire." He held it up higher and somthing clicked.
"Stiles?" Scott asked.
"Yeah buddy." Stiles, Kristie, and Allison turned to see Scott, hanging upside down in the air, inches from the ground.
"Next time you see a trip wire. Don't trip it."
"Noted." The three walked over to help get him down.
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Someone's coming. Hide." The three ran down the hill, hiding behind some trees. Kristie saw as Mr. Argent walked up to Scott with two others. She couldn't hear there conversation, but she did feel her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out.
Hey babe. Had to leave, heard your mom come me when you get home and I will come back.
Stiles hit her arm as he and Allison started walking back over to Scott. "Are you okay?" Allison asked, as the three came up to him.
"Just another life-threatening conversation with your dad."
Kristie spotted a pully rope hanging from a tree. "Help me with this." They went over, but there was a thud behind them. Scott had cut himself free.
"Thanks. But I think I got it."
Kristie walked into her bedroom and took off her jacket and threw it at the bed. "Ow!" someone groaned. She flipped on her lights to see Derek sitting there, her jacket covering his face.
"Sorry. I didn't know you were already here."
"That's okay." Derek said, removing her jacket.
"I see you got a new shirt."
"Had to. Couldn't go around bare chested."
"Only for me." Kristie chuckled and walked over to him, straddling him once more. She looked down at his shirt and noticed it had dirt on it. "What were you doing?" she asked.
"I was out in the woods."
"Rolling around in the dirt."
"No. Other things."
"Derek, you know you can trust me. What were you doing?"
Derek sighed. "I was helping Issac Lahey."
"Issac Lahey?" She remembered Issac from around school and at lacrosse practice. He was on the team. "What did you help him with?"
"I just offered him out of a bad situation."
"What do you mean?"
"I offered him the Bite."
"The Bite?" Kristie asked. "Why would you offer him the Bite?"
"Because it can help him, and besides I need a pack."
"A pack?"
"Now that I'm Alpha, I need to be stronger, and I'm stronger-"
"With a pack." Kristie finished for him. She remembered what Scott said earlier.
"Yes. Betas will make us stronger."
"You are my Alpha female, my mate. The pack with help me protect you. I don't want anything happening to you."
"She ate the liver?" Kristie asked Stiles in disbelief at what Stiles had told them. Apparently, there was a grave robbery at the cemetery, and Lydia was the trios main suspect.
"No. I didn't say she ate it, I just said it was missing." Stiles informed them. "And even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body."
"I never ate anyone's liver." Scott said.
"Yeah, cause when it comes to werewolves, you're a model of self control." Kristie said.
"Actually, wait." Stiles said. "You're the test case for this, so we should be going over what happened with you."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like what was going through your mind when you were turning, you know? What were you drawn to?"
"Nothing else?" Kristie asked.
"Nothing else mattered. But that's good though, right? Cause the night that Lydia was bit she was with you."
"Yeah, but she was looking for Jackson." Just as Stiles said that, a silver Porsche pulled up and Jackson got out. Kristie got this chill that ran up her spine and to her neck, where it began to burn a little. Something was different about Jackson, she just didn't know what.
"Okay, gather around. Hurry!" Coach Finstock said to the team as he and Kristie walked into the locker room. "Listen up. Police are asking for help on a missing child advisory. A sick girl, roaming around, totally naked. Now it's supposed to get below forty degrees tonight. I don't know about you, but the last time it was cold and I was running around naked...I lost a testicle to exposure. Now, I don't want the same thing to happen to some innocent girl. So police are organizing search parties for tonight. Sign up, find the missing girl, you get an automatic "A" in my class." The boys all cheered and ran to sign up.
"If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods, why should I care?" Jackson asked Scott, Stiles, and Kristie.
"Because," Scott started. "We have a pretty good idea that she might be...You know, turning."
"Into what?"
"A unicorn." Kristie said sarcastically. "What do you think you dumbass?"
"Well, I think if Lydia's turning, she's not the one that's gonna need help."
"What do you mean?" Scott asked.
"Oh, god, you've got it all backwards McCall. When I was with Lydia, you should have seen the scratch marks she gave me. Imagine what she'd do with a real set of claws."
Mr. Harris passed a pop quiz out in chemistry class the next hour. "Okay." Kristie whispered to Scott. "It is causing me serve mental anguish to say this, but he's right."
"I know." Scott whispered back.
"What if the next body part she steals from is someone alive?"
"If is a pop quiz, Mr. Stilinksi." Mr. Harris told Stiles, automatically assuming it was him talking. "If I hear your voice again, I may be tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career."
"Can you do that?" Stiles asked, giving Kristie and Scott a look of, I hate you for this.
"There it is again. Your voice. Triggering the only impulse I've ever had to strike a student, repeatedly, violently. I'll see you at 3:00 for detention. You to, Mr. and Ms. McCall?"
"Nor sir." the two twins said at the same time. Suddenly, Jackson ran out of the room, holding his nose. Kristie looked back at his table and noticed a few drops of what looked like black blood on the floor, from his seat. It was the same color of blood Derek threw up when his body was trying to heal itself.
Kristie ran out of her house and down the street, till she came to a black Camaro parked on the side of the road. She knocked on the window and got in. "Hi." she said to Derek and kissed him.
"So how was your day."
"Oh, so exciting." Kristie said sarcastically, and smirked. Kristie thought back, remembering back to what happened with Jackson in chemistry. "Actually...uh...Jackson today, was bleeding...uh...black blood. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Derek remained silent. "Cause I mean, the last time I saw something like that, was when Kate shot you and you got all sick."
"I don't know anything about Jackson." Derek said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
"Are you sure? I mean-"
"I don't know anything about that!" Derek said, almost yelled at her.
"Maybe I should just, go." Kristie said, reaching for the door.
"Wait." Derek said as Kristie out the car. She was already walking down the street as he got out. "Kristie wait!"
Later that night, Stiles called to tell Kristie that Lydia was safe and sound and home. He also told her that Lydia looked amazing naked, but that was a little to TMI, boy talk for her, so she stopped him from going forward.
Kristie was about to hop in the shower, when Derek sent her a text, an address, and he told her to meet him there. She borrowed her mother's car and went to the address, which turned out to be an old train warehouse. Kristie got out and turned her phone flashlight, make her way inside the building. She followed the rows of old trains till she came to one that had a single light in it. Derek walked out of the train car. "Hi." he said.
"So you live in an old train warehouse. So romantic."
Derek chuckled. He kissed her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get angry at you."
"It's okay."
Derek turned and Kristie saw a boy walking out of the train car. "Kristie, this is Issac."
I hope you guys liked this episode! Sorry it took so long. Please Review. :)