Chapter One: Must Be Feminists

The city streets below were bustling with activity. A lone man walked across the walkways, his scarf billowing in the wind. The man was no ordinary man, but ordinary enough to not attract attention.

His hand slipped into his pocket, a smartphone returning with it. The phone was useful to the man. Aside from all of its fancy features, it was utilized to keep track of day-to-day occurrences. Very important information for the scarfed man's mission. His fingers tapped around on the screen, recording some information he had gathered over the last hour. Nothing groundbreaking, but it still could be useful as time went on.

The fight had been taken outside of the Miyagi prefecture and into the Kanagawa prefecture, somewhat to the man's dismay. Some strange things supposedly happened in the city of Kamakura several years before, something with mutants, but those seemed to be nothing more than urban myths.

The fight itself led the man into the city of Sakurami. The mayor of the town was a foreigner, oddly. The city itself was nicely sized, though nowhere near the size of Tokyo. The city was large, nonetheless, possibly as large as Sendai. The city was in danger, for the enemy's next target would be Tokyo. Odd, considering the enemy had passed over Tokyo on their way to Sakurami City.

The phone in the vigilant fighter's hand started to ring, so a finger was quickly swept across the screen to answer the call.

"Setou," the man said.

"Ah, Kenji," the caller said. "Good. Your package is ready."

"Very well. Where is it?"

"I have a guy placing it behind the Sakurami Middle School."


Kenji Setou ended the call. He had ties with weapons smugglers, connections he had built since he graduated. He had graduated a year before, from a school called Yamaku Academy, a school for the disabled. Kenji wasn't the most attentive student, but he was smart. He knew his shit, and he knew it well, so attendance was never a problem. Plus, he never missed much, considering class 3-2 was for blind students. The partially blind were grouped in as well, a category Kenji fell into.

Kenji was legally blind. In school, it didn't matter if he was wearing his nearly useless glasses or not, but out of school, he was only legally blind without the glasses. He had a special pair of lenses imported from Germany earlier in the year. The lenses were superb, allowing Kenji to see further than he ever had before. He didn't have to lean in extremely close to just make out someone's face, but more importantly, he was able to follow the feminists from a safer distance.

Kenji descended from a staircase, onto the actual sidewalk. The city streets were clearly labeled, allowing Kenji to easily navigate around the city. He walked through numerous crowds, past numerous buildings, and across numerous streets before coming to the aptly named Sakurami Middle School. It had a fairly large courtyard, basically a lake in the landmass of buildings. The package was to be behind the school, so he circled to the back, into a fairly rundown alleyway.

Rundown alleyways were a staple for cities. In Japan, the United States, France, Switzerland... it didn't matter where the city was, there would be rundown alleyways. He knew the area fairly well, having set up shop there for a month. Wherever a feminist stronghold seemed to be, Kenji set up shop there. He didn't care if he had to go as far away as Madrid, he would follow and destroy the feminists.

His footsteps echoed throughout the empty alley, forgotten by even the city's vagrants. A strand of sunlight struck a packaged box, one that Kenji decided to inspect. Written on it was Kenji's surname, Setou, followed by a random jumble of numbers. The box needed to be taken elsewhere, specifically Kenji's hideout. The box quickly found refuge in the arms of the anti-femininst. His head bounced around, making sure no one was following him, let alone paying attention. Once the coast was clear, Kenji made his way back out of the alleyway.

Unbeknownst to Kenji, his phone had predicted his every move that morning, the morning of April 22nd.

Kenji yawned, stretching out in his unimpressive apartment. It served its purpose, to be a hideout. Bar his contacts within the city, Kenji was anonymous to the residents of Sakurami. It wasn't too bad, but Kenji had it much better in his Yamaku dorm. Kenji still had his daily routine to follow, so the box sat on the table, unopened.

Nighttime set in. Rubbing his eyes quickly, Kenji then set off, opening the box. Slicing the tape that held the cardboard flaps together, his hands maneuvered themselves to open the box, revealing Styrofoam peanuts. He shot his hand through, touching a piece of plastic. Feeling around a bit more, he curled his fingers around the object and pulled it out: a handgun. Kenji shot his hand into the Styrofoam sea once more, pulling out another handgun, ammunition, and several magazines for both.

"Looks like they got my order right at least," Kenji praised to himself.

The firearms were illegal in Japan, hence his having to smuggle them. He needed them in case he did have to engage a group of feminists, so he special ordered a Czech CZ75 and a heavily modified Colt M1911A1. Times like that made Kenji envious of Americans for having such lax gun laws. The smugglers did assure him that he could get even heavier guns in, should the battle against feminism escalate to such a point.

Proper firearms training was a part of survival, so Kenji made sure to familiarize himself with firearms as much as possible from reading. The smugglers did let him test out some assault rifles before, occasionally a fully-automatic rifle getting into his hands. However, he settled on the two handguns because of their reliability and ability to be hidden easily. Granted, Kenji had taken into account the Colt's bulkiness, but Americans seemed to favor it immensely. His friend from the United States even suggested to get one, should the chance arise. He sat down, preparing to check the firearms over when his phone rang with a notification sound.

"The hell is it now?"

Kenji grabbed his phone, turning it over to check the message when he suddenly blacked out. To him, it felt like he blacked out, but he awoke almost immediately on a pedestal. Surrounding him were approximately twelve other pedestals, ten of which had other people standing on them. Kenji could only make out silhouettes, much to his annoyance. Looking around once more, a couple sights caught his eye. For one, Latin characters floated above one pedestal, forming the English words "DEAD END." The second sight was that they were all suspended high in the sky.

Goddamn feminists, fucking developing some creepy ass tech that messes with your head! Kenji ruefully thought. Things were getting heated, and he was to be the coolant.

Kenji was left speechless, unsure of what to make of the phenomenon. He certainly blacked out, but he had no idea if he was dreaming or what. 'Or what' was a very viable answer for Kenji at the time, as the last pedestal became occupied and a giant birdlike creature manifested. The person rose from the floor of the pedestal in a ghastly way, being met with some taunts from the others.

Not all of the comments were directed to the person who had arrived, dubbed "First." Some were directed towards Kenji, but Kenji wasn't paying attention to their petty remarks. The birdman stood in his flying egg-like throne, causing everyone to give him their undivided attention.

"Well then," the birdman said. "Now that everyone's gathered, allow me to explain about this survival game once more."

Survival game? Kenji thought.

The birdman held out his hand. "First, the diaries you possess," he said. "Those are called the Future Diaries."

Kenji, clueless as to what he meant, looked around the pedestals to see what the others were doing. Most of them were pulling out what appeared to be cell phones, so Kenji followed suit. In the application Kenji used to write his observations in were a whole new set of observations, ones that he hadn't created.

"They were your diaries you were using, but they distort time, and entries are made ninety days in advance."

Kenji flipped his phone between his hands. There was no possible way such a thing could happen, but if so, Kenji couldn't allow the feminists to get their hands on such technology.

"Can I ask a question?" someone from the pedestals asked.

"What is it, Tenth?" the birdlike creature asked, his voice expressing displeasure.

"I have witnessed this diary's entries changing on their own on several occasions. What's the meaning of this?"

"The future changes, depending on actions of the owners." The birdman stood, waving his hand in the process. A sci-fi hologram appeared. "Suppose your future diary foretold your injury from an accident. When the owner reaches the predicted point in time, they take actions contradicting the prophecy, reality will be altered and the future will change. If you avoid the prophesied accident, the future where you get injured is avoided and your future entries will be overwritten."

The whole time, the hologram was going on. The hologram was only a green stick man and an arrow, but it illustrated some of what the birdguy was trying to get across.

"Hold on!" First said. "My entries changed without me doing anything. It prophesied my death by Third."

The birdy fellow nodded. "You are not the only one who can change the future. That's why it is called a survival game. When a diary owner is confirmed to have killed another, the sentence of death will be passed down." A large Grim Reaper-like figure appeared. "That is the Notice of Dead End."

This doesn't sound too good.

"You're telling us to kill, but we don't know what the other looks like," another pedestal member said.

The birdman frowned. "You will have to find them using your own diary."

"The game starts with identifying the other players, huh?" another asked.

"If your identity's known, you'll be killed. Find their identities and set Dead End flags. If someone sets the flag on you, avoid it by any means necessary. That's the essence of this survival game." The birdman leaned next to First. "First, you were supposed to die back there." The birdman dissipated then reformed in his throne. "Yet, you turned the tables and killed him instead. That is a miracle among miracles." He then addressed all of the members. "First might just be the winner who kills all others. I think you are the favorite to win right now. As for the winner, the last man standing will be the successor to my throne of God - the ruler of time and space. Live or die, there are twelve of you left. Kill before you are killed and win the throne of God."

One-by-one, the others started to leave in blurs of static, each departing person giving some sort of threat to First, who was visibly upset. Kenji was eager to wake up from such a silly dream. Immediately, Kenji did tried to leave, doing various acts until he managed to wake up, his face on the floor of the apartment. Kenji shot up, slowly starting to laugh.

"Oh, damn, that was good," he mumbled aloud as he unlocked his phone to start looking over his observations.

His jaw dropped when his phone had predictions inside of it.

AN: First chapters aren't my specialty, as I said before. This story will not be updated frequently, since my main focus is ADD. I do appreciate any support for any of my three stories, and any ideas will be graciously accepted.

All critiques are welcome as well. Finally, I will reference ADD in this story occasionally.